Annoying fella

1213 Words
Rain's pov Even though my identity was a mere human, I was trained by a strong wolf. When Sylvia was studying, Father taught me to play with swords. “Whoa!” A familiar voice cheered for me. My head turned in the direction of that voice…and it was that same platinum blonde hair guy. He came closer and clapped for me, his eyes were glowing as if he was really impressed with his friend's defeat. “It's not easy to beat Rocco Accardi, but you flipped him upside down, bravo!” My lips were just silent…his presence was warning me to stay away. “I should go back to my room!” My lips murmured and my feet headed straight back to the girl's dormitory. The speed of my steps were faster than the speed, they were anxious to disappear from his sight as soon as possible. A sense of relief rushed through my veins as I reached in front of my room. *Phew My grip on the door knob slowly opened the door and immediately closed it back, but the moment my head turned to my bed…he was already in my room, sleeping in my bed with my pillow in between his masculine arms. “What the fu*k?” My shocked tone mumbled. “How did you get in?” I questioned. His finger pointed at the open window. “Get out of my room, now!” My angry voice commanded. “For some reason your bed is more comfortable than mine!” the corner of his mouth curved. “Leave my room, now!” My words repeated them again. He flung my pillow against the wall and his feet touched the floor. His steps slowly approached me and in the blink of an eye, aggressively pinned me against the door. His speed was invisible to my naked eyes!! I couldn't even realize when he pinned me against the wall and when he came closer, it happened so fast that even my body wasn't ready for his unexpected attack. His strong grip of one palm cinched my hands above my head and his devilish ocean blue eyes glared into mine. “You hit my loyal follower…that means, you’re not afraid of playing a game of cat and mouse with Asher Da Vinci.” “Cat and mouse?” He freed my hands and his lips slowly moved closer to mine, yet he smirked and turned to my right ear. “You're my mouse, actually, rat!” His husky voice whispered. His heavy breathing brushed my neck and he shifted his devilish gaze to the upper part of my top. It wasn't ironed, there were lines!! His fingers fixed my crinkled top and a muscle feathered on his sharp jaw face. “Watch your back 24/7, you never know what might happen to you!” “Oh! And, nice locket.” He turned around, walked over to the window and jumped off, whereas my feet knelt down against the door. “I must stay away from him!” *** The next day… As usual my seat was on the last bench beside the window. While everyone sits with a partner, the seat next to me was empty…it was an instruction from Rocco and no one dares to go against his words. My eyes were silently reading a book and suddenly, every head in the classroom turned to my face. It was because of him!! That same white t-shirt guy entered the class and perched on the empty seat beside me, everyone was shocked. He was wearing all black as if he was in a rebel mood and with his one glare, they all turned their heads to the blackboard. Who was he to go against Rocco? “Uh…You're that white t-shirt guy!” My soft tone whispered. He looked at me for a few seconds and headed down on the bench. His silence ignored my presence!! A few minutes later… The door opened as a student rushed inside with breaking news. “Someone knocked out Rocco last night.” His strong voice announced. Gossips started flowing through the crowd and my heart became awfully anxious. Do they know it was me? “Who went against Rocco?” One of the students questioned with inquisitiveness. “That is not revealed yet.” That student further informed the rest. “He is hospitalized right now!” The announcement shook everyone from the essence, they were excited and curious at the same time. Why did Rocco keep my name a secret? Perhaps, he was ashamed that a girl half his size knocked him out with just a single hand flip or is he planning something? The whole class was discussing the topic, except the guy sleeping beside me. He wasn't interested at all. The class ended, yet he was still sleeping. I rolled my eyes at him!! He unexpectedly turned his gaze to me and after a short pause, got up from his seat and stretched his arms. “You shouldn't roll your eyes at strangers!” His heavy sarcastic tone muttered and he walked out of the class. I hid my face in my book out of embarrassment, it was truly awkward. As soon as his strong presence left the classroom, a girl sat beside me with a pleasing smile. Her black hair was straight short and her hazel eyes were like a green whole forest with a touch of innocence. “Hey!” “I am Nadine, nice to meet you.” “I am Rain” Now that Rocco was hospitalized, she didn't hesitate to approach me. “How did it feel?” Her eyes perked up. “What do you mean?” My brows furrowed. “You were sitting beside Felix Da Vinci, he never sits beside anyone!” His name made everything crystal clear!! “I would sell my soul to sit beside him.” She turned out to be his crazy fan. “All three of them are best, hard to choose one brother.” Her lips giggled. And then she started telling me their brief biography… Gerardo Da Vinci has three sons from three different wives. Even though they're half brothers, they share a strong bond. Felix Da Vinci, first born of the Vinci family, he always maintains his distance from other students, always quiet and mysterious. Asher Da Vinci, second born of the Vinci family and a bully who loves tormenting his targets, he changes girlfriends like he clothes…a total bad boy, but good looking. Jeremy Da Vinci, third born of the Vinci family, and an arrogant genius. He loves knowledge and considers himself above every book. “I haven't met him.” “Well, he is on a vacation.” “In the middle of the school year?” “He is Gerardo Da Vinci's son.” She reminded me of his status. “Are you free tonight?” She said with immense excitement. “Why?” “Let's go out tonight.” “But we're not allowed to leave school.” Her lips slowly moved closer to my ear and whispered… “We students use a secret passage that teachers aren't aware of.” "Whoa!" "But where are we going?" "A ravishing house party." She smiked.
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