Born Rogue Chapter Thirteen

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Titan felt Freddy the moment he came too. His heartstring, red the color that noted peril and danger. He paid close attention to the direction and noted it was moving slightly. That indicated that he was running or moving at least. Then, heart-wrenchingly, it went dark again. Cam's was dim red now, showing he was hurt bad. It pulsed slowly, Titan hurried to reach him first. He wished he they'd had another vehicle because he could have sent Lyon to the others with help. Lyon was an older wolf, not that he really looked old. He looked about 35, but in reality he was nearly eighty. He'd been overthrown by a newer, younger Alpha and been exiled instead of killed. Luckily, Lyon was resilient and recovered and became a Rogue wolf at first, determined to somehow get back to his pack, but when he met Titan, he saw his destiny in a new light. As Gamma, he could track the pack members like Titan could. Cam awoke under the bridge, in excruciating pain. He'd never remember how he'd gotten out of the car, that was sunk deep in the middle of the river. Just a fluke of luck. He pulled himself up and into some bushes and tried to link with anyone else in his pack. He could see Titan, but he was so weak no one else registered. He felt the blood flowing out of a bullet hole in his upper chest. His head was bleeding too and a bad multiple fracture made his leg look like a shredded mess. He changed into his wolf. He was shaking by the time he got through it, it'd taken a lot longer than normal. He was so weak still. His leg was the worst as his bones snapped back into place and his body began the process of knitting the bone and skin back together again. The bullet took less. The bullet pushed itself out and the flesh and muscle began to knit shut, but he was still bleeding a little bit. He needed to eat, but that was going to have to wait. He heard wolves nearby, probably the ones who'd run the off the bridge. They were making their way down the Cliffside to the water . Some in human form others in their wolf forms. Cam, limping badly, dove back into the water, hoping to keep away from them long enough for Titan to arrive. Just like Freddy before he was rapidly swept downstream and couldn't see the waterfall. He was nearly deafened by the sound of raging water, but his wolf was able to swim across the strong current faster, than Freddy had been able while trying to keep Rowan above water. He made it to the others side, aching so bad. He nearly collapsed on the rocks, but mustered all his strength and dragged his body up into the trees on the other side. Wolves came snarling and yapping into the bank across from him. They sniffed the ground trying to find trails. They stopped where he'd found himself when he woke and tracked back into the trees where heed hidden to change. One sounded a howl into the night sky. Cams hackles raised. He called out to Titan with his pack bond. "Titan! Hurry! I'm injured and outnumbered!" Then he very quietly crawled up into a cave like overhang. Praying to the moon goddess to aid him. Titan was already on the road that took him up over the mountain pass. He raced at high velocity through its harrowing twists and turns. "We're coming," He sent to Cam the short concise message. Cam watched quietly to see if the wolves would try to cross the water. What he didn't think of was they didn't have to. He heard the distinct sounds of brush breaking on the hillside behind him. They were coming down from the other side of the bridge. He scooted in tight, making himself into an invisible ball, hoping his wounds had been closed and not bleeding when he'd exited the water. Two more wolves dashed down the mountainside, they didn't even attempt to conceal their movements. They sniffed the ground at the banks of the river under the bridge. Searching. Titan saw flares ahead and slowed down. There were wolves in fake reflective vests waving blinking wands to warn them to slow down. Titan slowed as he went around the turn and came up to the bridge. They continued with a brief look and hurried ahead across the bridge. They pulled off the side as, two wolves flagged them to keep going. Titan stepped out of car and half changed, his clothing splitting at the seams. He roared at the two wolves approaching the vehicle. They stopped abruptly. Terror in their eyes, they turned and ran the other direction, back towards the ones Titans group had already passed. Wolves howled in response! Lyon changed completely and launched himself down the embankment towards the river. The other four chose their wolf forms as well to preserve their clothes in the rush of combat. Titan strode across the bridge in all his Alpha glory, no fear present as he went to take on the wolves on the otherside by himself. Cam heard Titans roar and let out a relieved sigh. He heard multiple wolves diving into the brush up the mountainside and careened down with no regard to danger. His brothers were coming! Titan picked one man, stupid enough to approach him alone, and lobbed him over the bridge. The wolf's scream echoing in his plummet, until the abrupt end when all you heard was the splash of water. More wolves in human form were meandering uncertainly at the end of the bridge. They looked to several different leaders. Titan didn't sense an alpha among them. Two changed to half-form. They ran at Titan with orders for their men to change to wolf form. Titan ran to meet them. He lifted and threw the faster one and rammed him like a half-human shield into the other. He sent them tumbling across the roadway into the guardrail. CRACK! He knew he'd broken a few bones there. He turned to greet the others, six left in total. The one in the reflective vests that had waved him through earlier pulled a gun. He shot at Titan as three changed wolves ran at him. Titan rolled and then leapt an impossible height right on to the gun-wielding i***t. He ripped out his throat with his claws and turned quickly to meet the wolves. The other two were having trouble changing fast enough to get into the fight, either that or they were too scared to get into the fight and were waiting to see if they had a shot before they tucked tail and ran. Three wolves on one might have intimidated a weaker wolf, but that wasn't Titan. He ripped into them and body parts were separated from their persons and flung in all directions. Lyon led his brothers down the mountainside in search of Cam. They made quick work of the one caught and busted him up, the other ran off, vastly outnumbered. Hawk and Aman chased him into the night. Cam came slinking out of the trees, ashamed. He was still hobbling from his injures, but Lyon quickly showed him he was happy that he was alive and encouraged him up to mountainside, back towards their car. On their way up a wolf flew off the bridge and splashed into the water. Titan broke the wolves front legs as he sent him flying over the bridge. He roared furiously at the two men who stood there. They ran back to a car and took off down the mountainside. Two wolves came from the banks and growled ominously. They slunk menacingly around Titan. Titan roared is challenge! The wolves leapt together, accepting it! They barreled into Titan. One bit deeply into his side, tearing flesh and ripping the skin to the bone on his right side and down the back until just above his ass. Titan had to ignore it, because at the moment the other one was leaping for his jugular. He grasped him in his Titan claws, feeling bones snap! He swung the opponent up, high over his head and used him like a golf club into the side of the other wolf. The wolf flew up into the air cruising across the bridge and into the side of the demolished car still there with a huge bang! "Four!" Titan chuckled. The wolf he held in his hands struggled desperately, He was biting and clawing viciously to get free. Titan looked at him menacingly . "You f****d with the wrong pack!" Titan growled in his face. The wolf whimpered pitifully and Titan broke him in half, over his knee! Tossing him aside like garbage.
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