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Chris sobbed and sighed. “At least I got to see something extraordinary, before I die.” Boudica sighed, she wasn't sure she should even try, the implications may very well be disastrous. But should she be any less brave than the girl she'd choose? She turned, determined and looked at Freddy and Tigger. “We are all linked through Rowan. So we use her as a conduit to heal human!” She told them decisively. “I want each of you to pour energy into Rowan, but concentrate on pushing it through her into Chris!” Tigger and Freddy looked at each other uncertainly, but did as Boudica told them. Their tethers to Rowan lit up with a white hot glow. Boudica pushed and they saw Chris's tether begin to admit a dull white light but only inches from Rowan's chest. “MORE!” Boudica demanded. Freddy and Tigger pushed with all their might and Boudica growled furiously as she shoved everything of herself through Rowan. The tether to Chris inched painfully slow towards him. “WE NEED MORE ENERGY!” Boudica strained. Veins stood out on Freddy's head and neck. Tigger whole body vibrated. And Boudica screamed! A flood of energy so massive it made Rowans whole body light up, thrust through the connection and like a lightening bolt erupted through the tether, making it too bright to look at without hurt your eyes and into his body. It was like a massive electric jolt. It made his body arch and pulse with waves of power. In seconds they all fell down, spent and unable to do anything other than breath. Minutes seemed to pass before Freddy asked, “Did…we…do…it?” He heaved as if he'd run 30 marathons, out of breath. Boudica crawled her way to Chris. “Human? Can you hear me?” “I'm with the pack, we are almost to where he is.” Freddy told them quietly. Chris slowly blinked his eyes. He was surrounded by flashing lights. People were mulling around. There were yellow triangles all around him. He groaned and rolled over. “Jesus Christ!” “Holy Mother of God!” “Zombie!” People around him were jumping out of there skin. Three police officers pulled there weapons and aimed them at him! “Freeze!” They said. “You said he was dead!” Someone said to a paramedic. “I swear he was! No pulse. Gunshot to the head!” “I'm not dead!” Chris told them. “You were dead!” The paramedic assured him as he came over and checked his pulse. “I'm not a zombie.” Chris told the policemen as they continued to point their weapons at him. “See all that blood” the paramedic said pointing to a coagulating puddle. “That came out of your head, dude!” The policemen put their guns done and approached. Where Chris had been laying they'd photographed and put down evidence numbers, but something new now lay among those cataloged. A bloody bullet. “Look that was under him.” the policemen showed the others. “Let me look at your head.” the medic asked Chris. Chris turned his neck and winced at the headache he had. The medic took gauze and water from his bag and cleaned off the back of Chris head and neck just behind his right ear. “There's a lot of blood here, but I don't see the wound and I'd testify there was one when I got here. Do you know what happened, sir?” The medic asked. “This guy kidnapped me and my friend. He put us in his trunk and I broke out the tail lights and waved people down. When he opened the trunk I stabbed him with my pocket knife and she ran. Then the couple in that car. I think…he shot them…” I can't really remember much after that.” Chris said but his memory was really hazy. “It's okay, sir. We are going to transport you to the hospital and get you checked out first. The officers will follow and you can tell them what you know then.” The medic told him. He put a compression bandage on Chris's head just as a precaution. And brought over a gurney helping Chris lay down on it. “Wait! Where's Rowan?” Chris remembered suddenly. “Who is that?” The policeman asked. “My friend, she was in the trunk with me. Is she okay?” “I'm afraid when we arrived everyone was pronounced dead at the scene, but there was only one woman. She's in the car you said the people who were trying to help you were in. She's already been taken to the coroner's. I'm very sorry.” “Then they still have her! You have to find her!” Chris started yelling frantically and trying to pull off the straps now holding him in the gurney. “Okay, sir! We will get all the information from you after you're checked out at the hospital.” The policeman told him and tried to get him to lay still in the gurney. “No! I don't want to go to the hospital, I want to go to the police station! They are going to kill her. She told me they were going to kill her!” Chris wrangled with his straps and began bucking around on the gurney. “Just give me as much info as you can right now then you go to the hospital and get seen!” The policeman compromised. “I'll tell you everything if you take me in the police car!” Chris countered Stubbornly. The policeman sighed then looked to the medic. “Is he stable enough?” “I don't know, he should be seen immediately.” The medic argued. “You gonna sedate him, because your not gonna be able to transport him if he's fighting like this.” The policeman told him. “Anderson! Take a bag and go with him. I'll just follow you to the hospital!” The second medic decided to unhook Chris's straps. Chris sprang out of the ambulance as fast as he could before anyone could change their mind. Chris began explaining everything he could remember omitting all the werewolf psychic s**t so they'd take him seriously. Chris and the medic Anderson and the policeman got in the police car and left the others to continue to process the crime scene. The policeman introduced himself as Murray. Chris told him about how he was giving Rowan a ride up north to Wyoming. He said she looked like a runaway, but she said she was in trouble and she was trying to get home to her family. He explained he didn't know about how much until he saw the guy kidnapping her at the gas station. Murray confirmed that part of the story as multiple witnesses had seen Rowan wrestling into the trunk of a black car and then Chris being beaten and put in also. He relayed her description as looking like a cancer patient and then told them again with more detail everything that had led them to the crime scene. “ So, I turned and looked at these guys stuffing Rowan into these other dudes' cars and then, WACK! Lights out! Then I woke up to this” Chris said shrugging, raising his hands up. Murray's partner, Jenkins, was recording everything on a handheld tablet. “Can you give me a better description of the vehicles?” “No, I only saw them briefly. Dark in color, both four door cars. If they were truck's I might have been able to tell you more, but I don't know anything about boring ass cars.” Chris told them as they pulled under the ambulance portico at the hospital. “Okay, I'll get the APB out and an Amber Alert. We will get that all going and you get your ass in there and get looked at. Officer Jenkins will stay with you and I'll give you an update as soon as possible.” Officer Murrey told him. Anderson and Jenkins escorted him into the hospital and he walked on his own, but just as he crossed the threshold went lump like a puppet with its strings cut! Anderson yelled for more help as he checked Chris's stats. He looked at Jenkins, “See! I told you he should've been on a freaking gurney!”
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