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Elderman Lancaster looked concerned as he took another phone call. So far the Rogue pack had fled, with the females presented to them, without any explanation. It wasn't against any rules, but it was frowned on. But there was stuff, personal effects, left in the abandoned rooms. It was concerning, especially when Alpha Titan was forwarding all his phone calls. He just got off a call with pack members from Rogue pack home base near the Teton mountains of western Wyoming. Then the next Beck and a large amount of his wolves are gone. Lancaster was frustrated and his anger was building. Titan and Beck both were ignoring his calls and their packs were dismissive. Something was going on between the two, it was the only likely conclusion, and with everything that had transpired at the punishment the other night it had to do with Beck's former female pup and Titans newest member. Now, he was getting news of a kidnapping involving humans, some killed some not, and a girl matching the same wolf pup. All inside his territory. When he caught up to the wolves responsible he was going to make sure they'd pay…the ultimate price! Titan had picked up Freddy shortly after he'd killed Beck's wolf, Michael if Titan still remembered the right name. He'd been high up in the pack order and was surprised Freddy had been able to take him on alone, he was much bigger than his Beta. Now, after they'd regrouped and regained Freddy, Freddy tracked Rowan using the pack bond. Freddy said they were getting much closer. When they got to the gas station it had been a mere hour after the cops had been called and they passed the scene where Beck had taken Rowan. The cops swarmed the area and they couldn't get a scent, but they did see Chris arguing from the ambulance. They had to make a decision. Recover the human or go after Rowan and kill Beck. Because that was all their intention. Before he decided, he asked Freddy. “Is she okay?” Titan asked his Beta. “They must have drugged her. She is unresponsive.” Freddy sighed, worried. “Try communicating with her wolf. She may be able to have a sense of Rowan's surroundings.” Titan instructed. “Boudica?” Freddy called. Boudica appeared like a mist and solidified before him. “Yes, stupid wolf.” Boudica insulted. “Come on, Boudica. I am trying to get back to her. Can you tell me anything at all? Titan thought maybe you'd be able to tell us something?” Freddy said, frustrated. “I'm surprised that you are powerful enough to even track her!” Boudica quipped. “ I know she's alive and I can feel her moving, probably in an automobile.” “Any smells, any noises?” Freddy encouraged her to keep going. “Gasoline and wolves. Very pungent. And they aren't speaking really. I recall they did say something about a syringe, so they drugged her, I felt the pain as they stabbed her with it. Then she passed out, my poor darling.” Boudica crooned sadly. “Good! Can you remember every turn they made in the car maybe?” Freddy inquired. “No, but I can tell you she is quite a distance from you! Why are you moving so slowly? You were catching up before!” Boudica admonished him. “Titan isn't sure whether to go get the human, Chris. He's being taken to the hospital.” Freddy told her. “The human is fine, we healed him. He was dead and if he appreciates it he will keep his mouth shut and go on living his miniscule and mundane human life. You need to go after Rowan. No loose end is worth her life!” Boudica told him, absolutely. “I KNOW!” Freddy said vehemently. “Then go do your job! Save the wolf cub. You took over that responsibility, now go do it!” Boudica demanded. “OK!” Freddy screamed. “Just try to communicate with Chris!” And he vanished from the void. Boudica had no trouble finding the troublesome, weak little human. He was still right beside Rowan in the void. He was like Rowan though, sleeping. He was as new to it as her and Boudica thought he couldn't control it any better than her little protégé. So, she did the only thing she could think of. She sat on his face! Chris came alive in the void, screaming into her rump! Boudica lifted her ass and strolled nonchalantly away from and turned, silkily and regarded him with a sly smile. “Morning sunshine!” She said sweetly. “What the f**k!” Chris yelled and sat up quickly. “I needed to get your attention somehow,” Boudica said slowly, squinting her eyes at him. “I could have bit you!” Boudica imagined with a smile. Licked her chops at the idea. “No!” Chris said, spooked, waving her away. “What do you want?” “You owe us your life so I want you to make a promise, so the others can go after Rowan without stopping to take care of you!” She told him. Her voice was commanding as she told him. “You must promise to never tell anyone about your encounters with werewolves or any of ‘this’” She told him indicating the void. “All of it must remain a secret to the humans. If you don't you put your life at risk, because all of it is forbidden and Rowan has broken several taboos in order to preserve your life. I'm telling you to do this or we will deal with you in a most violent way.” Boudica warned menacingly. “I'm not stupid!” Chris said affronted. “They'd throw me in a looney bin if I told them anything I saw. You need to tell Rowan she's naive!” “I know my duties, HUMAN! You don't need to tell me! I only met Rowan a mere hour before you! I haven't had time. We've been flying by the seat of our pants. She is naive, but she also doesn't have any preconceptions. Which is why you still live. What she did to save you makes her very special!” Boudica said proudly, her tail flicking back and forward in irritation. “I wont blow her cover.” Chris assured the massive red wolf. “Did I really die?” “Yes!” Boudica replied haughtily. “I, Freddy and Master Tigger used our energy to send it through Rowan into you. You were dead. They shot you in your head. We shoved the bullet out and mended the hole and restarted your heart. It took everything we had.” Chris shivered as reality clicked in. He was in the hospital looking up at the bright overhead lights, monitors beeped in tantrum. People busily hustled around. He tried to sit up and found himself handcuffed to the bed. Son-of-a-b***h! Boudica told Freddy to continue after Rowan as quickly as possible, assuring the human was no longer a problem. Freddy relayed this to Titan Titan wasn't so sure, but they were right they had to find Rowan first. They'd followed Chris to the hospital and Titan called wolves to come watch Chris while they were busy dealing with Beck. He was sure it was Beck. He had all his wolves on call ready to deploy at a moment's notice and the majority were already on their way over two thousand of them! Beck was in for a hell of a surprise. He may not realize it yet but this was WAR! He was going to deal with him no matter what! And on they drove, all the wolves converging like a pack of ravenous raptors! Each getting closer to Beck and to Rowan!

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