Chapter 16

1837 Words
Its been a week and its Jungkook routine to go to his mansion just to change his cloths and go at Taehyung's apartment to play with his son, eat dinner with them and make Dan sleep. And because of that happen before that Dan cried and called Jungkook at the middle of his sleep, Jungkook decided to sleep there, at the sofa in the living room. Taehyung feels guilty letting Jungkook sleep at the living room but he can't bring himself telling the other to sleep in his room, he doesn't want Jungkook think anything else. Its the eight night that Jungkook would be sleeping at the sofa this time. After making Dan sleep, Jungkook took the pillow and blanket and lay down at the sofa. Taehyung on the other hand just finish taking a shower and change for his sleeping attire which is just a shirt that reaches till his mid-thigh covering enough his boxer. He was about to turn off the lights to his room when his eyes catches Jungkook at the sofa. Since the first night Jungkook sleep at the sofa, Taehyung notice how uncomfortable he is but he never heard Jungkook complain even though he asked. Taehyung saw Jungkook flipping side ways and he cant watched him anymore being uncomfortable. He walk outside his room and stand infront of Jungkook. Jungkook whose eyes was already close sense that someone watching him, so he opens his eyes and he quickly sit upon seeing Taehyung standing, his eyes shamelessly staring at Taehyung. Jungkook gulp seeing Taehyung with only a loose shirt, exposing his well shape legs. He felt hot inside him and he even fee his c**k suddenly hardened. He wants to devour Taehyung right at the moment but he chooses not. He respect Taehyung and he doesn't want to mess his chance. Whatever his dirty thoughts are, he pushes it back of his head and look up at Taehyung. "You need anything,baby?" Jungkook asked, breaking the silence between them. "I-i know your not comfortable sleeping here, you can sleep to my room." Taehyung said, his voice calm but inside him he was extremely nervous on telling Jungkook to sleep at his room. Jungkook notice a shade of pink at Taehyung's cheeks through the light. He almost jump upon hearing what Taehyung said but he is really food in controlling his emotion at the moment. "No, im okay here baby. You can go and sleep. I know your tired today." Jungkook replied, he really wanted to sleep and cuddle with Taehyung but he knows that Taehyung is not yet ready for all of this even though this past few days everything are going well between them. "Dont worry about me, im just worried that you're having a back pain again. So im telling you to come and sleep in my room." Taehyung insist and he didn't wait Jungkook to argue anymore so he pick up the blanket and pillow and walk back to his room. Jungkook watched his back with a smile. He cant help but feels giddy inside him. He follows Taehyung and saw the other fixing the other side of the bed. "Dont stare." Taehyung said without looking at him and Jungkook mentally slap his face, he was like eye r****g Taehyung. "Im sorry, its just that you are so beautiful." Jungkook said now standing closer to Taehyung. Taehyung pause for a bit before finishing what he was doing and laid to the bed without saying anything. "Sleep, you have work tomorrow and Jhope is coming for the contract." Taehyung reminded Jungkook and Jungkook smiles, he feels like his husband is reminding him his duties. He walk at the other side and lay beside Taehyung. Jungkook facing Taehyung's back. He cant keep his hand to himself, and unconsciously caressing Taehyung's soft hair while Taehyung is loving the feeling of it but pretending that he doesn't care. "Thank you so much baby." Jungkook said. He moves closer and kiss Taehyung's hair, "Goodnight baby." He said. Both didn't know when did they fall asleep peacefully and Jungkook woke up feeling someone with him. He opens his eyes and surprised to what he saw but he didn't make any movement, he loves what he is seeing at the moment and he doesn't want it to end. Taehyung almost above him, sleeping peacefully, arms wrapped around his waist while Jungkook hands wrapped around Taehyung.  Jungkook was deeply emerge in staring at the beautiful man at his hand that he didn't notice Taehyung was waking up. Taehyung's Pov: I felt something warm around me and i slowly open my eyes but went wide as soon as i notice how im so comfortable hugging Jungkook and almost lying above him. I raised my head to see if he was asleep yet he quickly move away but stop by his strong arms and laid more against his body. "Lets stay like this for few a moment,baby, please." Jungkook hoarse voice yet still beautiful like a music to my ears. Im sure that Jungkook can feel how fast my heartbeats is as i can feel his too. I didn't make any move for a seconds, i want to feel his warm body against mine. Im not bring hypocrite anymore, i wanted him to my life as how he wanted us to him. I felt Jungkook gently stroking my back and i close my eyes while my arm made its way to his waist, i felt how he pause in stroking my back but soon continues it again. We stayed peacefully like that for god knows how long and im not complaining it. I am totally surrendering everything to him. Because the more i fight to not be with him, the more im getting hurt and im sure im hurting him too and specially my son. I flinch a bit when suddenly his phone rings and i heard him groan and i didn't control myself and i chuckle at him. But instead of taking the call, he ignores it until it rings again and again. "Its better if you answer that, maybe its important." I said trying to get away from his arm but he tightens more his grip around my waist with his left arm, while his free hand reach his phone that were on top of the side table. "Yah!!!!" I almost jump upon hearing someone yelled at the other line and Jungkook pulled away the phone from his ear. "Hyung, what the f**k!" I heard Jungkook and now i knew very well it Jin hyung and i laugh seeing Jungkook pissed a bit. He look at me with brows raised and pulled me closer until my half body lying against his body. "Hyung, its too early why the hell your calling me?" Jungkook asked as he stroke my back. "Jeon f*****g Jungkook, early? Its already eight and why you're not in your room huh? Did you laid someone else again huh? I swear Jeon, if i heard that your messing the chance my Taehyung gave you i will f*****g cut your d**k and shove it to your f*****g mouth!" Jin hyung screamed and i cant help but laugh hilariously while Jungkook watched me in disbelief. "Is that Taehyung?" "Y-yes hyung its me." I replied between my laugh. "Oh my god, Tae baby. I miss you so mu--wait...wait wait...did both...oh my god...oh my God!!!" Jin hyung screamed and i was about to say something but Jungkook cut the call. "Hey, im still talking with Jin hyung." I said pouting. Jungkook didn't say a thing, he put back his phone at the table and pull himself to sit, his back leaning at the bed board and pull me gently, my head leaning at his chest, my hand to his abs while his hands stroking my hair. "Its really nice waking up first in the morning seeing your beautiful face, baby. I can't wait that day that i would wake up seeing you and Dan's face everytime i open my eyes from sleeping." Jungkook said softly. "I waited so many years and even though im not sure if this would happen, i still hope that one day, i will wake up seeing you beside me, Jungkook." I said and its too late when i realised what i have confess, yet a big part of me rejoice upon blurting to him. It took a few seconds before Jungkook realised what i told and all of a sudden i was lift up and now sitting above him, both legs besides him, my ass exactly above his semi hard c**k. I blush upon realising our position, his hands holding my hips while mine at his chest, our eyes staring each other soul. "Let's start a new beginning, Tae. You, me and Dan, our family." Jungkook said and hearing him say those words made me ignore all the lust that i was having earlier. I didn't know that a tear roll down my cheek and Jungkook wipe it with his thumb and i lean my face to his hand. "From now on, we are family and i promise to cherish both of you, baby. Let's start a new and fresh beginning, bub." Jungkook said again, i nod and nod and i cant help but sobs to his chest. He keeps stroking my back and let me wet his pajama shirt with my tears. "Thank you baby. Thank you so much." Jungkook said, kissing the top of my head. "I love you baby." I was surprised a bit, its the first time he said those words that i long to hear for so long. And finally, i heard it after all those storms that came my life and i cant help but let my tears overflow that i made him worried. "Hey baby, what happen?" Jungkooo asked, cupping my teary face. I sniff like a small kid and shook my head. "Tell me baby, whats wrong? I cant see you cry again because of me, please tell me baby..please." Jungkook plead. "I-its just that its the first time you say those words to me." I said shyly and i know im also blushing. I saw him stunned for a bit yet look into my eyes again. "I swear, i will say those words again and again from now on,baby. Im sorry for the past that-- I put my index finger to silence him, i dont want to ruin this moment for bringing up the past. "I love you, Jeon Jungkook." I breath out after saying those words and i can feel the heat running up my cheeks and i know very well that im like a tomato blushing at the moment. And in just a blink of an eye, i felt Jungkook lips into mine. I was startle a bit but soon respond to his kiss. We kiss passionately pouring all our untold feelings for a long time. The kiss is pure and passionate. A new family, Jungkook, Dan and me. 
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