Hidden truth

1182 Words
Rain's pov Never thought I would wear black for my sister…it was supposed to be a nice gorgeous dress for her wedding. My eyes were looking at her coffin through the window, whereas our clan members were giving condolences to Father, standing with numb face expressions. He was probably blaming himself again!! It happened when Mother left us and after so many years, it happened again. Tears rolled down my eyes as her last smile flashed in my memory. The pain was hard to endure, she was my other half and I lost her, too. My sister was indeed happy, that smile of hers…wasn't fake. The cops said it was suicide!! She killed herself because of exam pressure, that's what was written in her suicide note. Exam pressure? Sylvia topped her class every year with the highest percentage. Unlike me, my sister had dreams and ambitions. But the most suspicious fact was…she had someone to introduce to us. Father kept begging the cops to investigate properly, but they refused. It's not like they didn't believe Father, they were just following our Alpha's orders. Blue Castle school…run by him. Perhaps, the cops got strict instructions to drop the case and protect the school's so-called reputation. But you know what, Sister? When Mother died I was too young and helpless to do anything, but this time, I will bring justice to you. “Your death wouldn't be like Mother's!” . . . At dinner… Only the sound of our spoons touching the plates were echoing in the silent mournful dining room. “I don't think Sylvia killed herself.” Words came out of my mouth. Father stopped eating and shifted his cold gaze to my stressed face. “She was happy!” My timid voice murmured. His fingers slammed down the spoon to his plate and he got up from his chair. He was about to leave the table, yet my words stopped his steps. “I want to enroll in Blue Castle school.” “Have you gone mad?” His voice groaned angrily and shook the table. “Father…” “Not a word!” His eyes turned fiery red. “Go back to your room!” He commanded. I got up from my chair and clenched my dress tightly in the grip of my fist. “How long are you going to be like this?” “How long are you going to endure?” “They killed my mother and now they killed my sister, too!” “What was their fault?” The anger suppressed inside me for so many years…burst out at once. “She deserves justice!” “And I will find the truth, with or without your help, Father.” First time in so many years, my voice spoke so strongly against him. The man who always tried to control my actions, was just silent. He didn't answer and headed straight to his bedroom, leaving me alone to deal with my turmoil of emotions. *** My patience waited a whole week for him to talk to me about Sylvia, yet no response from his side. His concern as a father was right, he wanted to protect me from our own clan, but injustice will only do us worse... and I couldn't let it slide anymore, especially when he was now my only family. What if they take him, too? Even the thought of losing him scared my soul to the essence. His protection will only be ensured when Sylvia's culprit go behind the bars. My sister at least deserves that much. In the end, his stubbornness left me no choice, but to escape. I packed my suitcase and perched on the bed with no plan whatsoever. It wasn't easy to escape from the Hitler, but my feet just wanted to run away. Unexpectedly, he stepped inside. “Father?” My anxious tone uttered. His sharp eyes noticed my suitcase under the bed and fear crawled over my body. “What is it?” “I have enrolled you in the school.” My eyes widened with shock!! “You did what?” My ears couldn't believe his words. “You're going to attend Blue Castle as my niece and one more thing…” His feet walked over to me and closed the distance between us to inches. He took out a beautiful blue pendant from his pants' pocket and decorated my stark neck with it. “This is not a normal locket.” “The blue pendant is binded with magic to block your human scent and provide you with my wolf scent.” “But everytime the pendant turns red, the magic will stop working and you need to patiently wait a whole day for it to change back to blue.” “If you had something like this…” “Why didn't you let me use it before?” My forehead wrinkled with curiosity. He shifted his gaze to the window and broke our eye contact. “You don't have to know everything!” His stiff tone refused to tell me. His feet slowly walked over to the door and suddenly stopped… “Bring justice to your sister.” That was his unsaid trust in me. *** Blue Castle school… Father dropped me off to the gates and as soon as my boots touched the ground, fresh air replenished my caged soul. I was outside!! Tears filled my eyes as they admired the beauty of the real world…it wasn't dark and lonely anymore. Father left, without saying goodbye, but I knew we were on the same team. My steps walked over to the huge golden gate of Blue Castle school shrouded with red roses and two strong built guards protecting it from the outsiders. I showed them my admission receipt and they opened those huge gates for me. A long road with trees on both sides was touching the school's entrance, it was quite a distance from the gates. My feet slowly started walking on that road and soon the full picture of Blue Castle school was revealed before my curious eyes. It was no less than a castle!! One could get lost in that huge building with strong black pillars, so huge that even a mobile screen would fail to capture the whole existence. I went inside with courage and followed the dark long corridors leading to the principal's office. My eyes were so lost in the darkness that they didn't even notice the person in front of me. My body accidentally bumped into his broad back and the admission receipt fell from my hands. “I am so sorry!” “Annoying!” His husky voice mumbled. He bent down and tied his white shoelaces without meeting my eyes for once. He didn't even turn around and walked out of my sight as soon as he was done. “Strange!” My lips mumbled back. I looked down for the admission receipt…but it was gone. “What?” “My admission receipt?” Wait a minute… Did that person take it?
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