Born Rogue Chapter Nine

1296 Words
Rowans world went black. An intense buzzing filled her ears and it grew and grew until it became a painful screaming. Then, silence. Darkness and very gradually a glow began and built until the moon illuminated Rowan in its spotlight glow. From the darkness came a voice, "Are you completely stupid?" Rowan looked around and saw a pair of glowing eyes hovering distantly in the void. "I mean when I picked you, I thought I was picking a smart girl! Was I wrong?" Came a growled seductive voice. The eyes drew closer, but she still couldn't see the color of them. "OH, I forgot. So you won't even talk to me? I've been with you your whole life. Experiencing everything you have, but from inside here!" Rowan just stared dumbly. "Please, tell me you know your a werewolf!" Stubbornly Rowan refused to speak. "Blink once for 'yes' and twice for 'no', you insolent child." A fantastically colored wolf emerged from the inky blackness. It's fur an unnatural wolf's color, red like a vibrant perfectly bloomed rose. Darker purplish and maroon splotches dotted her from head to tail, everywhere except the middle of her forehead. Here, an upside down crescent moon with a single star below it marked her face in blinding almost glowing white. A mark of the Godess herself. Rowans eyes were round in awe of the sight before her. She'd never seen anything like the wolf she saw before her. "Girl you could wear thin the patience of a monk. At this rate, your people are going to think you died in here with me. I had to put you to sleep you were acting a straight fool out there! Titan is our Alpha, he was always meant to be our Alpha. If Beck had never behaved so dishonorably, he would have taken over the pack soon after you were born." The red wolf informed her. "I didn't expect to have to present myself just yet, but your an incredibly hard headed youngster." The wolf sighed and lay down near Rowans feet, fully engulfed now by the moonbeam. She was truly amazing to behold. "Child you have nothing to fear from me I'm Boudica, but you can call me Bo for short if you like. And I'm the only one allowed to call you names, because we are two halves of the same soul, my mother said the same things about me when I was once human. I chose you and I wouldn't choose an unworthy person." Boudoca said decisively. "Now, it's time to be done with this no speaking nonsense. I know you can speak! In fact, everyone knows you can speak now. You're a queen in the making and I'm not about to let you ruin it for us already!" Bo told her firmly. Finally a break through! Rowan shyly said a simple 'ok' and then disappointingly that was it. Boudica rolled her eyes when she realized that was all she was getting. "Fine! I'll take it. This is taking too long. We have no time to waste. I need to warn you, you're not strong enough yet to allow yourself to show your true self yet. If you do your going to get yourself, Titan and your whole new pack killed! Including, Freddy! So no more of these antics until I say so, okay?" Rowan nodded. "I need to know you really understand Rowan. It's not just about us. I don't know when your first change will come, but it probably won't be for many years, yet and that leaves us very weak." Boudica warned her. "I understand." Rowan spoke quietly. Bo gave her a happy, wolf smile and said, "Good." Rowan frowned, "Why didn't you ever talk to me before? I was so alone!" Boudica attempted to explain herself, "Most children can't hear their wolves until maybe a year or two before they have their first change, you know that right?" Rowan nodded that she did. "But you have read my thoughts and my moods before, but you probably just identified then as your own up until now. If you've felt them at all. It took a tremendous amount of strength for me to reach you. But hopefully from today forward I'll be able to reach you without putting you in a coma!" Bo snorted comically. "You mean hear you, in my head?" Rowan needed clarification. "Yes, you should be able to recognize when I'm trying to speak to you now, separate from you own unique thoughts." Bo informed her. "And please, please remember to keep your head down and not cause any trouble, at least not until we can handle it?" "How long will that be?" Rowan wanted to know. "I have no way of knowing that. it's different for every wolf, no self time, but usually before your full grown, so I can't give you a concise answer to that question." "Will we be able to take on Beck, then?" Rowan eyes turned darker a predatory glint flashing in them. If she wasn't already inside the child's head she wouldn't be able to mistake it for anything other than what it was. Pure hatred! "There's no guarantee, but if I had to guess I'd say nothing will stop us when we put our minds and our strengths together. I have every intention of making us invincible!" Boudica declare a devilish gleam now in her eyes. "What I know for sure is, you have a good pack now and I don't think you'll ever feel alone again! But that doesn't mean you don't have to be responsible, your actions will hurt others if your not careful. Promise me now that you won't do anything like you did today again! Promise you'll behave and not show anyone that side of you again! This is very important, Rowan!" "I wont." Said Rowan quietly. Seemingly satisfied for the time being Boudica gave Rowan a quick lick and bolted off into the darkness with no other words. Rowan, stunned, looked around, but already the moonlight was dimming and the darkness growing. She began to get scared as iciness started to make her shiver. "Boudica!" Rowan called to the nothingness, but all she heard was the buzzing again, then a sensation of falling. It felt like forever with the buzzing growing louder and louder until it was screaming and then suddenly. With a jolt Rowans eyes opened and just as if she had been falling her arms and legs came up off the bed as if she had bounced. She started the men around her. Freddy most of all, as he was right next to her, holding her hand speaking to her quietly. He jumped! Titan moved to look over Freddy's shoulder at the girl. She looked startled and unsure of her surroundings. He couldn't help, but look at her sternly. She'd created a very difficult situation at the banquet, that he still had to deal with it officially. "Do you have anything to say, young lady?" He asked her sternly. Rowan looked up at Titan. She cringed a little at the anger and disappointment she say there and it took her a second to remember why he was looking at her like then. It was only with Freddy's reassuring touch on her shoulder that she remembered. And then she didn't feel guilty at all really. She gave Titan an equally angered and disappointed look and then stunned the room once more when she said, "Yeah! You're an incredible asshole!" Cam who had just taken a sip of soda, now sprayed it across the room. The fine particles shined like tiny diamonds in the light. Everyone looked at the girl, mouths catching flies. Titans fury burned! She was absolutely one hundred percent incorrigible!
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