1849 Words

CHAPTER 17 Thadeus' Point of View Morning sunlight spilled through the windows as I questioned Mom about Blue and Aria. "When will they be back?" I inquired, my mind already clouded with worry. Mom paused, her response bringing an unexpected wave of anxiety. "Next week, dear. Why? Is something wrong?" she asked, concern etched on her face. "Nothing, mom." I dismissed her inquiry, burying my unease beneath a facade of normalcy. As I continued my meal, thoughts swirled within me. Why did Blue take Aria on his road trip? The mystery lingered, gnawing at my curiosity. Blue's solo journeys were a tradition, yet this time, he veered from the norm, and uncertainty loomed. As the final morsel of my meal disappeared, I gracefully excused myself from the dining table, leaving behind the warmt

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