Chapter 12

1412 Words
"How's your first day at the company?" Baekhyung asked as soon as he laid Dan in his bed. Sitting beside Sehun who was unpacking the toys they bought for the little boy. "Its good. Hoseok will come this coming week to sign the contract with them." Taehyung replied, his eyes settled at the tv. He went back home after almost two hours of sitting and wondering at the peaceful Han river. He decided to just go on the flow and just wait what is the fortune would bring to his life. He's so tired thinking and living in the past. He's heart is tired from hurting and all he wants is to let all the pain go at once and forget those wounds. Taehyung breath out heavily without him realising making Baekhyun and Sehun look at him. "Are you sure your okay, Tae?" Baekhyun worriedly asked. Taehyung felt a gentle squeeze at his hand and he look at Baekhyun with a small smile. "Yeah, im sure. Dont overthink, Baek. And by the way, thank you for taking good care of my son,but you really dont need to buy this things." Taehyung said to both of them, but he was not complaining at all. Baekhyung smile at hum, "Hey dont worry about all of this. Its not like Jungkook would go bankrupt and--- Taehyung quickly look at Baekhyun who was now nervously covered his mouth. For sure Taehyung would kill him for this. Sehun knowd everything coz Baekhyun told him all about it before they came earlier to take Dan. Taehyung raised his brows, giving a look of -explain-. Baekhyun doesn't know what or where to start. He mentally scolding and cursing himself for blurting out about it. Taehyung was not acknowledging Baekhyun silence this time. He was not furious but a bit mad and upset for not knowing what Baekhyun doing behind him. "Are you not going to tell me, Baekhyun?" Taehyung voice out seriously. His eyes holds an emotion that Baekhyun knows he accidentally hurt him doing all this behind him. "I---" Baekhyun started but was interrupted when his phone suddenly rings and he look at Taehyung who gives him a look and nod before he take the call. Baekhyung was hesitant to answer it first specially when he saw its Jungkook who was calling. "Yes Mr. Jeon?" Baekhyun greeted as he answer his phone. Taehyung suddenly gets up and walked towards the kitchen and Baekhyun just eyed him without saying anything. "Okay, Mr. Jeon, i'll be there tomorrow." Baekhyun said before closing his phone. "I think you should tell him everything now, babe. He needs to know everything." Sehun softly said and Baekhyun sigh heavily. "I guess. I'll go and talk to him." Baekhyun replied and peck a kiss to Sehun lips before following Taehyung at the kitchen. He found Taehyung silently standing infront of the fridge. His arms across his chest. Baekhyun knows his friend is upset and he dont blame him for that. Its his fault anyways. Baekhyun walks towards Taehyung slowly and a bit nervous. He was already ready to be yelled by his bestfriend. Taehyung felt someone is walking near him and without turning around, he speak in a stern voice. "Explain everything Byun Baekhyun."  Hearing his full name, Baekhyun knows very well how serious his bestfriend is. He pulled a chair and and sit while Taehyung didn't even move to where he is. "Im really sorry Tae. I know i should have not done this but i swear i didn't intend to tell him, i mean i accidentally told him Dan." Baekhyun confess, feeling nervously guilty. As soon as Taehyung heard it, he felt like his soul left his body. His mind suddenly thought some worst scenarios. What if Jungkook suddenly came one day and took his son away from him? Just the thought of this, Taehyung shudder in fear and Baekhyun notice him, he quickly stood from his sit and turn Taehyung to face him. His heart broke seeing his pale bestfriend. "W-what if he thinks of taking my son away from me? I-i cant live without my son, Baek." Taehyung suddenly burst out with tears and Baekhyung hug him, stroking his back. "Sshhh...Tae, dont think that. He will never do that and i swear if that would ever happen, i wont ever allow it. But i also swear to you that Jungkook would never do such thing like that. Believe me." Baekhyun softly said. "No, i couldn't be so sure of that, Baekhyun." Taehyung whimpered in the thought of his son away from him. Baekhyun felt so sorry and guilty for his bestfriends sadness at the moment. But he cant let his self to be discourage, he wants to make Taehyung believes that Jungkook would never do such things like that. Baekhyun exhale deeply and he pulled away just to cupped  Taehyung face, his thumbs wiping his precious tears. "Believe me Tae, he wont do that. I know that you still have those feelings towards him, and all i wanted is for you and Dan to be happy. You still dont know a lot of things that happens from that day you left Korea, but i can guaranty you that Jungkook did really look for you when you left. He may not verbally told me but i knew, i can feel it, that he lost something from his life when you finally decide to leave him. He even asked me your whereabouts but i never told him. Yes, he is engage to Seulgi but he never thought of marrying her coz he knows deep inside his heart, he is longing for you." Baekhyun said softly and with a smile. He saw Taehyung eyes helds a mix of confusion and happiness for what he has told. "But you know what, i suggest both of you should have a heart to heart talk to know what ever both your hearts want to do. And whatever decision you'll make in the future, remember that im always here to support you." Baekhyun added. Taehyung smile and pulled Baekhyun in a tight hug this time, "Thank you. You really dont know how much you make me think about it. And i swear, i will never let the past control what my heart wants." Taehyung said, grateful for having such a wonderful friend. "I already knew what to do and this time, i wont mess up again." He added and Baekhyun frowned of what his bestfriend mean so he pulled away again. "What you mean?" He asked. Taehyung awkwardly smile and scratched the back of his head but he said nothing. Instead, he opens the fridge and bring out some ingredients to start making their dinner, leaving Baekhyun dumbfounded standing there. "Yah! Kim Taehyung! Dobt leave me hanging here. What do you mean mess up again,huh?" Baekhyun whined and Taehyung chuckles. Suddenly Sehun appeared and both looked at him. "What?" Sehun asked to both. "Im just here to tell that dinner is on the way, so no need for you to cook, Tae." Sehun added. Little did the two know that Sehun was listening at them earlier and decided to call someone to come. "On the way? Did you order pizza?" Baekhyun asked, his voice carried a frustration. He knows that Sehun's favorite food is pizza and now he is not in the mood to eat pizza again coz earlier, they have eaten a three box of pepperoni and hawaian pizza. "No. Dont worry, both of you will like it specially you, Tae." Sehun winked and with smirk curled at the corner of his lips. Just after his last words said, the door bell heard and Sehun shipilishly smile at Baekhyun and darted his eyes at Taehyung who has a confused face expression. "I'll go and open the door." Baekhyun said but Sehun grab his hand making Baekhyun frowned at him but he just smile at his fiance. "Why dont you go and open the door, Tae. We will set the table." Sehun said his smile become wider. And before Taehyung could say anything, Sehun gently patted Taehyung shoulder who seems like a statue standing there. "Ok fine." Taehyung shook his head and start walking towards the door. But he didn't know why suddenly his heart start beating abnormally fast than normal. Hi twist the knob and his eyes widen in surprised seeing the person standing right infront of him with some paper bags to both his hands. "J-jungkook?"
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