Born Rogue Chapter Eleven

1366 Words
Titan mind linked to Lyon and Freddy apprising them of the situation. He warned them to come back as quickly as possible and not be seen. He told them not to return to the hotel, but instead meet them at the end of the the driveway that turned into the resort. He didn't want anyone to know they were still there. Cam returned with huge black dufflebags and a plan to smuggle Rowan out, began to form. They'd smuggle her down to the packs SUV in a bag and then cover her with bags of clothes, just in case someone stopped or questioned then. It was imperative that no one realize or suspect Freddy or Rowan were still here and the excuse that the buses for the woman would be arriving soon, would normalize them taking luggage to the lobby in the middle of the night. Cam brought a trolley up from the lobby, but coaxing Rowan into a dufflebag proved to be a substantial obstacle. Rowan growled and was poised defensively in a corner of the room, standing a top a dresser. The bag was layed innocently on the bed and she was eying it as if it were evil incarnate! "You promised not to disobey me, Rowan!" Titan said sternly. "You have to get in the bag just for a little bit, until we can get you and Freddy out of here. Now get in the bag!" "No! You're trying to smother me!" Rowan shook her head adamantly. Titan sighed and tried to maintain patience. "I cut holes in the bag where the mesh pockets are." He showed her with his hands that carefully camouflaged vents were there to keep that from happening. "I don't care. I don't want to be trapped in there!" Rowan pouted. "I wish Freddy were here! She'd do it if he asked her too!" Cam said offhandedly. Titan scowled at his enforcer. "You know it's a little disconcerting, that you believe he has more power in this situation!" He turned back to Rowan and said, "You see? Your f*****g up my power structure here! You're making me look weak! You're gonna get us all killed! Now get in the f*****g bag!" Titan said all patience and calm now gone. He was getting angry. Rowan scowled but sighed and got down and approached the bag. She inspected it with a glowering face. Then she sat in it, but that's where she stopped. Titan raised am eyebrow, waiting. Cam tried to get her to listen. "We should put pillows and stuff in there, make it more comfortable for her." He suggested. Titan rolled his eyes, but waved his hand in agreement. Cam started with just one pillow, for her head and then he got the toy cat and handed it to her, then coaxing her he said, "Okay, try it. I won't zip I up till your ready!" Rowan laid back, deciding to trust him. She clutched the black cat to her chest squeezing it tightly. Even if Ttian didn't recognize it Cam saw she was terrified of being put in this bag. It worried him why. Cam patted her reassuringly on her arm. He started filling in the bag below her chest with clothes. When it was holding shape enough to conceal her he asked, " Okay, I'm gonna zip I up now and then I'll pick you up and put you on a trolley in the hall and take you through the hotel and out to the car. After you hear the car start we have to drive a little bit and get Freddy, then we can get you out of it okay?" He laid out the plan detail by detail to help relax her. Rowan gave a weak little nod and Cam zipped it shut. He waited a second to see if she'd freak out and then lifted her in the bag and took her out placing on the trolley. Titan carried the other bags filled with pillows and all the purchases they'd bought earlier in the day. They placed those bags carefully on top of her and began to roll the trolley to the elevator. They were waiting nervously in the hall for the elevator to arrive when a bellhop stopped and asked, "Sir, would you like help with your luggage?" Titan smiled, but it unnerved the employee. "No, we can handle it ourselves," and he tipped the guy a fifty. The guy smiled wide and pocketed the money, "If you need anything just ask for Gary!" He said much happier now and continued on his way. The elevator came and they smooshed themselves and everything in. Rowan was sweating from the confines of the bag and all the other stuff they piled on top of her. Her face pressed to the hole in the mesh pocket. She was breathing deeply trying to calm the strong fear of feeling like she was buried alive. Trying desperately not to trigger the past memories that would make her lose it. She hoped they'd hurry! They reached the lobby and Titan sent Cam ahead to pull the car around from the parking lot. He wheeled Rowan through the lobby and was immediately confronted by the concierge. "Hello, are you checking out, sir?" The tall slim concierge asked politely. "No, I have a bunch of people leaving in the morning for home and we wanted to get their luggage moving before they leave. The buses coming don't have room for luggage, you see." Titan tried to look extra cheery. Even though he felt like he was being scrutinized. He tried to give the most plausible explanation, because all the employees here were wolves, of Elderman Franklin, the owner of the resort. He just hoped this wolf wouldn't be able to realize the lie. "Of course, Sir. Would you like help transferring your luggage to your vehicle?" He asked with a slight shift in his smile. "No, we can handle it." Titan assured him and continued walking till he was outside under the eves of the carport. Titan knew the moment he walked away and saw the concierge walk briskly to the desk and put the phone to his ear, that things might get sticky really soon. Cam pulled in and Titan threw open the back of the vehicle and began tossing the bags in with no regard to where they fell. He then carefully put the one with Rowan in the backseat and ordered Cam, "Go! And be careful, they're suspicious. Send Lyon back you stay with the package!" Titan said closing the car up and then briskly walking back inside with the trolley waving as he passed by the desk , at the concierge, who was quietly and rapidly speaking into the phone. The concierge waved and put up a finger and said, "a moment, sir?" to Titan as he covered the phone with his other hand. Titan stopped and approached. He looked back to see the SUV pulling away. Cam pulled out and drove as quickly as he could with drawing more suspicion , until he got to the exit that would lead them back to the main road. "Do worry Row! We're almost there!" He reassured the girl and sped up. Titan waited as the concierge, hung up the phone. "Will your other guests be leaving early in the morning? If they are, before the breakfast is set up, the hotel would like to offer to cater and light breakfast selection available in the lobby for the guests to partake from before they leave?" The concierge smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "It will be one hundred women. Yes, we'd appreciate that, they'll be leaving around four in the morning. That's when we expect the buses to arrive." Titan pretended he didn't understand what eas going on. But he knew. When the woman left in the morning he was sure there would be some Elderman present, to inspect them and say farewell, but they'd really be looking for Rowan. Titan looked over his shoulder as a car left the parking lot seconds after Cam and Rowan. It was traveling faster than normal. 'f**k!' Titan thought internally.
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