Chapter 12: Time Heals All

3060 Words
January slipped by in a cold haze for Jackie. She still wasn't ready to give Eric another chance, but she still loved him. When February came around, Liam pulled her aside. "Hey sweetheart, let's go to the shed and play a game of pool. It's been a little since you and I just hung out." "Okay." Jackie replied following her dad to the shed. Liam set up the game and broke first. "So, tell me, how are things going? I mean, you and Eric." Liam asked getting to the point. "I don't know, dad. He asked if we can get back together last month and I told him I would think about it. He told me he is no longer friends with April, and everyone has confirmed that he told her off and ended all communications with her. He just hurt me so much, I don't know if I could ever trust him again." Jackie confessed. She felt tears threatening to fall as she took her shot and sunk a solid into a side pocket. "Do you still love him?" Liam asked as he lined up a shot himself. His question echoed in her head. Did she still love Eric? "Maybe. I don't know." "I think you need to take a breath and ask your self that question. If the answer is no, then let things remain as they are. But if the answer is yes, then you need to figure out how you two can move past this. Graduation is coming up and you both are going to the same college. Now's the time to sort things out." Liam explained. "By the way, eight ball right corner pocket," he shot and sunk the ball. Jackie just rolled her eyes and laughed. "Thanks dad." She said giving him a hug. "Anytime angel." Liam replied. "If it's any consolation, I think you know the answer but your heart is just hurt. He made a mistake; he will make more. It's what us guys do. If you love him, you can over look his flaws and mistakes." Liam went back in the house as Jackie just sat down on the couch. She thought hard about what Liam had told her. She tried hard to search her heart. There was a light knock on the door and Eric walked in. "Hey, your dad said you were in here. He suggested I come talk to you." He informed her as he took a seat in a chair near her. "I've done my best to give you space and allow you time to think." His eyes were blood shot, and the dark circles around his eyes told her he still wasn't sleeping. "I miss you Jackie." Seeing him like this was breaking her heart all over again. "I know." She said in a shaky voice. "Thank you for giving the space I asked for. I know it has been hard for you. This whole thing has been difficult for me as well." "I know. It's not fair of me to continue living here or asking you to give me a second chance, but I needed to ask. I told your parents I've been looking for another place to stay until after graduation. I understand if you don't ever want me back, but I need to tell you something." Eric said moving over so that he was kneeling in front of her. He took her hands in his, and looked up at her. Tears streaking his face as he struggled to find his words. When his fingers felt that she was still wear the ring he gave her, his heart stopped for a moment, but it gave him hope. "You were my first, and you have been the only girl I have ever been with. I was stupid and blind not realizing what April was doing. I only want you; I have only wanted you. You have my heart, Jackie Jones. I only hope you give me another chance to take care of you and be only yours again. I'm dying to be held by you again, I long to feel your kiss. I'm still in love with you. I will never love anyone else." Jackie listened letting silent tears fall down her cheek as she looked at him. She was tired of feeling this heart ache, she was tired of avoiding him to avoid the pain. As she listened to him, her dad's words came flooding back into her head 'do you still love him?' She closed her eyes and took a deep cleansing breath as she searched her heart for the answer to her dad's question. When she opened her eyes again, she whispered "yes." "Yes? Yes, what?" Eric asked looking at her. The pain in his eyes was clear." "Yes, I still love you." Jackie replied, gaining more of her voice. She leaned forward and pulled him closer. She found his lips and began kissing him. He let her slide her tongue between his lips as he kissed her. Their tongues danced as he moved closer to her. She bit and pulled his lower lip causing him to groan. He laid her down on the couch with her legs wrapped around her waist. She greedily pulled his shirt over his head and slid her hands over his back. She laced her fingers through his hair pulling him deeper into the kiss. She pulled him closer with her legs as she began grinding against him with her hips. She felt him getting hard with her movements. "Oh, Jackie" he groans against her lips. "You need to stop, I'm not going to be able to resist much longer, and I promised you parents..." She cut him off by pulling him back into a kiss. She wasn't thinking about anything but having him closer, she needed him closer. She wanted to feel him inside her. She didn't care about anything else but this moment right now. She tugged his head back as she licked his neck and then drew her teeth across the base of his neck. He let out a moan of pleasure. He finally untangled himself from her and stood up. "I want to but we can't here." He breathed heavily. "I don't care where we are. I need you Eric." She told him. She was looking so intently at him. She licked her lips slowly, and bit her bottom lip reaching for him. "I need you." She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her. She kissed him again, this time she sat on his lap, straddling him. She tugged on his hair as she kissed his neck. She pulled off her shirt, and pulled his hands up to her breasts. He instinctively began kneading her breast like he knew she wanted him to do. She let out a moan of pleasure. She let her head tilt back as he continued to knead her breasts. When she looked back at him, he saw he need for him in her eyes. "I love you." She breathed as she kissed his neck. She moved her hands down to his pants and began unbuttoning them. He grabbed her hands as he looked at her. "We can't hear, babe. I want to I really do, but I can't hear." "My family went to my Uncle Sam's house for dinner tonight. They won't ever know." Jackie replied kissing his neck again. "But I will know. I really can't betray your dad's trust." Jackie wasn't listening to his reasons. She needed him, and she was going to get what she needed. She continued kissing and nipping at his throat, lips, and jawline. She knew how to get him to moan out with pleasure. She stood up and pulled off her pants. His eyes went wide as she removed her underwear and bra. She stood naked in front of him with a smile on her face. She pulled him to her off the couch. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He grabbed her hips firmly and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as they continue to deepen the kiss. He moved her back to the couch, where he laid them down again. He moved his hands down her curves and over her stomach. She moaned at his touch. He moved his fingers down between her legs slowly drawing circles over her clit causing her to cry out in pleasure. He moved his fingers down between her folds and slipped a finger into her. The moan that sounded in her throat sent him over the edge. "Eric, please. I want you; I need you." She cried against his neck. He smiled as he pulled his pants off without releasing her lips from his. He pulled up onto his knees and thrust himself into her. The quick motion took her by surprise, causing her to cry out again. He waiting a minute to allow her to get use to him, before he began thrusting and pumping into her. She dug her fingers into his back, causing him to groan and speed up the momentum. They climaxed together, and she let out a cry as she came through her orgasm. When they both came down, they were holding each other breathless. "I love you, Jackie. I will never do anything to hurt you ever again. I want to be your only man for the rest of your life." He sighed into her shoulder. "I love you." She replied pulling his face up to hers so she could kiss his lips. He sat up and pulled on his pants in a hurry. "We have two very big problems." He said as he sat down on the couch next to her. He handed her clothes to her. "What is that?" She asked as she pulled her clothes on. "Well, one, I just broke your parent's rules and had s*x with you in your dad's man cave... And two, umm. I need to buy you the morning after pill. I'm not going to take that chance. You are going to college and having a career before you become a mom." Eric replied. "You didn't put a condom on?" Jackie replied her eyes going wide. "Babe, you are so seductive. I needed to please you. I'm sorry. I didn't have one in my pocket, because we haven't had s*x in over a month." Eric replied. "I will take care of this. I'll get the pill. Just to be on the safe side." "Okay." Jackie nodded. "I'm sorry I freaked out." "You have every right to freak out. I'm suppose to be responsible here." Eric explained kissing her head. "Your parents are going to kill me about us having s*x here any ways." "They are not going to find out!" Jackie declared. "We talked, and that's it." "I can't lie to your dad. He scares me." Eric confessed. Jackie laughed. "He won't hurt you, because he knows I love you. That man has loved me since the day he met me. We have an untouchable bond." "Right, I thought he was going to kill me that night when you told him what happened. He came into my room, and told me to get out of bed. When I followed him into the shed, my stomach was in my throat. When I saw you; I wished he'd kill me. You were so heart broken, and I knew it was because of me." Eric explained. "I know, I saw it in your eyes. We will get through this." Jackie assured him. "Funny, my dad was talking to me and pointed out that you made a mistake, and probably will make more." "Not like this. No one is going to be able to touch me who is not you. I'm going to be paying better attention from now on." Eric stated leaning in to kiss her lips. "You will always be my one and only." They walked into the house hand in hand. As they entered through the back door, Liam and Natalie walked through the front door with the little ones following. They sent the littles up to get ready for bed, and walked into the kitchen. Liam looked at both of them and nodded. Liam walked over to Eric and whispered something in his ear, that made Eric's face drop. Jackie just looked at them, trying to figure out what they were saying. She looked at her mom, who only smiled at her. Natalie pointed to her neck and Jackie reach up to touch her own neck where her mom had indicated. Then Liam and Natalie went upstairs to put the little ones to bed. "What did he say?" Jackie whispered after her parents went upstairs. "He'd let it slide this time, but if it happens again in his house, he will beat my ass." Eric replied trying to not sound frightened. "Apparently I left a hickey on your neck." "Oh shit." Jackie said looking at him. "You need to work on not leaving them in noticeable spots." "True, but I still need to run to the store." He whispered. "I need to get you that pill." Jackie just nodded. He gave her a quick kiss and said, "I'll be right back. Tell them I'm going to get some groceries." "Okay." Jackie sighed. As Eric ducked out of the house, Liam came down the stairs. He found Jackie sitting on the couch in the parlor. He cleared his throat as he entered. "I guess you decided to give him a second chance." "Yes, I am in love with him." Jackie sighed. "The talk you and I had really helped me think about the situation." "I'm glad." "Daddy, can I ask you something?" "Young lady, you haven't called me daddy since you were ten years old. What's on your mind?" "Do you like him? Honestly, do you think he's good for me?" Jackie asked looking her dad in the eyes. "I think he is an honest young man. I think he has a good head on his shoulders. He is a guy, and he will make mistakes so I can't fault him for it. He was genuinely upset that you thought he would cheat on you. But the most important thing about him, is he is in love with you." Liam stated. "He wants you to have the best future possible, and he supports your dreams. I feel he will be good for you later in your life. You two are young, try not to hold his hick-up against him." "I understand. I was just wondering what your opinion was. You would tell me if you didn't like him, right?" "There is only one of your friends I would never want to see my daughter in a relationship with, and Eric is not him. In all honesty, Eric has always been my favorite out of all your friends. Blake is my second." Jackie laughed. "Blake is like a big brother to you, which helps ease my mind when you are out and about with your friends." "He is isn't he. I feel terrible that I barely talk to Blake since he showed me what was going on with April. I was so upset that he felt like I needed to know, but now that I think about it, he was only trying to protect me." Jackie sighed. "I'm going to have to reach out to him and apologize." "You were dealing with a lot. I'm sure Blake will understand." Liam replied patting her knee. "But I think you need to focus on you and Eric first." "I understand, I think." "Baby girl, in order for you and Eric to be as strong as you can be, you need to build off of your friendship. Open up to him, tell him everything, and he needs to tell you everything. From there you both ensure there are no secrets that can lead to misunderstandings. Trust me on that. When I first came back from Iraq, your mom told me about what was happening with Robert, I took it upon myself to handle it. Your mom was so mad at me, and she had to explain like five times why she was so mad about it. Looking back, it was one mistake I learned from." "You and mom never fight, ever." Jackie protested. "That was one fight we did. You were at your aunt Stacey's and I went to see Robert. I got home, told your mom what I did, and she was so mad. She went almost two days without really talking to me." Liam explained. "I never knew." Jackie sighed. "I guess that's why you weren't angry with Eric once you heard his side of the story." "I will let you in on a secret your mom will probably agree with. Men are stupid when it comes to women. We do our best, but sometimes we make mistakes. If someone truly love another person, they work through whatever comes their way as a team." Liam said with a smile. "I'm going to head to bed. When your young man comes home tell him I said good night." "I will. And thanks dad." "Any time sweetheart" He replied giving her a kiss on the head. "Oh, and before I forget. Don't let me catch you to having s*x in my house, ever. You, young lady, will not like me!" "Yes, dad." She mumbled. "And if you are having s*x, you better be using protection." With that, Liam went upstairs. Jackie felt flush from head to toe at her father's words. Eric walked in shortly after Liam went to bed. He was about to walk up the stairs when he noticed a light on in the living room. Jackie was sitting on the couch reading a book. "Hey babe." "Hey." She replied looking up from her book. "Were you waiting up for me?" He asked looking at her cautiously. She stood up and stretched. "Maybe I was." She walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "Well, I'm home, and I got the pill. The directions say you need to take it first thing in the morning." Eric explained in a hushed voice. "Please, take it. I want to make sure we're careful." "I will." Jackie sighed, "Come to bed. I want to sleep in your arms tonight." "Okay then. Let me just change into my pajama pants. Then I'll be in." Eric replied kissing her cheek as he ducked into his room to change. When he entered Jackie's room, he laid down on her bed next to her and pulled her close. He wrapped his arms around he and fell asleep for the first time in more than a month with ease.
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