1602 Words

Chapter 16 Aria Amethyst's Point of View I stirred, awoken by the chill in the air, the breeze dancing on my skin. Shivering, I fought my drowsiness and rose to fetch my blanket from the bag. From outside, the symphony of waves crashing against the shore and the gentle whispers of the wind filled the darkness. Peering out, I found the surroundings still cloaked in shadows. The once-lit bonfire, a creation of Blue's, had succumbed to the night, leaving only trails of wispy smoke. Wide-eyed, I realized Blue wasn't in his usual spot. He wasn't beside me either. Panic flickered as I searched for him, wrapping the blanket around me. "Where did he go? Did he leave me?" I murmured, a surge of worry flooding my senses. But that couldn't be true; his belongings were still in our tent. "Where

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