Dance competition

1590 Words
Rain's pov My palms were cold as my mind was anxious to face Rocco again. It wasn't a big deal to beat him in his human form, but if he had taken his wolf form, it could have been impossible to beat him. A human can only kill a wolf with a silver bullet or with a dagger, but he's a student here unlike me, who's faking it. I could never kill a student, until he had something to do with my sister. Nadine followed me to the theater room, even though she was trembling behind my back with immense fear. As soon as my hands opened the heavy huge door of our theater room, Rocco's eyes glared straight into mine. “Look who's here…” He was sitting on a wooden bench, placed in the middle of the big stage, but he wasn't alone…Sasha and his five minions were standing right beside the bench. “Come here!” His fingers called me closer. My feet slowly walked over to him and stood at a safe distance…not too close, not too far, since Nadine was also with me and her safety was in my hands. “Oh! You brought a friend!” “What is this about?” My stiff tone questioned him. Sasha came forward and stood in front of me with her arms crossed and a wicked smirk on her lips. “You hit Rocco that night and physical assault against any student only means one thing in Blue Castle… “Expel from the school” They gotta be fu*king kidding me!! “Where was this rule when I was being bullied by you all?” My courageous voice raised at them. *Chuckles “The school is run by Gerardo Da Vinci and Rocco's father works for him. Do you still want to know why the rules are different for every student?” I clenched my palm tightly and lowered my gaze to the floor in anger. This school was my only option to find the truth behind Sylvia's death, if I get expelled…everything will go to vain. “People like you only know how to mooch off their father's position, isn't it?” My rage spoke once again. Rocco started laughing like crazy!! “If you had a father, rich as mine, you would have done the same.” Words came out of his mouth. He got down from the bench and his palms went inside his pants' pockets. “Do you want a fair chance?” “Sasha, you give her a fair chance, so she doesn't whine about injustice later.” Her long nails painted red tucked her hair behind her ear and she sarcastically smiled at my situation. “Do a dance competition with me.” “At the end of the competition, if you even managed to get one vote, you'll stay or pack your bags and quietly leave.” Dance?? Fu*king dance competition!! My whole childhood was swords and fighting in the mud…how the hell am I gonna win this dance competition? “Oh! And Sasha is the best dancer of our school, she's too good.” Rocco mentioned to hype up my anxiety. *** Later that day… I reached in front of my dorm, only to see Asher Da Vinci, kissing two girls at the same time…Casanova!! His eyes suddenly met mine and he stopped his make out session. “Catch you later, babies!” His husky voice whispered to them and those two hot blondes quietly went back to their dorms. “Gross!” My lips mumbled. His arm leaned against the wall and his flirtatious eyes looked into mine. “Never kissed anyone?” My eyes rolled at him and I was about to step inside my room, yet… “Where is my thanks?” “Thanks?” My brows furrowed. “That night Rocco could've killed you with that wounded guy…I pressed the emergency bell button for you.” “You did?” It was a shock. His shoulders raised up and a smile glinted on his charming lips. My feet slowly walked over to his strong presence and closed the distance between us to mere inches. My palm touched his exposed clean shaved chest and slowly slid down to his navel. The brown buttons on his denim shirt were all open, they were just for show!! “Ahm...You’re very hard to figure out, Asher Da Vinci.” He was confused with my sudden bold seductive action. His eyes were trying to figure out the real meaning. But before he could do something… My palm pushed him back and a sarcastic smirk arose on the corner of my mouth. “Get off my doorstep!” My feet stepped inside my dorm and aggressively slammed the door. *** The gossip about the dance competition between me and Sasha was trending hot in Blue Castle…everyone was eagerly waiting for my loss. They said they were playing fair, but it turned out every vote was on their side. This was nothing new!! Whenever something like this happens, all the votes go to Sasha and Rocco and the student against them always ends up getting expelled. This was like a ritual to insult or show the other students their place in the school, and this time that unfortunate student was Rain Bonetti. I even asked some of the students to vote for me, but none of them heard my plea, not even the guy, who was saved by me that night…it all started because of him. Shouldn't he be at least grateful? The truth was something else…any student, who will vote for me, will only face disappearance or death. Sasha said even a single vote could stop me from leaving, but assuming the situation, she was confident because of her strong grasp on others. Their vote was her decision!! Nadine taught me a few good steps, but she was too scared to vote for me and I couldn't blame her either. “These steps are very hard!” Dance was definitely not my cup of tea and Sasha’s gonna win anyway, no one will vote for their death, means Rain Bonetti. Sorry Sylvia, I failed you!! *** The day of the dance competition… Sasha on stage was like a Goddess, her every move was flexible and smooth that one could only admire her. She was looking stunning, it was as if the wind was driving her body. No wonder she was the top student of our dance department. As she finished with grace, everyone clapped for her and she gave me a vicious look of her fixed victory. To be very honest, I couldn't have matched with those incredible moves of hers, whether fixed or not. Rocco called my name on the stage and the whole crowd went silent. They weren't even clapping as they did for Sasha when she arrived on the stage. We came face to face and he smirked. “Ready for your performance?” “I have something to announce!” He gave me the mic and my face turned to the crowd sitting in front of us. “Sasha was incredibly good and I am not a good dancer like her, the competition was never meant for me, it was for her from the very first page, so congratulations.” “Let's just end this drama!” “You're not performing?” Rocco reconfirmed my words. “No!” He chuckled and took the mic from my hands and announced… “Even though she didn't perform, we must carry out the voting procedure.” One by one everyone wrote their votes on a white small piece of paper and put that paper inside the voting box, whereas Sasha and I were waiting backstage. “Hope you have a great life outside Blue Castle high.” She whispered. Rocco called us back on the stage and started counting the votes… “Sasha” “Sasha” “Sasha” Every paper had her name!! “Sasha” “Sasha” “Sasha” “Rain” The moment he said that, everyone was shocked to the essence!! “What did you say?” Sasha asked again. “This paper has her name…” She snatched the paper from Rocco's hands and read it herself. Her eyes widened with shock!! She cramped the paper in her hands and glared at the crowd. “WHO GAVE THIS VOTE?” “WHO IS IT?” Everyone was looking at each other, but no one came forward. “Was it you, Nadine?” She suspected her in the whole crowd. “No!” She nodded her head horizontally. “WHO IS IT?” Her voice groaned again. A hand raised in the crowd and all the heads turned to that person. “COME OUT, RIGHT NOW!” Rocco commanded. He came out of the crowd and revealed his presence to every eye… “Felix Da Vinci” Rocco stepped back and lowered his head, even the crowd was silent. “Why did you vote for her?” Sasha questioned in her soft tone. His light brown eyes met mine and his deep voice answered... “I hate dancing" He stretched his arms and walked out of the theater room. “WHO THE HELL ASK FELIX TO JOIN THE VOTING?” Sasha was so angry, she even flipped the table on which the voting box was placed. My soul was relieved, it was a miracle!! “I am staying!” My lips murmured.
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