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Chris awoke in the trunk with a start. His head hurt in his dream. A very strange dream. He touched his head and his hand came away bloody. But when he tried to find the wound there seemed to be none. He felt Rowan's body curled in the back of the trunk when he rolled over trying to get a sense of his surroundings. He tried to talk to her, but when she didn't answer him he began looking for wounds on her. She had a bad bruise around her neck from what he could see in the dimly lit interior of the trunk. Her eyelids fluttered back and forth like when she had been talking to Freddy, so then he assumed that's what she was doing now. Chris looked around for a weapon all he could find was a plastic ice scrape. There were pieces of cardboard and an old flip flop, but that was all he could find. Then he discovered that the emergency locking mechanism on the inside of the was cut out. He pulled back the carpet and tried to make a hole by removing the rear tail light. That's when he found his pocket knife still in his jeans pocket, while looking for a coin or something to use to loosen the screw holding it in. Chris took out both tail lights and just removed them completely. Then he took the wires from them and tied the knife to the end of the scraper. He wanted something with a long reach, so when the maniac who'd put him in there opened the trunk lid he could stab up at him with the longer reach of the scraper. He was hoping a police officer would pull him over before that. Chris was waiting, looking out the holes where the tail lights had been, waving and yelling whenever a car came up behind them. He didn't even notice her at first. “You're okay?” Rowan said to him. Chris twisted uncomfortably around to try and speak with her, “Yeah, I'm fine. You don't look too good though.” Rowan brushed her hand over the dried blood on his head. The wound had disappeared. “It worked! I healed you.” She told him exuberantly. “YOU healed me?” Chris speculated. “Don't you remember?” Rowan said somewhat disappointed. “Well… I had a dream where I was really hurt and you stuck like an electric cable from your chest into mine and then I woke up cause you made me better.” Chris said, trying to recall. “Yeah! It wasn't a dream. I gave you a pack connection and used it to heal you. Kinda like Freddy did to me earlier, but he messed it all up and now he's disconnected to Titan our Alpha.” Rowan told him excitedly. Chris looked confused, “Wait…what?” He shook his head, not able to comprehend. “I made you a pack mate, so I could heal you.” Rowan told him more slowly. “Pack mate?” Chris's eyebrows crinkled with confusion. “For us it's a bond?” Rowan tried to explain. “You can heal and talk and know where they are.” “So you made ME one and healed me?” Chris asked. “Yeah!” Rowan said excitedly, then her face shifted to a sad worried expression. “But the others were really scared that I did it.” “We'll worry about all the concerns later. Right now, we need to get out of this truck and away from this psycho before he gets us somewhere alone and we won't have a chance.” Chris told her solemnly. He explained the plan quickly and then they went to work. Chris watched out the back waiting for an opportunity where they had lots of people and buildings around. Then they started kicking and yelling as loud as they could. Waving their arms out the tail light holes. A car stopped behind them at a red-light along a very populated strip with lots of businesses along a six lane road, began honking their horn and yelling out their window. “Help! We've been kidnapped!” Chris screamed out the hole. The man that'd taken them quickly pulled off into the parking lot of one of the businesses and drove around back, stopping the car with a lerch! Chris and Rowan heard him get out. “Get ready,”Chris whispered. But then they heard something, “I'm recording you ASSHOLE! My wife's on the phone with the police!” Someone yelled at the man. Then they heard gunfire! A lot of gunfire. The man ripped open the trunk! Chris stabbed him in the shoulder with his homemade spear. Rowan sprung out of the trunk and ran while Chris distracted him. She ran for the good Samaritans car, they were just sitting hunched down, their car all shot up. The husband waved her to them, she hid behind the door he opened for her. “I'm shot and the car won't start! Go get help. Run around front and make the people in the building call the cops, HURRY, please!” Two more cars pulled in as Rowan looked to run. She saw Beck. His cold deadly eyes. Her heart sunk, but she ran. She ran with everything she had asking Boudica to help make her fast. Beck and two of his cronies were out of the car and chasing her. They were much faster, but Rowan dodged them at the last second leapt up onto the dumpster and started climbing a ladder to the roof of the building. “STOP YOU WORTHLESS, f*****g MUTT!” Beck shouted to her. He jumped grabbing her ankle pulling her from the ladder. Rowan fell nearly fifteen feet to the concrete! The impact jarred the air right out of her lungs. The pain was incredible! Becks two wolves picked her up and took her to the car. To the wolves in the other car Beck yelled, “Kill them all!” Got in the car and took off. Rowan was grappling in the back seat with two brutish wolves when she heard gunshots! “Chris!!! NO!” She screamed. They were bouncing out of the parking lot and back on the road and she couldn't see them anymore. “Put her to sleep,” Beck ordered, handing them a syringe. They held her down tight and no amount of flailing or fighting could get her free as she felt the stab in her neck. They let her go, but it was already making her woozy. In seconds her world faded to black! ********************************************************* Chris fought the man he'd stabbed. He kicked him in the chest and even though injured, the man, didn't seem to feel it. Chris belatedly remembered Rowan had said they were all werewolves. He hadn't really believed her even though he'd been staring it in the face. He tried to stab again, but the man just wrenched it out of his hand. He saw Rowan being dragged back to another car. She was screaming and flailing around. The car left and he was punched in the head. At least that was what he thought because he was instantly unconscious. He was back in the black cave, the huge black cave. The one where he'd been when Rowan said she'd healed him earlier. Freddy was there and the wolf Tigger and the beautiful fiery red wolf Rowan had called Boudica, just like the Ionian Queen. The tether to his chest from Rowans was dark, sickly looking red. When he finally saw Rowan she was laying unresponsive surrounded by all of them. “What's going on?” Chris asked worriedly. “You're dying and we can't wake Rowan up!” Freddy said. To Rowan, he knelt down beside her and gently shook her. “Rowan! You need to wake up! Chris needs your help!” Chris collapsed. “What's happening?” Chris whimpered. The beautiful wolf nuzzled him, “ You're dying.” She said sadly.
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