Born Rogue Chapter Four

1369 Words
She exploded! She took up a long pointer stick and raced to the front of the room and hit the plate of food out of the first womans hands, who'd shoved her back. But she didn't stop. She hit her right across the face, bloodying her. The womans look of astonishment made her pause, then she looked at the next woman in line, daring her to stop her. Rowan then shoved in front of all the women a look of pure confusion and astonishment on their faces. She took a mountain of sausage and heaped it into the ridiculous too long skirt and then took fists full of hashbrowns and added them, then bacon and then eggs till she had it full. She glanced at the men to see them smiling as she left to attend to her hoard in the far off corner. When she was sure the men weren't going to come, stop her, or punish her. She began eating, always keeping her eyes on those surrounding her. "Well, the dragon got her hoard,"Cam laughed and then they all chuckled. The women, after they realized the men weren't going to put a stop to it, continued more cautiously waiting for the next woman to decide she wasn't lowest on the totem pole, but amazingly they just watched Rowan keeping an eye on the crazy girl as she ate in the furthest corner. Rowan didn't take long to eat herself sick. She cried when the food came out no matter how hard she tried to keep it in. "OH COME ON!" Cam shrieked. "I ain't cleaning that s**t up!" He announced to the other men who had similar faces on. "s**t!" Freddy cursed. On all fours, head hung low, saliva cascading in a long waterfall, all over her, the floor, her food. Rowan saw the man who'd placed her in the room stomp over to her. In her trauma and fear. She tried to put the food back in her mouth so she wouldn't be beaten for wasting food. Freddy stopped her when he saw what she was trying to do. His disgust was apparent, "Stop!" he commanded. She did as he pulled her up. Gazing at the sick all over his hands now. "Come on! For the love of the Moon! Are you crazy?" "Clean that up, assholes!" He ordered the other men, who were laughing at his state of affairs. The men looked expectantly to each other, but none jumped to do it as Freddy marched the girl out of the room. He led her the back way up to the men's hotel rooms. He didn't know what else to do. She didn't try to fight him, at least there was that. He took her straight to the room he was sharing with his Alpha. Titan looked up from the desk where he was sitting. He looked agast at the girl and then Freddy. He formed a question to Freddy as he marched her passed his Alpha to the bathroom. He forced her fully clothed to stand inside the tub then turned on the water full blast. Titan heard the girl squeal as the ice cold water hit her. He hurried to conclude his call. Freddy quickly turned on hot water till I started to heat up. The girl, drenched and shivering, with the sick coming off her and then down the drained, cringed at him. "Is I still too cold?" Freddy demanded. Rowan just shivered uncontrollably. Waiting. "Dammit," he washed his hands off under the water. "Feels fine. It's not cold anymore. Is it too hot?" Rowan waited. "Speak!" Freddy growled. "What's going on?" Titan asked filling the bathroom doorway with his wide shoulders. "f**k! She's been a problem since we went to get them." Freddy complained. Titan smiled, nothing got on Freddy's nerves, usually. "What did she do?" Freddy just frustratingly shook his head back and forth looking at the kid as if he just couldn't put it into words. "Man Titan, I don't think you'd believe me if I told you." He tried to pull up words to explain and ended up just saying, "She threw up and then tried to eat it!" He told his Alpha with a face testifying to his utter disgust. Titans face changed from light-hearted to more contemplative. " Like she ate too fast and she might be punished for wasting food?" A punishment he remembered all too well from his youth. "Yeah," Freddy conceded, realizing that now that he had a closer look at the poor girl, she was covered in bruises, so thin you could almost see through her. Titan crowded in closer to the girl and she cringed back and slipped down into the tub. She didn't even have shoes. Her feet were bloody and filthy, so bad that the water had only started to wash the dirt opening the wounds there. He scowled, brooded as he took in her state. "You're okay, nobody here is going to hurt you. I'm your Alpha now and you don't need to be scared." Titan told the girl, but she wouldn't look at him. He turned to Freddy. "Try and find out which pack she came from. I'll get her cleaned up." Freddy nodded quite disturbed and left Titan to take care if her. Titan put towels within reach of the tub and gave her soap and a washrag. "Clean up and put this on. Don't put that filthy dress back on, put this robe on and then come out and I'll get you something that won't upset your stomach, okay?" He left not knowing and scared to death she wouldn't do what he told her. He waited an eternity thinking he'd have to go back in and drag her out. Her food came, simple broth and crackers and still she stayed in there. Finally when he hovered outside the door, expecting to have to go in and get her, it creaked open and she peeked out. He waved her to come out, but her face disappeared from the door. "Foods getting cold," he tried. It did the trick. She opened the door and looked at his big booted feet. He moved back coaxing her forward like a scared animal. She came out slowly into the main bedroom and looked around. He walked over to the food sitting on a two chair table and invited her to come eat. Rowan tottered out in the massive robe that threatened to trip her at every step she took. She looked like a skeletal cancer patient. Sunken eyes, bruises anywhere skin was exposed, no hair on her head. She sat down and looked at the food but didn't eat. "Go ahead, it's for you. Just eat slowly, so you don't get sick this time, okay?" Titan felt like he was talking to a tiny baby deer. He walked back over to his phone and made some more calls, trying to defuse the situation by pretending she wasn't even in his room. Rowan ate. She ate slowly like the Alpha told her. She was scared, but she couldn't decide if he was trying to trick her like Alpha Beck did. He was across the room, the two big beds between them. She didn't think he was going to take the food after she had a bite or hit her when she went to eat. Instead he just seemed to ignore her. That was fine. She liked most to just be ignored. That was safest. Titan procured all the new arrangements he thought they'd need, but he had to go check the rest of the women. His fear was that there were more that were as bad off as the girl. Freddy didn't come back right away. It took him awhile to track down Ray, the man that had been her handler. When he did he was standing in front of the seedy hotel room watching through the window at the men as they goofed off and talked and drank as they made light of the girls they'd just off loaded. Their remarks pissed Freddy off so much more than he already was. Fury tinged his world red. He pounded on the door.
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