Born Rogue Chapter Fourteen

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Freddy awoke, washed up on a Rocky flat bank, in a wide slow bend in the river. Rowans limp body atop his chest. He found a weak pulse as he coughed water out of his lungs. She was barely breathing. Freddy was wounded he could tell. His head making it hard to think straight. He telepathically linked to Titan. "Freddy, thank the goddess!" Titan breathed a sigh of relief. Freddy's heartstring sprung to life, red but fluttering. He was in significant distress! "Rowan's fading. I don't know what to do!" He was frazzled and his thoughts were coming in like a static radio signal. "Maybe I can...a blood mark...then she'd be pack...I could help her!" "No, Freddy you can't do that!" Titan seemed to get the gist of Freddy's thoughts. "What's going on," Cam intruded. "Freddy's okay?" "Shut up, Cam! Freddy's about to do something very stupid!" "Freddy don't do what you're thinking, man!" Titan ordered. "Titan, her heartbeats slowing! to!" Was all Freddy thought. Titan began beating the steering wheel as he herded wolves into the car, screaming curses. "Dont f*****g do it, you motherfucking moron!" Freddy leaned over Rowans body. Titans voice fading in and out of his head. He didnt understand why he couldn't make the pack bond. He placed the mark upon her brow in his own blood saying the words out loud, "Bond of my bond! Blood of my blood! Pack of my pack!" Instantly, Rowans heartstring merged with his. And all his pack bonds to his pack disintegrated and blew away in his mind! So, that the only heartstring connected to his was Rowan's. "Dammit! f**k! Son-Of-A-b***h!" Titan hit the steering wheel so hard it cracked under the strain. In the SUV, Lyon, Cam and Hawk, Titans stronger wolves felt the pain of Freddy's severed heartstring! The others joined in howling, they thought Freddy had died. Cam and Lyon were demanding what happened! But all Titan would keep saying was, "FFREDDY, YOU DUMB f*****g ASSHOLE!" Freddy felt like his heart was ripped out for a second and his pack bonds shattered, but Rowan's tiny beating one brought him quickly back as tears leaked from his eyes, the pain overwhelming! He grabbed hold of her heartstring and fed all of himself into healing her, just as he'd seen Titan do when his wolves needed immediate healing. At first it was like a gossamer, red string, delicate and fragile. It began to grow as Freddy poured his energy into her. He felt her heart beat stronger and her breathing came more steady. He eased off when the heartstring no longer looked like it might break and was bright red, no longer fading in and out. He opened his eyes and waited. Rowan was in a dark void, not even Boudica came to her. She was alone except for a distant pin prick of light far in the distance. It seemed like she was there alone, calling desperately for Boudica, crying in fear and turmoil. Then suddenly it felt like she was whisked away at great speed and into her chest poured an intense burning heat. When she looked down a red string pulled her. It was so thin and pale. As it grew thicker and darker, she felt the pull faster and stronger, until she came to a stop, in Freddy's arms. She woke to him calling her name. Rowan opened her eyes. Freddy was crying and he laughed with joy as she opened her eyes and looked at him. "You're okay!" He laughed and sobbed as he wiped the water and hair out of her face. "You're going to be okay little wolf. I'm here! I'll take care of you!" Freddy vowed, lifting Rowan up as he stood. "We have to get out of here. We can't wait around for those bad wolves to catch up to us. It was slow going down the mountainside. Freddy didn't heal and he'd given most of his energy to Rowan, so he was still confused. Rowan groaned, in and out of consciousness. She went from darkness inside herself to, the darkness of the forest and Freddy's gentle reassurances. Hours passed and Freddy began to worry they'd never find their way out of the mountain and that Titan was so mad, he'd cut their ties. He still didn't realize he'd cut then himself. Freddy followed the river down the mountain till it spilled out. Freddy began to feel very dizzy and was soon wobbling to and fro as the sun began to come up. Rowan was still very oblivious even when Freddy's feet tripped over a rock, sending them rolling down a hill into the light vegetation at the edge of a pasture. Cows startled by the duo, reared and ran full tilt back toward the gate the farmer had just let them through after he'd finished milking them. Freddy and Rowan lay in a heap mere feet from an electric fence Concealed for the moment by the mist rising up from the ground. Titan was still mumbling curses and nobody was speaking to him, his temper flaring the way it was. The rest of the vehicle sat in total silence as their Alpha took every road at the bottom of the mountain searching for the river. He finally located a road that got them close and then ordered his wolves to help him search for the missing wolves. Cam linked with Lyon and asked, "What the hell happened? Are they dead? Are we looking for dead bodies?" Cam whined. He was a glorious golden wolf with all shades of honey and sand even sunlight running through his fur. He was a smaller wolf, but he was so fast. His wolf eyes were vibrant green, they glowed like limes in his head. Lyon also a goldish colored wolf, but with more orange and copper tones to his fur, told Cam, "I'm not sure. I didn't get much when, Freddy reconnected, right before Freddy was ripped away. But with how Titan is acting I don't think Freddy's dead, though he may wish he were when we find him." Lyon told the wolf. He shook his great ruff of fur and fixed Cam with his sapphire stare. Cams anxiety eased a bit after Lyons thoughts. All the men who weren't changed into their full wolf form did so now and then as a pack they began sniffing for their lost members downstream. Titans thoughts began to flow to his wolves more easily and conveyed that he was close to losing control, because he couldn't stop his thoughts from straying through his pack bonds to the others. Then, it became apparent to all exactly what Freddy had done. He'd created his own pack with Rowan the soul other member! That's why Freddy had disappeared like he was dead. He'd severed his ties with all of them. They worked their way down miles and miles of the river, both sides and found no trace. The sun began to rise. They kept searching. Titan was being as thorough as he could, but hope was dwindling. Freddy awoke to the scream of a large bird, circling overhead. His vision was hazy and he felt nauseous. He rolled over and puked up a ton of water. He then crawled over to Rowan and then collapsed again beside her. His face pressing into the wet leaves. The mist had nearly all burned away indicating it was nearly noon. Freddy had no choice he began to change to his wolf. He should have done it sooner, but he couldn't have carried Rowan in his wolf form. It was a hard and strenuous change. It took a very long time because he was so weak and he had a hard time concentrating. His bones shifted and reshaped. Fur the same bright orange color of his hair sprung from his body and soft sunny yellow and cream made a flowing river of fur from the tip of his tail to right below his nose. His emerald green eyes blinked up at the hazy blue sky above him. He lay breathless trying to regain his composer. Then he heard the howl!
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