Chapter 15

1594 Words
After their dinner, Baekhyun and Sehun decided to leave to let the others have their time. They know very well that the two has a lot to talk and settle. "Daddy, can you play with me?" Dan said, breaking the silence between his parents. "Sure baby. Let me carry you and lets go to your room." Jungkook said, piggy backing his son who smiles widely. Taehyung watched them going to Dan's room but soon Jungkook return and Taehyung look at him. "Do you need something?" Taehyung asked, sitting at the couch, legs cross while his hand holding the remote. Jungkook didn't say say a thing first, he bends down just to peck a kiss at Taehyung's forehead. "Thank you so much baby." Jungkook said before leaving a stunned Taehyung. Jungkook's Pov: I left Taehyung without waiting him say anything after kissing his forehead. I can not hold back my overwhelming emotions since earlier, knowing that he gave me a chance to prove my self to him, to them. And i don't want to ruin this chance, even though it takes how many years to gain his forgiveness i won't ever give up, not for my self but for my family. "Daddy, here. Papa buy this iron man for me." Dan said tossing the other toy at me. I smile remembering that its also my favorite toy when I'm a kid and to be honest i still do until now. "Do you like iron man,baby?" "Yes daddy. Momma always buy me this with papa Jhope." Dan replied and there's a sudden pain in my heart that at those times i should be the one buying his toys with them not someone else, but i shook my head, i should not be mad. I should be grateful that there are people who took care my family at that time. "Daddy?" I look at Dan and saw him yawn. I chuckle on his cuteness. "Are you sleepy already baby?" I asked and he nod with his sleepy eyes.  "Yes daddy but i dont want to sleep." He said and i frown in confusion. I pick him and sit him at my lap while i sit at the couch. "Why?" "Im afraid if i sleep you will leave me again." Dan said and i was shock by his words. I dont know what to tell him. I keep my eyes on his half sleep eyes, gis fighting the urge to close his eyes i felt guilty for making my son feel like this. "Dont worry baby, daddy promise that he will be here when you wake up, okay?" I said and mentally cursed myself for assuring him this while im not sure if Taehyung would allow me stay here. "Really daddy?" Dan's eyes lit up and i smile nodding at him. "Yes baby. So sleep now okay? I love you baby." I said, pecking his forehead and just less a minute my son was fast asleep already and i gently put him to his bed and covers his body with his blanket. "Im really sorry son for not being there with you and momma. I promise to be with you all the time, for the rest of my life. I love you baby." I kiss him one more time to his forehead before exiting his room, closing his door slowly. I walk to the living room just to see a sleeping Taehyung at the couch. Remote still in his hand, tv was on in a low volume. I walk towards him careful not to make any noise to avoid waking him up. I stare at his angelic face, he was sleeping peacefully like he never suffer anything from me. I bring my hand to his face to tuck the strand of hair behind his ear. Looking at his position, i knew he would suffer a back pain when he wakes up so i decided to carry him and bring him to his room. I gently laid him and cover his body with his soft purple blanket, reducing the ac degree. I sit beside him, holding his hand, caressing gently. "Im so sorry baby for everything. And thank you for giving birth to my son, thank you for giving me a chance to be with him, to be with both of you. Thank you." I look at him and my eyes darted to his lips. I gulp hardly seeing how tempting those lips. I wanted to kiss him but no, i wont ever mess up again. Instead i kissed him in his forehead before exiting his room. I wanted to stay but i can not. I look at my watched and its already past eleven. I close the lights to the living room before exiting their apartment but making sure that i lock the door. I drive away  and return to my mansion.  All was asleep when i went inside so i went upstairs to my room. Taking a short shower, then changing to my sleeping pajamas and throws my self to my king size bed, with a happy feelings, i didn't know when did i started falling asleep. ~~~ Taehyung was asleep soundly when he suddenly heard Dan screaming and with his half closed eyes, he runs outside his room towards his son's room. " is here." Taehyung hug his son, stroking his back. "I *sobs* want *sobs* daddy. Daddy!!!!" Dan's screams out loud and Taehyung kept stroking his crying son but to his avail, Dan keep calling his daddy. "Dan baby, please stop. Momma is here. Daddy went home and he will come tomorrow to play with you again. Stop crying baby please." Taehyung almost wanted to cry, he doesn't know what to do. This is the first time his son doing this. "No. I want daddy. Daddy *sobs* said *sobs* he wont *sobs* leaves me again." Dan continuously cry. Taehyung has no choice but to do one thing that surely make Dan stop from crying. "Okay baby. Stop crying, momma will call daddy okay?" He said and as quick as a blink of an eye, Dan stop screaming. "Really momma?" He asked with a faint sobs. Taehyung nod and carry Dan towards his room to take his phone but mentally scolded his self for realising that he doesn't have Jungkook's number. He kept staring at his phone for few seconds until he heard Dan start calling Jungkook again. "Dan baby, wait okay. Momma will call daddy." Taehyung softly said, his hand scrollingbhis contacts and stop at Baekhyun number and dialed it. It rings for how many times before someone answers it with a hoarse voice. "Im sorry Baek but i need your help." Taehyung said and the other suddenly asked worriedly. "Did something happen?" "No no no..nothing happens. Its just that Dan woke up crying, asking for Jungkook. I cannot make him stop. I wanted to call Jungkook but i dont have his number." Taehyung said, feeling guilty for waking up Baekhyun at early 2 in the morning. "Oh okay. Dont worry, i will forward his number to you." Taehyung cuts the call and soon receives Jungkook number. He was really hesitating to call the other to this late hour but his Dan keeps sobbing and mumbling about his daddy. Taehyung sigh before he dialed Jungkook's number. It rings only for three times before he heard Jungkook hoarse voice. "He--- "H-hello Jungkook-- "Daddy!!! You *sobs* told me you wont leave me again! Daddy is liar." Dan suddenly said and Taehyung didn't realised what he had done. "Dan! Who taught you to say that words huh?" Taehyung raised his voice forgetting that they were on the phone. "Did i ever taught you to be disrespect,huh?" Taehyung added with anger in his voice. "But he lied to me momma! He said he wont leave but he lied!" Dan cried, stomping his feet on the bed. While Jungkook on the other hand was shock hearing his son, he cant blame Dan for saying that because he promise that he won't leave but he did. After hearing Taehyung scolding Dan he didn't wait any longer more, he ended the call and took his car key and drive towards his family, forgetting that he was just in his pajamas. Just ten minutes and he opens the door using the duplicate key that he asked before from Clement. "Dan baby..daddy is here." Jungkook called upon entering the apartment and soon a boy in his pajama runs outside the room towards him. "Daddy liar." Dan said when Jungkook carried him. "I'm sorry baby. But look, daddy is here now. Stop crying baby." Jungkook said and saw Taehyung with a mad face standing not far away from them. "Say sorry Dan. I didn't teach to be  disrespectful to other." Taehyung said, his voice deep low. "Its okay Tae. Its my fault." Jungkooo said and Taehyung raised his brows to him. "I will bring him to his room. You go and sleep too. Its too early." Jungkook added and smile before walking to Dan's room. Taehyung was left alone, he doesn't feel good for raising his voice to his son but he don't have a choice. He doen't want Dan think bad about his father.  Taehyung sigh and return to his bed but not to sleep. He can't sleep anymore, he just sit staring at something while his mind remembers Jungkook appearance. He was just in his pajamas, and even look handsome with his messy hair. But Taehyung suddenly realised something. "How on earth he have the key of our apartment?" Taehyung asked himself.
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