Chapter 13

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Jungkook's Pov: Its a busy day again for a ceo like me and now seating at my office, with some important documents that was needed to be signed from other departments, and at the middle of checking those documents my mind suddenly wonder about my son and Taehyung. I cant help but smile like a psycho and pick my phone, unlocked it and open gallery, staring at the photo of my son playing at the kids park at the mall this morning. Im really grateful that Baekhyun send it to me that made my day lit up after of what happen between Taehyung and i this morning. I still cant believe that im a father now and im really happy for that. All i need to do from now on is to cherish and treasure them, make them my priority above all. But first of all, i really need Taehyung to forgive me, and even it takes me for so long i will never give up  asking for his forgiveness. "I cant wait for that day you call me daddy, son." I said while touching the face of my son that i made as my wallpaper. "Come in." I said as i heard a knock from my door but not looking away from my phone screen, a smile still plastered at my lips. "Wow, that kind of smile, i miss it." I quickly raised my head upon hearing the familiar voice. "Hyung....when did you arrived? Why you didn't tell me so that i send someone to pick you?" I said as i stand from my chair still my phone in my hand. "I wanted to surprise my busy dongsaeng." He replied as soon as he sit at the couch while i sit at the other side. "Im happy to see that kind of smile, is that a good sign that something good happen while im not around, right?"  My smile become wider when i look again at my screen, "Yes hyung. Its the best news that came to me few days ago." I replied. I look at him when he didn't say anything for few seconds and i saw him staring at me with a smile yet his eyes held a confusion. "Hyung, i have a son, can you believe that? Im a father now, hyung." I said with so much passion and happiness that i dont even know how to express it. As if my heart wanted to jump out of my chest for so much happiness. "Yah! Jeon Jungkook! I didn't know your that eager to have son with Seulgi and why--- "Seulgi? What the f**k you're talking about hyung?" I narrowed my eyes to him and i didn't notice his hand smack the back of my head. "Yah! How dare you curse infront of me, you bunny boy." "Ouch, hyung." I whined as i touch my head. "Oh my god, Jungkook. Dont tell me you impregnated another woman!" He yelled a bit and almost smack me again but i quickly stand to get away from him. "Nah! What do you think of me hyung? I didn't impregnated other woman nor Seulgi. Its my son from Taehyung, hyung." I explained with a smile in my face and i saw him stunned and his eyes went wide. He was silent for almost a minute and when he realised what i told him, he suddenly run towards me and hug me tight like his life depends on it. Jin hyung is my cousin and he became close to Taehyung as soon as our wedding was done. He never knew about how jerk and cruel i treat Taehyung for Tae never told him once. Jin hyung got so mad to the extend that he punched my face when he learned how i treat Taehyung. He beat the best out of me even when he knew that i divorced Taehyung. He left Korea and never contacted me for almost a year. He just contact when he heard the news of my engagement to Seulgi, i was happy before that finally he talks to me yet he just cursed at me on the phone, he kept yelling at calling some names. He even told me to forget that we are cousins when i continue that relationship to Seulgi. And its been same two years since that phone call from him, im glad that finally he came back and now hugging me for hearing the good news i  have shared to him. "Tell me that you are joking, Jungkook." Hyung said making me chuckle. I pull away from his hug and handed my phone, "Look how handsome my boy is, hyung." I said and he giggled staring at my screen. "Oh my god, he's so cute. I wanted to see him. Let go to him, Kook. Come on." Jin hyung said excitedly, pulling my hand but i stopped him and he look at me with a frown. "You dont know how much i wanted to see him hyung, but the situation between me and Taehyung as of now is...complicated." i said with sadness. "What do you mean?" Jin hyung asked as he sits back and i turn to face the mirror wall, my left hand inside my pocket while the other holding now my phone staring at the screen. "He didn't know that i knew about our son already hyung. Besides, he came to our company as a representative of Jung's group from Switzerland, hyung. But from next week, after the contract signing with of company's he will work permanently as one of my designer. And about my son, Baekhyun accidentally blurted it thats why i beg him to tell me everything. And i swear, i wanted to kill myself when i learned about how he suffered that day he left me. I wanted to make things right before it become too late for me, hyung but honestly i dont know what should i do." I breath out heavily and didn't realised a tear roll down to my cheek. I felt a hand gently pat my back and i knew its my Jin hyung. "Everything will be okay, okay? You need to do something now before its too late. If you really wanted them to your life, make a move now or you will regret it for the rest of your life. Im always here if you need something else." He said and i felt like i gain some strength from his words. I dialed a number from my phone that i knew can help me too. "Baek, i need to talk to you, come at my office tomorrow." I said and after he said yes i close my phone. "Thank you hyung. I do really need those words from you." I said and he pat my shoulder this time. "How he is? Its been three years since i saw him." I heard Jin said, his voice suddenly become sad. "He's fine hyung. He become more beautiful and even fierce now." I chuckle with my own words. I didn't know that i can say those words to him remembering how jerk and asshole i am from him years ago. I even never told him that he is beautiful, but bow my mind always see his angelic face. "He is always beautiful and gorgeous, Kook. Its just that you didn't notice it before because all your attention is with your you will pursue Taehyung when you're engage with that flirt?" I chuckle at Jin hyung last word. He surely hated Seulgi. "I broke up with her few days ago." I nonchalantly replied. I saw him raised his brows. "I swear hyung, i ended our relationship. I knew she would do something in the future to hurt my family but i swear, i wont allow it. Thats why i secretly assigned some people to guard them. And i--- I was interrupted when my phone rings and saw it was Sehun, one of my business partner and friend to be exact. "Hey, did you come back?" I asked as soon as i answered his call. "Yes, but thats not important. Bring foods and come at this address." I frowned at what he told, he really never change. "I cant join you now, my cousin came back and i--- "Asshole, if you dont come and bring foods, i swear you're gonna regret it. Im here trying to help you get back with Taehyung and you--- Taehyung??? "You're with Taehyung?" I asked looking at Jin hyung who was shockingly has a wide grin at his lips. "What are you doing there? And wait, what food should i bring? Wh---yah! Sehyun!" I yelled in frustration when he suddenly hang. I walk back and fort, thinking what to do or what should i bring. I poke my tongue and even biting my bottom lip for my mind suddenly stop working. "Hey, your too nervous, Kook." I stop walking when Jin talk. I saw him look at his watched and smile making me confused. "We still have time, lets go at the market and buy the ingredients, i will cook. Dont worry, i know all Tae's favorite food." I saw him winked and without waiting for me i already saw him outside the door so i quickly pick my coat and leave my office. "Joy, cancel whatever schedule i have now." I told my secretary and dash out to follow Jin at the elevator. My mind was so messed up, now i realised i dont have any idea what kind of food Taehyung really likes. I dont know anything about him. To be honest, Taehyung became a good husband to me when we were married despite the fact that i treat him like a trash and just used him when i cant control my hormones. He never complain nor disagree to what im doing with him even though im hurting him already, physically and mentally. I shuddered and feel guilty when suddenly i remember that day when i woke up after our wedding. I still dont know what exactly happen that night but seeing how many bruise and bites at Taehyung body, i knew i did something worse. "Hey! Lets go." Jin snapped me from my deep thought and i walk behind him. It took us an hour to buy everything i drive to my mansion. The mansion once Taehyung live. I dont remember i ever called this mansion a home since i never felt like its home. I help Jin carry those things and nana smiled as soon as he saw Jin. She help us too and even help Jin hyung prepared everything without asking anything. I was just standing at the corner, watching the two person who really become a part of my life. "Yah! Why are you standing there? Dont you want to go and freshen up so you look fresh when you meet him?" Jin hyung said, raising his right brows with a wooden spatula on his right hand pointing at me. "Oh yeah, thank you hyung." I said as i turn and rush upstairs to my room. It took me almost half an hour before looking at myself at the mirror. I smile when i feel contented. I must look good to face Taehyung and my son. I smile again like a psycho imagining that as soon as i see them, i will hug them both.  A knock making me turn at heard Jin hyung telling me to come down if im done. I walk downstairs and saw everything was settled in a paper bag, oh not only one paper bag but five paper bags containing Taehyung's favorite food. "Good luck and dont mess up." Jin hyung gives me a goodluck hug and even kiss my forehead. "Thank you hyung. I promise, i wont mess this time again." I replied before walking out with them helping me with the foods to settle at my car. ~~~~ With all the food cooked by Jin hyung and nana, i was standing now right infront of Taehyung door. Debating if i should knock or press the bell or i even think of backing out and just go back to the mansion. But at the end, after taking a deep breath, i press the bell for two times. I waited for few seconds before the door suddenly opens and my breath hitch as soon as seeing Taehyung. He was even surprised seeing me. "J-jungkook?" His deep voice that sound like music to my ear. I saw his gaze went to the paper bags im holding and he raised his brows, i felt like my words were stuck down my throat. "W-what are you doing here?" He added and i internally smile when i saw him blush a little..a very little only just because this is what the author wants. "F-foods?" I mentally scolded myself for stuttering and my word came more like asking. "Tae, let him come inside." I heard Sehun said and Taehyung suddenly move aside. "Oh yeah, im sorry for being rude.  Let me help you, Mr. Jeon." I pause a bit hearing him call me again that. And before i can say something, he walk first holding the two paper bag and i follow him to the kitchen. I saw Baekhyun and Sehun, hiding their smirk from Taehyung. The table was ready and only the foods are not in the place. Silence with a bit of tension engulf around us. Nobody dares to say something as we watched Taehyung moves around and prepares the foods at the table. "Momma!!!" I turn to look at the direction of the sound. Its my son's voice. Oh god, his voice sounds like an angel. "Baek can continue this and i will get Dan--- "I will go bring him." I said, cutting him and without waiting for him to say anything, i walk out the kitchen and walk towards the room at the left side, i took a peeked first and my heart swelled in happiness upon seeing my son rubbing his eyes, a cute and adorable pout from his small mouth. He was sitting at the center of his single bed and i cant wait anymore to hold and hug him. I walk slowly not wanting to scare him but the next move he made make me stunned and i felt my body become paralysed. "Daddy!"  Oʜ ʏᴇᴀʜ! ɪ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ʜɪᴍ ғᴏʀ ʜɪᴍ!!!!
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