

kickass heroine

Humans were always despised by the Black Stom clan because of a tragedy that happened long back. No one was allowed to be involved with humans, yet Nicholas Barbin fell in love with one and had two daughters, Rain and Sylvia. Unfortunately, the clan Alpha found out and his human wife was killed in front of his eyes. Sylvia was born a wolf like her father, but on the other hand, Rain was a human just like her mother. To protect her daughter from his clan members, Nicholas kept Rain a secret and only revealed Sylvia as his daughter. 10 years passed and Rain was still living a life in the shadows until her older sister, Sylvia was found dead in her school and the case was closed as suicide. Everyone moved on, but Rain believed there was more to her sister's death and so to find the real truth, she decided to go to her sister's school as a student. Her father gives her a locket to block her human scent, but is it enough to fool everyone, especially the three most popular boys? They rule the school as if they own it they're compared to God and everyone in the school follows them blindly and those who go against their word will only get bullied or face disappearance. A series of incidents makes Rain catch their eyes, will she be able to get her revenge, or temptation, lust, and love will distract her ways from her sister's real truth?

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Secret daughter
Nicolas’s pov A bad storm that ruined everything, it was meant to destroy my family…because I dared to love a human. My clan people brutally killed my wife in front of my eyes, and helpless me couldn't even save her. My hands and legs were tied to a huge pine tree, it was impossible to break free from those iron chains. “Belle” “Don't kill her” “Belle” “She is innocent” I kept begging them, but their merciless souls were far from forgiveness, they ripped her heart into pieces and watched her painful death with satisfaction. Even in her last moments, she smiled at me and slowly closed her eyes. Our daughters lost their mother and I lost the love of my life. Black Storm clan despised humans because of a painful tragedy that happened long back. Our families were brutally killed by human hunters and their deaths were celebrated like a festival. Our Alpha, Gerardo Da Vinci was the one who decided to bring justice and so he released a bloodbath against humans and killed every single hunter, but his hatred for them was so much…even the innocents were not safe. A rule was created with his rise in power, no wolf shall be involved with a human. And just like that our small town in Italy became a hell for humans. Wolves would kill them, no, they would rip them into pieces or eat them alive. The terror increased so much, humans left Marceta and never came back. Black Storm clan rose to even greater power and made the world kneel down to our Alpha, Gerardo Da Vinci. After three years, they killed a human again, my wife. She made a mistake by coming here and I committed a grave sin of loving a human. Gerardo Da Vinci stood in front of me and glared straight into my eyes with his devilish gaze. “You have a daughter, right?” My lips were just silent, whereas fear was dancing in my head. “Bring her to me!” He commanded his guards in blue uniform. A few minutes later… The guards dragged six years old Sylvia with force and made her knelt down beside me on the muddy ground. “Very pretty!” His sharp claws touched her fragile head. She was shaking with fear, and why not? She was a human born!! “Is this child also a human?” His cruel tone questioned me. “No, my daughter is a wolf.” “Is that so?” He chuckled. “Then show me your claws, will you?” His eyes turned red. I held Sylvia’s palm and gave her strength to face that monster. She took a deep breath and showed them her sharp claws, which proved her identity as a wolf. “Lovely!” Gerardo clapped with happiness. “You're indeed a wolf, lovely!” “Let them go!” His strong voice commanded one more time. The guards released us and I lifted Sylvia in my arms, she was still trembling. As soon as Gerardo left with his army, tears rolled down my eyes and my feet slowly approached her lifeless corpse. “Belle” “Forgive me” “Forgive me for being such a coward” “Mother!” “Mother, wake up!” Her footsteps reached my ears and I turned around. “What happened to Mother?” She asked in her baby voice. “Why did you come out?” My grip clutched her wrist and aggressively dragged her back inside. Sylvia locked the door and I pushed the button beside the mirror. It was a secret passage to the hidden room downstairs. “I have told you so many times not to come out, no matter what happens!” “But Mother…” My arms wrapped around her small body and pecked her forehead. Unlike Sylvia, Rain was born a human. We never revealed her existence to the cruel world, she was our little secret. Everyone thinks I have only one daughter, but the truth is…Belle gave birth to two daughters. “You must stay hidden, okay?” My palm gently touched her cheek. She nodded her head to my words. If anyone finds out about her, they will kill her in the worst way possible. *** 10 years later… Rain’s pov My eyes could only see the world through my window, I was caged in that secret room ever since my birth. Sister Sylvia goes to school, has friends, and even a handsome secret boyfriend she hides from me, on the other hand…my friends are only birds, who don't even understand my language. “Rain, come down.” The Hitler calls. My father, who loves Sylvia and lets her do whatever she wants, but his behavior completely changes around me. Sylvia does make up and dress up, whereas I have learnt to fight with swords. My presence was nowhere near a girl. “Why is she allowed to do everything in the world and not me?” It was my last breakdown. “Because you're not your sister!” His answer shattered my heart. The fact that I was born a human…turned out to be my biggest mistake. “Get ready for dinner, your sister is coming home for Christmas.” “Yes, Father.” *** Later in the evening… Sylvia rushed to me and hugged me tightly, it was after a long time. “How are you?” A bright smile perked up her beautiful face. “As always!” My sarcastic tone answered. *Chuckles “School is really hard, you're lucky that Father teaches you at home.” “He is strict, very strict.” She had no idea. The Christmas dinner was silent and awkwardly cold…it was more like a funeral ceremony. Father only asked a few questions to Sylvia about school, finished his plate, and headed straight to his bedroom. *Sigh “My breath was stuck in my throat!” Words came out of my mouth. “He has changed a lot.” Sylvia mumbled. A playful smile glinted on her lips and she took out alcohol from her bag. “Let's have a drink, little sis” One after another, we emptied five bottles of alcohol and it was amazing. “How is your secret boyfriend?” My elbow poked her arm. “He makes me very happy.” Her cheeks turned red. “I want to see him, too!” My lips requested. “You will…soon.” She whispered. . . . The next morning, Sylvia left for school and it was again just Father and me. “Did you drink last night with your sister?” His heavy voice inquired. “Uhm…Yeah, a little…” “Never drink again!” He set another harsh rule like he always does. “Yes, Father!” A week passed by and another weekend arrived with Sylvia's news. “Your sister wants to introduce someone, she will be here with him.” “Her boyfriend?” I jumped on the bed and grasped my mouth. “You're not meeting him!” He refused. “But I want to meet him, too!” My stubborn voice argued. That person was important to Sylvia and as her sister, I wanted to enjoy her happiest moments. “Don't argue with me and go back to your room, right now!” He commanded. Unexpectedly, a phone call interrupted. It was a call from the police station to inform us about Sylvia's suicide.

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