Born Rogue Chapter Three

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Titan slammed his door with a thunderous crash after their induction into the North American Packs. Freddy, Titans Beta entered right after him followed quickly by His Gamma Lyon and a few of his other men. He shouldn't have stormed off and left them he knew. They were all barely uncontained vessels of rage right now. The sheer disrespect they'd just been exposed to was unimaginable. He should have stayed and made sure he controlled his wolves, but they'd followed him never questioning his authority publicly. They were good men. Good wolves. Loyal and stalwart, each and all. "We can't just act impulsively, even when they are clearly trying to insight our rage. We have to consider our actions before we act. This is what we have been fighting for our whole lives." Titan told his men in a barely controlled growl. Freddy, small in size, would probably never have achieved Beta status anywhere else. But Freddy was much more than he seemed at first glance. He was only 5' 9" with fiery red hair. Lean muscle gave the appearance of him being small framed at a glance, but he was by far their fastest wolf all except for their Alpha. He'd been cast out by his pack for being scrawny and would try and fight anyone who called him so. They exiled him at only 17 and three years later he met Titan. Titan found a solid friendship, almost brother-like, in Freddy. Ten years down the road, they stood here together and he looked to Freddy for council. "It's bullshit! It's an insult! AND It's disrepsectful!" Freddy voiced what they already knew. Lyon, with his long lions mane of blonde hair nodded his agreement. He was a mountain of a man. "Alpha did as he should have. If he'd rejected the females, then it would have been a rejection of our entry to the Summit. We have rights now. We must follow the rules of the summit in order for them to accept us as equals." "They'll never accept us as equals!" Hawk growled. He was the forth in command and had his own group of highly trained warriors he commanded for the Alpha. "They'll make us weaker! That's their whole agenda!" Cam, a lieutenant, exclaimed. "Calm!" Alpha commanded. Releasing his powerful command through the pack bonds as he'd done earlier. " You must stay calm, until I say otherwise. "We will pretend nothing is amiss. Let them think we are too dumb to realize their insults. The woman may be a liability, but you will allow no one to treat them as if they are. More likely they'll will have unfound strengths that no one even tried to discover. Be kind to them above all else, but watch for traitors among then that may be here to spy or infiltrate our ranks. We will figure that out when we get them back home. Freddy arrange suitable transportation. Lyon phone home and make sure they are housed appropriately and make sure everyone knows they are not to be touched, by my explicate orders. They'll need clothing and girl things. Make sure that's handled from home too. Then we will start to figure out how to best use their gifts to our advantage. It's not what they will expect and right now it's best to not be predictable." ************************************************** Freddy and Lyon, Cam and Hawk, returned to take possession of the women the next morning. They were in such a sorry state to look at. "How many rooms do we have to work with?" Cam asked again. "They only gave us four when we got here. You know that. We stayed in them last night." Freddy growled at him. "I was hoping maybe they gave us a few more. How are we going to house them until we leave?" Cam complained. "They aren't staying for the whole summit only tonight. Titan said to get some more of the pack to rent two busses and haul ass up here by tomorrow. So, just for tonight." Freddy sighed. "I sent for extra blankets and sleeping bags, but surprise the hotel said they couldn't accommodate that many." Hawk told them. "I rented out a conference room on the second floor, " Lyon confided. " They'll be spooked and untrustful of us. Best to keep eye on them all in one place. I placed an order for 100 sleeping bags, 100 towels, cases of water. It will all be delivered after noon. Till the boys get here with the buses we will move them all to the conference room, 2104. Got it?" Lyon told them all. They looked around at their charges. None of the women looked healthy. They all looked terrified as the men moved in to look them over. Most did exactly as they were told at first. Their handlers still nearby to inflict pain if they didn't. Rowan tried to sneak along the wall as the Rogue pack entered their holding cell. Ray had been watching over them that night and was tired because no one had come to relieve him. He wasn't paying attention. The Rogue pack was asking the handlers to help escort them somewhere else where they'd relinquish them over to the Rogue pack completely, so they willingly helped, just to be rid of the mewling women. Rowan was very small. She'd tucked the hat into a vent awhile ago, relieving herself of hideous and abbrasive color. Now, she weaved her way to another exit she'd seen earlier when they took them to bathrooms. She ducked into a cleaning cupboard next to the bathroom, but just as she almost had the door shut, Ray grabbed her, choking her by the collar and threw her across the hall, through several other woman and then zapped her. She writhed in pain. Ray was screaming at her and kicking her for good measure When Freddy barreled into him and sent him flying to the floor. "Dont!" Freddy looked furiously as the man tried to get up. "Take that off her." Freddy demanded. "They'll try to run," Ray tried to explain. "Take it off, now!" Freddy growled. Ray swallowed hard, but pulled keys from his pocket and released the collar. "Not my ass anymore." Ray announced and stepped away from her, collar in hand. Freddy took the girl, small and fragile by the arm as she trembled in shock, fear, cold or all of the above. He guided her himself as he followed behind. He placed her in the conference room with the other women. He checked them all for similar collars and had them all removed. "Have any of you eaten today?" None of the women said anything, at most they shook their heads no. Freddy sent some of the men away and they returned with plates and banquet trays of breakfast food. He sat it all on the tables at the front of the room. No one moved. "Form a line. Come eat." He told them. At first no one was brave enough to move, except Rowan. She was too hungry to care anymore. She looked around and then hurried to the food. It woke something in the rest of them that the lowest of them was going to eat first. An older woman maybe 35 to 40 shook her head 'no' and then ran and threw Rowan away from the food. Then all the women were pushing for place in line, Rowan being tossed further and further away to the back of the lines that formed. Freddy and his men let the hierarchy form itself. It would be easier to keep them in line and safe if they knew who was the strongest of them. Rowan scowled at being pushed further and further away. She hadn't eaten in days. She felt like her stomach was glued to her spine. She started to fall into line where the other women had put her, but something clicked in her brain. This was different. This was new. This was her moment!
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