Born Rogue Chapter Twelve

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Cam put his pedal to the floor as soon as the resort drifted out of sight. He maneuvered the winding drive, with limited difficulties. When he reached the end, he screeched to a stop and Lyon and Freddy emerged from the forest. Freddy hurried into the vehicle and then Lyon turned and melted back into the foliage. Titan sent them an ominous message, he thought they were being followed. Lyon took his half human form and with a burst of speed hurried back to the hotel. Titan was busy, sending messages to his men, updating them on the situation, as he traveled outside and took a lap around the parking lot, smoking a cigarette. Two more cars left right after the first and he was debating whether or not to send more men to follow Freddy and Cam home. He called Cam. "Cam! Two more left about three minutes ago." Titan said into the phone. "s**t!" said as he juggled the phone and the steering wheel. Freddy was over the seat helping pull Rowan out of the bag, as promised. "What's wrong?" Rowan asked worriedly. "Nuttin, we're just trying to figure it out?" Freddy told her and buckled her tightly into her seat. If s**t was about to get hairy, then he needed to make sure she wouldn't get thrown around the car. "What?" she asked, but Freddy was already back in the front, taking the phone from Cam so he could focus on driving. "Titan, man that could be 15 wolves tailing us!" Freddy worried. "I know just keep moving and I'll send others out to meet up with you as soon as I can until then just stay safe and don't get caught." Titan said hanging up and then called the pack giving them orders in preparation. Things were getting hectic. He needed wolves to escort the women. He needed wolves to meet up with Freddy and them. He also needed wolves here at his side more than ever. If s**t went south here, he might have to fight his way out and they were drastically outnumbered before Freddy and Cam left. "I think we should go a different way," Freddy said as he watched for lights behind them. The mountain canyon did little to ease the feeling of being cornered. "No, we should take the most direct route back home." Cam argued, he too was eying his rear view mirror religiously, he feared being cornered by a large pack of wolves too, but thought speed the better option. "Anyone following is going to expect us to go the most direct way and we'll have to stop for gas eventually, giving them an opportunity to catch up to us." Freddy argued. After about ten minutes they cruised through the small town that Freddy had beaten up Becks minions. It was still a pretty straight shot, no real choice of which to go. They had at least thirty minutes till they'd have to pick how they'd choose to go. They passed the Walmart and shortly after turned right on a minor highway that was the only way to get through the mountains for over 60 miles. It was a two lane, twisting turning road with a max speed of 35mph. Cam ignored that, asking Freddy to keep his eyes open for dear. "You're going so fast you'd hit it before I'd even be able to tell you it's there!" Freddy scoffed, but kept scanning the road. They were high up in the mountain now and they were twisting and turning like a snake. The trees shrouded the road and any moonlight that might help them see better. Cam half-changed to utilize his wolf eyes. His face morphing, to a subtlety elongated snout. He sprouted extra hair and his lips pushed apart to let out his fangs. Suddenly, they heard the unmistakable whine of a racing engine. Then bright, high intensity lights blinded them from behind. There was no telling how long they'd been following, but the vehicle behind them sat high, probably making it either a truck or larger vehicle, but it was moving fast. Freddy looked behind them trying to see details, but the lights blinded him with intensity. Cam was growling as he picked up even more speed. The truck overtook them on the left side as they had to slow for a sharp turn in the road. It nearly ran then in to the jutting rocks on the right. Cam clipped the right rear end of the SUV and a blast of sparks and the right rear cargo window shattered. Rowan let out a squeak of terror. "Dammit!" Freddy cursed reaching into the glove compartment and taking out a Glock 17 gen 5, 9mm pistol. He took off the safety and chambered a round. He didn't get off a shot before the truck pulled alongside and opened fire into the side of their vehicle. The windows shattered instantly. Cam jerked the wheel to the left into the truck in defense. It swerved over bouncing off the guardrail that kept them from careening down the steep mountain side. Cam gave a burst of speed and came out around the next bend to the right. Ahead was a straight way across a narrow mountain bridge that traversed a 100 foot deep gorge. Cam weaved back and forth, getting the truck to stay behind them, for the moment. Freddy smelled fresh blood and dove into the backseat. Rowan was limp in her seat, but he had no time to check on her. Furious, he shot out the back window at the truck pursuing them. The truck rammed them hard and fast, causing their SUV to turn and slide around and into the guardrail a forth of the way alongside the bridge. The passenger side swung around, into the rail and Freddy was shooting at the truck as it went by then on the right. He didn't see the vehicle that was behind them the whole time. A black car came fast, no inhibition to slow or stop. It hit the front of the SUV hard! Cam's head slammed against the steering wheel. The SUV, with the car smashed and wedged underneath its front tires, was pushed up and over the guardrail. The truck screeched a 180 and came barreling back at them. Freddy had a mere second before it hit them in the ass and sent them up over the guardrail. They seemed to teeter for a half second before they tipped over and fell into the misty darkness below! Titan felt Freddy and Cams terror. He immediately came to a dead stop as he was hurrying his several wolves into a vehicle. Lyone , in tune with him, felt the impact with a jolt to his own gut. The ties to the two wolves instantly went black. All the wolves, Hawk, Aman, Raphe, and Sanders all stopped, sensing their Alphas distress. They waited for his response. Titan snarled, anger coursing through his blood! "Get in, hurry!" He ordered and got in the other SUV. He telepathically sent a message back to the two wolves, Rex and Vick, who'd he'd left here to handle the women, after he determined the buses would be there in the next two hours, with express orders that those wolves were to return home with them. Titan ripped out of the parking lot, tires squealing leaving a massive burnout mark in the parking lot. He looked fierce! His eyes glowed as he searched for his wolves. The usually brightly lit heartstring that tethered him to his wolves was dark and it left him feeling inadequate that he couldn't locate them. So, he just continued in the last direction he'd felt them. Freddy awoke with a start, he was completely immersed in water. He struggled, unable to understand where he was! It was pitch black and he couldn't breathe! In lashing out around him he grabbed Rowans small arm. It made him stop and he grabbed her and ripping the seat belt away from her releasing her into his arms. He found the broken window and swam with her up to the surface! He broke through gasping my for air. The raging river sweeping then downstream, he struggled to keep her head above water, while trying to see if there were any signs of life still in her. Next thing the world fell out from under them again as they fell off a waterfall!
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