Born Rogue Chapter Seven

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The Rogue Pack delighted that everyone could only speak about them, though it be behind their hands and in mostly subtle whispers. They had a wonderful dinner and even though Freddy knew what awaited him at its closure. He never showed any sigh of being troubled. He was contentedly trying to entertain Rowan through the whole meal and keep her from noticing the unkind stares and words she was drawing from everyone around them. There were no other children there and very few woman. Those woman that were there, were some of the worst offenders, because they were all the mates of Alphas at the banquet. Before the end of the Summit a few social occasions would be held, in which, any unmated daughters of the Alphas would then be brought out to meet prospective mates. Until then they were hidden away. So, Rowans presence was causing quite a lot of criticism, especially by the wives who were told there own daughters couldn't even be present at these banquet. The Lunas were quite vindictive indeed, with their comments. Behind them from, Roanoke Pack he heard Becks Luna remark, "I can't believe the Elders would allow this!" Her sneer could nearly be felt her tone dripped with scorn."We can't even bring our, Belle, but their allowed to just bring that kind of trash in here, among us!" Beck chuckled slightly and patted his wife's hand like he was soothing a troublesome child, "Calm down my dear! They probably don't know she's trash. To them, she's like royal blood because they can't tell the difference, since they don't have any females. Besides it's just ' the pup', so it only matters if you let it. Just ignore their antics. They are so stupid to believe their making some kind of statement!" Becks Luna rolled her eyes and didn't like being told to ignore such a display of disrespect for the stations of all the women present. She absolutely recognized the girl, she'd been part of her household until her husband he finally was getting rid of her after all these years. And the Luna was glad to be rid of a constant reminder of her husband's past transgressions. It troubled Titan because he didn't really understand the Lunas pettiness. She seemed more perturbed then most of the others who were complaining. Most simply seemed annoyed by their disrespect, but that's the game they were playing. Becks Luna seemed extra pissed off and Titan wondered why. There were announcements and boring rhetoric at the end of the dinner. Mostly going over the amended agenda for the next day, because things constantly had to be rearranged while at a pack summit. And it took forever to read out all the changes. Lyon was dutifully writing everything down, a task Titan would have rather listened to a hyena mating with a cactus then do himself. He was the only one at the table that seemed concerned with the duties that would soon follow. Then a more interesting, that everyone perked up in their seats, punishments. Titan WA sure they'd be last, arranged by Beck to make the most impact, but also because it was going to get bloody and it was best not to allow werewolves to linger around fresh blood for too long or the mere smell could steam tempers and cause arguments as adrenaline coursed through their veins. There were some very petty, public apologies made. Most very grudgingly. Then there were a few beatings from Alphas to subordinates. Lastly came the harsher punishments. All were called onto a stage were a sturdy set of silver manacles were strung waiting for Freddy's wrists. The Eldermen announced them and read the charges and the agreement made between Alpha Titan and Alpha Beck, to resolve the disagreement. Titan called upon Freddy who rose, regally, and match head up and shoulders back. Rowan who hadn't really been paying attention to the goings on, now looked concerned as she watched what was happening now. Titan strapped Freddy's wrists into the silver manacles, with a hiss of searing flesh to both men. Tendrils of smoke lifting into the air, seen very well in the intense stage light, now spotlighting them. Elder Lancaster offer the silver tipped whip to Titan who took it resolutely. Nodding his respect to one another the Elderman left the stage. Titan took his position and Freddy braces. Titan didn't want to look weak, but not using enough force or be accused of not administering the punishment adequately. He also didn't want to Do Freddy anymore damage than necessary to complete the agreement. It was a fine line. Titan took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the leather tight in his fist. Unraveling it's long length, he gave a small flick of his wrist to bring it slightly behind his heel. Then with a stunned "ah" of the spectators at the quick speed and booming snap, Freddy's sharp intake of breath, a bloody and steaming hiss, a strip of red was gouged out of his back. Steam rising in the spotlight to attest that Titans first stroke had made contacts. Freddy's brow broke out into a cold sweat instantly. He growled slightly at the intense pain, but made no other indication that he'd suffered. "One!" said the announcer. Titans whip whistled backhand he gave it a mighty snap before he settled it back behind his heel. Lyon and Cam who'd taken up seats on either side of Rowan put gentle steadying hands on her arms and shoulders. Her eyes wide with terror and fear, began to whine tiny mewling cries, that could be heard thought the room, that was silent, waiting for the next stroke. I whistle and a hiss, "Two!" came the count. Rowan was gasping for air. Heaving quickly for each breath! Lyon and Cam continued to try and sooth her with soft whispers and pack bonds, but since she wasn't bound to the pack yet, we're next to useless. A third strike, cracked like thunder, and Rowan was out of her seat quicker than lightning. Lyon went to grab her only to realize she's was so fast and already out of reach. She weaved around feet and chairs, under the table, startling every table on her way to the stage. Beck stood in a rage! His familiarity of this girl and how'd he'd dealt with her in the past, rage rushed through his veins, the impulse to discipline her came like a reflex her, before he even realized she wasn't his problem anymore and abruptly sat back down, a smug smile on his face. Lyon hesitated to go after her, costing him the precious seconds he'd had to stop her. Worried that his race to chase her would be misconstrued as an attempted attack for the Eldermen overseeing the punishment, on the stage. So he looked to Titan who had yet to notice the problem sprinting like a wild thing towards him. "Three!" came the count. Rowan leapt upon the stage amidst the gasps of hundreds of onlookers in the audience. She dove through the air and the silver tipped whip wrapped around her skinny arm, before number four landed on Freddy's back. She pulled and snarled drawing the whip tight between herself and Titan. Growling menacingly, she did the unthinkable, "NO!" she demanded. Titan gaped at this manifestation, tiny Rowan was doing the unthinkable. Challenging an Alpha! The room held its breath in anticipation.
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