Born Rogue Chapter Five

1330 Words
Freddy exploded into the room, when Dicky answered the door. Dicky was thrown backwards and Ray and Curt, now mostly recovered, sprang up ready to run or fight. "Hey assholes!" Freddy cursed at them looking like a red-headed Wolverine. Dicky got up off the floor, he looked to his friends, then he cracked his neck an stood up taller. Thinking three of them and only one of him. "I need some information?" Freddy growled. "You need an ass whoopin'," Ray spat, beer still held to his chest. "Who the he'll is your Alpha?" Freddy demanded. All three of the men stuck out their chests thinking this was going to impress fear into him he could tell "Beck dumbass! We're Roanoke Pack f**k face!" Ray told him proudly thinking this would make him tuck tail and run. "OH, that p***y!" Freddy laughed. Dicky threw his beer at Freddy and Freddy dodged it, leapt onto him and tackled him to the floor. Ray flapped around, not knowing what to do and Curt crossed over and took Freddy in a head lock. Freddy maneuvered with a face stomp that left Dicky out cold on the floor and flipped over Curt putting him in a reverse choke hold. As he sputtered, but boxed in by the beds he couldn't find any leverage to do anything but struggle helplessly. Ray, the whole time, eyes wide as saucers, mouth a wide gaping hole, stood and watched as Freddy blacked him out. "Go tell Beck that one of the rogues took out three of his foot soldiers and tell him we REALLY liked his gift!" Freddy smiled as he stepped hard onto Curts chest and heard a rib snap as he walked out. ************************************************** "Beck!" Freddy told Titan when he came back to the room. Rowan was sitting drowsy and almost asleep when Freddy barged in noisily and made this announcement, startling her awake. "I should have figured." Titan sighed. "I may have started a fight." Freddy shrugged. " I couldn't help myself though. So, " Freddy continued, "I sent a message. You might get a call." Freddy shrugged. Titans phone range. Titan rubbed his face like it hurt. He answered. "Hello?" "Well you know us rogues," Titan shrugged to the voice on the otherside of the phone. Freddy smirked. "Well, are they dead?" Titan asked nonchalantly. "Then no harm, no foul." Titan responded, cheerily. Freddy chuckled. Still holding the phone to his ear, Titan shielded the phone from his mouth and said to Freddy, "Go get the kid some clothes and f*****g shoes, take Cam with you!" Then he turned away and went on conversing with Beck. Freddy looked at the kid and said "Clothes? What size are you?" Rowan just stared at him like a deer. Freddy snapped a picture of her then made her stand and took another one. He held her foot up to his hand, like it might divulge something significant then left. "Since when am I the gofer?" He said as he went to find Cam. Cam and Freddy found themselves at the nearest Walmart, standing between the little girls clothes and the women's clothes. "So, what size do you think she is?" Freddy said showing the picture to Cam. "How the he'll would I know, man!" Cam complained. "She's concentration camp victim size. I say little girls maybe?" Cam said pointing to a unicorn encrusted tee shirt display. "Yeah, but how do you tell what SIZE?" Freddy said thinking if he emphasized it he could then somehow figure out the secret. "Maybe we should just ask someone." Cam suggested. "What? Are you trying to get us arrested?" Freddy looked at the other man incredulously. "What'da'ya'mean?" Cam said totally blank. "What do I mean? What do you think people are going say if two grown men ask someone what size this girl in the picture on my phone might wear are going to think, asshole!" Freddy slapped him in the back of his head. "Ow! Don't smack me fucker," Cam rubber his head. " Just f*****g buy a bunch of sizes and let her figure it out!" Cam said. The light turned on in Freddy's head. "Good idea, man!" Freddy said smiling as he slapped Cam hard on the chest. "Ow! Stop hitting mother-fucker!" Cam said as he followed Freddy through the store. Several hours, several odd stares and four hundred dollars later they emerged from the store toting bags of clothes, shoes and underwear in many different sizes. One incident had Freddy arguing that the girls foot was two or three inches longer than the length of his hand and asking a clerk what size that was in shoes. The clerk completely uncomfortable finally had him measuring his hand on a printed floor mat as Cam concocted a lame story about them meeting their god-daughter for the first time and they wanted to buy her shoes. They packed the stuff in the SUV and hightailed it home. "You know that lady probably thinks we are like lovers or something, right?" Freddy said. "What? Why?" Cam asked confused. "Cuz, you said it was for our god-daughter. Why else would two guys have a god-daughter together unless they're like lovers or something?" Freddy shrugged. " Bullshit, no she didnt!" Cam insisted. "Well why not?" Freddy asked. "Hell, I can do way better than you, asshole!" Cam laughed and Freddy punched him in the shoulder. "Like he'll you can!" Freddy yelled then pulled himself over towards Cam saying, "Here give me a big, fat kiss, baby!" Cam swerved all over the road, "Knock it the f**k off, dickhead!" He yelled, but they both laughed the rest of the way back to the resort. ************************************************* When the guys got back they found the girl huddled up in front of the archaic TV with the volume turned low watching animal planet,and an array of snack food and drinks perched on the dresser, in front of her, while Titan screamed into the phone from the bathroom. He was cursing a blue streak. Cam and Freddy placed all the stuff on the bed and sat either on one of the beds or on the couch by the desk. Rowan eyes were big and round, so Freddy nudged her and pointed to the bags. "All that shits for you." She looked at the bags of stuff not sure they weren't threatening her somehow. She got up and looked in one pulling out a pink and purple pair of Nikes. Freddy jumped up off the bed all excited like a puppy. Cam rolled his eyes from the sofa. " Try them on! I know I got the right size." Freddy said tearing out items till he pulled out a bag of socks. " I got you the stretchy ones, I hate tying shoes!" Freddy told her excitedly. "That's cause he's too stupid to tie shoes!" Cam teased. Rowan sat in a puddle of her robe on the floor and put the socks on, but when it came to the shoes, she was too weak to rip the string and tags off to try them on. Freddy was down on the floor beside her and helping her so fast he startled her. Seeing her fear he quickly said, "Sorry, so sorry I had a lot of gummy bears on the way back. I'm a little hyper." He explained. "He also went and beat the faces in of those guys that brought you here. That's why Titans screaming into the phone in the other room." Cam told her. She looked astonished, then confused, so she tried on the shoe that Freddy offered her. It fit perfect. Freddy beamed at his success. While, Cam sat there a sly, knowing smile spreading across his face. Titan shouted from the bathroom, "Go ahead you f*****g p***y, Beck!" And he came out obviously upset and enraged. "Get her dressed. We have problem." Titan announced. "We have to go see the Council. Becks made a complaint."
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