Born Rogue Chapter Ten

1409 Words
"You're pushing your luck, PUP!" Titan growled. Freddy stood and blocked Rowan safely behind him. Titan centered his gaze on his Betas intrusion. He cooked his head, irritated at the wolf and yelled,"Go heal! Go eat!" and he made it an order through the bonds. Freddy visibly struggled against the orders refusing with every fiber of his being from leaving Rowans side. In the end he lost out, he just was in no way able to fight his Alpha. Lyon gave Titan a hard look before he followed him out. His look said he better not do anything he'd regret later, because even though Freddy was Titans second Lyon had once been an Alpha, overthrown when his pack because too small. His wolves either killed or absorbed into other, more powerful, packs. Titan valued his wisdom and control above all else.And he knew his value to Titan was no defined by his status. Titan looked at the girl once more. She looked way too cocky. "It's not nice to call me an asshole." He said to her, catching her off guard and disarming her. "It's not nice you beat Freddy, just because Beck told you to." She shrugged at him. "Freddy accepted that punishment the moment he went and did something stupid at a pack summit. He doesn't need you to defend him. By the way what was going through your head? Did you really think you had any chance to stop it?" Titan grilled her. "No," She admitted grudgingly. "But I couldn't not try!" She said arms crossed and snapped at him. "I appreciate your loyalty to Freddy, but do you understand the damage you did tonight?" He questioned her. "I don't even know how you did it. It shouldn't have even been possible, but you made me look very weak in a place I can't afford to look weak. You hurt the pack!" He admonished and sat on the side of the bed next to her with his arms crossed, mimicking her similar stance. Cam was watching, intently from the table by the door. He wanted to know how a weak little wolf pup was able to disobey a direct order from their Alpha. "The last thing I want to do is to punish you in front of the whole summit like I did Freddy and at this rate thats what's going to happen, so to avoid that WE need to figure out how to explain...this...this...thing...that's happened!" Titan told the girl. "Were you able to defy Beck like that?" Rowan nodded, then explained, "yeah, but I learned not to, after he almost killed me the first time." she told him gruffly. "I listened when I was really little, but he'd punish me over every little thing he could find. When Luna Gwen tried to make me hurt another pup even smaller then me I refused to do it! So she went crying to Beck and then he found out I could defy him too. So they beat me for weeks in the cells in the basement. I never did it again after that. I knew he'd kill me if I ever did it again. He told me he would. That's when I stopped talking too. It was the only way I could defy him after that," She held her neck up so he could see the bad scar that still hid there. "They just thought I couldn't because of this." she said pointing to it. "Damn," Titan said seeing it for the first time. It was very faint white scar, but she shouldn't have any scars with her werewolf healing. "He's a damned pitiful excuse for a wolf, I've always thought!" Titan growled his disapproval. "You know your safe now with us?" He asked her hopefully. "Yes, Alpha, I know that, but I'm not completely sure all of my believes it's possible." She answered sadly. "What's your name, pup?" He realized he'd never found out. "Rowan, sir." Rowan answered respectfully. Titan cupped his hand and rolled his fingers towards himself, "What's the rest of it?" "That's it." She told him surprised. "Who was your mother? Your father?" He inquired. "I don't know, nobodies ever told me or spoke of them." She told him honestly. Titan sighed, "It's not possible that you don't have one. I will do my best to find out before we leave here. I want to give you strong ties to our pack, Rowan. To protect you from others and from yourself. That's how I'm planning to explain how you did what you did. As long as you don't ruin it and show your...True colors, again I'm hoping they won't test my theory. It should work, but just in case they don't buy it I'm shipping you and Freddy back home with the other women as soon as the buses arrive, sometime in the morning. I trust that you'll be okay to go with Freddy?" "I like Freddy. He's nice to me." She told them, giving him a look like that meant he wasn't nice. "We've all been nice to you, kid!" He said sternly. "You threw me across a stage! Lyon pulled my ear! And Cam spit soda all over me!" She argued. Cams laughed made them finally realize he was still in the room. Titan glared at him. "Well she didn't tell any lies I don't think." Cam shrugged smiling. To Rowan he said, "I'm very sorry for spitting on you. I hope you forgive me and we can be friends." Cam said kinda patronizingly and with a little snicker. Titan regarded him with a dry, tight lipped grin. "Why are you apologizing?" Titan wanted to know. "So she likes me better than you! I don't want to be in the dog house with her. She scares me." he said deadpan. Titan chuckled then and turned back to Rowan "I'm sorry I tossed you across the stage when you defied me and wouldn't let go of the whip." Rowan shook her head side to side. "What?" He tried to determine what she was telling him. "That isn't an apology." She refused his apology. She looked at Cam. "I'll forgive you this time, but you better watch your step!" That set both men off in startled chuckles. Cam replied when he could speak again, "Yes, ma'am!" and gave her a salute. "Cam, can you go get some suitcases or dufflebags to put all her crap you guys bought her with my credit card? She's leaving in the morning." Titan told him with a sarcastic tone directed to the girl. "You know, because I'm such a meanie!" He stuck his tongue out at her, earning a tiny little smile and a twinkle in her eye. Cam disappeared out the door, still chuckling. Titans phone range. The smile disappeared off his face. Uh-oh, council! He went across the room and sat down letting it ring a bit. Then gathering his zen as best he could he answered the phone. "Yes?" He side eyed Rowan, "Hello, Elderman." She blanched under his scrutiny. He continued, "I'm afraid that won't be possible though, but I'll be able to make the appointment tomorrow morning." He told the Elderman. He sighed and rubbed his head like he was getting a headache. Rowan actually felt bad. She knew she'd caused this. "I already sent her home with my Beta. I didn't think I appropriate for her to stay here a moment longer and I'll be seeing to a punishment as soon as we get home. Along with bonding her to the pack. I'm sure that's the issue." He assure the Elderman. Titan scowled deeply. "No, sir. No, that's what I believed was the cause." Titan lit a cigarette that he pulled from his jean pocket. "Maybe because she was still bonded to her old Alpha?" He lied. He listened to the Eldermans response. "Well, that's what my Beta found out today. Her old Alpha was Beck, I'm sorry I thought you realized that from our discussion this afternoon." Titan rolled his eyes his temper running thin, "Well I promise I handle the situation. Yes, sir I understand how it looks! Yes, sir, yes. Okay, thank you, we appreciate it!" And Titan turned of the phone. He turned and glared at Rowan. "Hope your happy! You just cost me 10k!" Rowan gulped, "Is that a lot?" Titan growled shook his head in disbelief and sighed.
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