Chapter 11: The Truth Will Always Come Out

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Christmas went by as usual. Jackie finally got some time off of work, and during the Christmas break she was able to hang out with her friends more. One day she was hanging out at Dianna's house. "I'm glad you were able to come by today. Everything is beginning to feel back to normal." Dianna was saying as she sat down on the couch next to Jackie. "I'm glad business at work slowed down enough that Leanne could give me the whole week off." Jackie said as she joined her friend on the couch. "I can not believe this is our last year in High School." Dianna sighed. "In the fall we will all be going to different places for school. I'm so excited." "I know what you mean, but I am super nervous." Jackie confessed. "Plus, this summer Eric and I are going on a little road trip out to Missouri to meet his birth father for a month." Dianna sighed, "that is going to be so fun." She replied as she looked at her phone and texted someone. "Sorry, Blake just texted. He wants to stop by before going to work. Is that okay?" "Of course." Jackie replied with a smile. She grabbed a handful of chips out of a bowl Dianna placed on a coffee table. Dianna push play on the remote and began the movie. When Blake arrived, the movie was almost over. He silently come in and sat down next to Dianna. After the movie was over Dianna excused herself to the bathroom. Leaving Jackie alone with Blake. "Hey Jackie. How have you been?" "Good. How was your Christmas?" Jackie asked a bit uncomfortably. "It was good." Blake replied. He turned so that he was looking at her straight on. "Do you remember the conversation we had last week?" "Hard to forget." Jackie said smugly. "What about it?" "I need you to take a ride with me. I need to show you something." "What about Dianna?" "She knows why I came here. You need to know the truth. I can't keep allowing you to stay in the dark." "Blake, I have no idea what you keep talking about. It feels almost like there is a big secret that is being kept from me." Jackie replied. "It's eating me up. I need to show you, please. If we tell you, you won't believe us. I'm not going to lie; it will more than likely hurt you." Blake confessed. "I need to know Blake." Jackie stated. "Okay." Blake said walking out to his truck. Jackie got into the passenger side. Blake drove them to the movie theatre in town. When he stopped his truck, Jackie just looked at him confused. "What is this about Blake?" He said nothing, just nodded in the direction of the theatre door. Jackie's eyes went wide when she saw Eric coming out of the theatre with April, Eddy and Liz. They were laughing and talking, and Eric was holding April's hand. "I'm sorry Jackie, but you needed to know." Blake said with obvious pain in his voice. Jackie didn't say anything she jumped out of the truck and took off running. "Jackie, wait..." She took off in the opposite direction of the group of people coming out of the movies. Blake jump out to try to catch her, but wasn't fast enough. He climbed back into his truck and turned around to follow Jackie. She ducked into the woods to avoid being followed. She couldn't believe what she just saw. How can Eric do that? How could he lie to her about everything? Her tears fueled her speed. She needed to put distance between her and everything. She kept running until she found herself on the edge of the cliff. She fell to her knees and let herself cry. She cried it all out, just let thing go. Everything needed to released. She couldn't hold it in any more. When she was able to gain her strength again, she realized it was beginning to snow. Her phone was ringing in her pocket. The caller ID told her it was Eric calling her. He had some nerve, she decided to answer it. "Hello?" "Hey babe. Your mom is looking for you. You missed dinner. Where are you?" "Out." "That's obvious. You okay?" "I'm fine. I went out with Dianna, and then I took a run." "What happened with Dianna that you wanted to take a run after?" "We were downtown heading to the movies, and I saw something I didn't like." "Oh..." Eric replied. "Babe, I can explain..." "No need to explain. I saw enough to know." Jackie stopped him. "Where are you? It's beginning to snow." "I'm cooling off." Jackie snapped hanging up. She took a deep breath debating what she should do next. If she told her mom and dad, they may get angry and throw Eric out. She was upset and hurt, but didn't want him to be tossed out in the middle of the winter. Her heart was broken and there was nothing she could do. She began to run down the path back to the road. Figuring maybe she'd get lucky and find a ride back to Dianna's to get her car. Unfortunately, her luck wasn't that lucky. As she emerged from the woods, Eric pulled his car to a stop. He got out and ran over to her. "It's getting cold. Get in the car." He ordered her. Who the hell did he think he was ordering her around? "I'm good." She shot as she began to pick up her speed. He ran next to her. "We need to talk." She stopped quickly and turned to face him. The rage in her eyes told him he was in a lot of s**t. "You want to talk, let's talk! How long have you been seeing April behind my back?" "I'm not seeing her. We're just friends." Eric sighed. "I know what I saw. I also know what I saw at the Christmas party! Don't give me that s**t, it's clear there is something going on between you and April." Jackie shouted. "Tell me the truth, are you only still with me because you live at my house?" "Jackie, please. Can you get in the car and we can talk?" He looked so sad. "Fine!" Jackie snapped turning to get in the car. Once they were both in the warm car, she turned to him. The anger in her eyes were apparent to him. "You told me you had to work, and then I find out your out with a group of our friends. Even worse, you were holding her hand. What the hell is going on?" "I know things have been rough between you and the rest of the group. It was quite clear you still have issues with April when we were at the Christmas party. We all just agreed it would be better to just hang out without you." Eric confessed. "I swear there is nothing more than that going on." "You were holding her hand. At the party you let her run her hand up your chest. But you want me to believe there is nothing going on?" He just looked at her without saying a word. "I don't want to talk to you any more, please bring back to Dianna's so I can get my car." "Jackie, please. Please believe me. I never wanted to hurt you." Eric pleaded. "Just bring me to my car." They drove back to Dianna's house in silence. Jackie got out, slammed the car door and got back into her car. She pulled out of Dianna's drive at a high speed. She sped through town until she got home. She got out and entered the house before Eric even pulled in the driveway. "Hey stranger." Liam teased as she came through the front door. "Can I talk to you and mom in the shed please?" was all that Jackie said as she walked briskly through the house and out the back door. When her parents entered the shed, they were clearly concerned. "Sit down please." "Jackie, what is going on?" Natalie asked as they took a seat. "You want me to tell you what is going on, and I want to tell you both the truth. Before I do, I need to ask that you remain calm until I'm finished." "Okay, Jackie. Now I'm getting worried." Liam replied. "We will do our best to remain calm." Jackie took a shaky breath, before she began. She told them everything that has been happening since August. When she was finished, she was in tears and looked at both her parents. Natalie was in disbelief. Liam was clearly going between anger and sadness. She finished her story by asking "even after everything, I still want him to be able to live here. We are not cruel no matter what." This seemed to shock her parents even more. Liam was the first one to answer, "hold that thought." He stood up and left the shed. Jackie was confused. When Liam returned, he was followed by Eric. Eric looked around and when he saw Jackie his eyes went wide. "Jackie, what's going on?" Eric asked in a near whisper. "Have a seat Eric." Liam answered. He took a seat in the chair across from him. "We have a very serious issue. She has told us everything, and now we need to know the truth from you." Eric swallowed hard. "I swear it's just a big misunderstanding." "Please clear it up for us." Natalie replied gently. "You're lucky our daughter truly loves you, or you'd been in more trouble than this." Eric took a deep breath and explained the situation. He finished by standing up and walking over to Jackie, he fell to his knees and looked at her in the eyes. He reached up and brushed away a tear with his thumb. "I've told you, I'm in love with you Jackie. I would never do anything to hurt you." Eric's voice cracked as he spoke. "I swear I was only hanging out with my friends. She is only a friend. You are the only girl I want." He leaned forward and kissed her lips. She just sat still listening to everything in silence. Her tears streamed down her face. She didn't know what to believe. She took a ragged breath, "how often do you hang out with her?" "I don't keep track of that. Honestly, usually it's just at school or after school." "I thought we agreed that you would tell me when you hang out with her." "Babe, I always make sure I hang out with her in a group setting. You wanted to know when I hang out with her alone, and since that day I wouldn't talked to her without others around." Eric pleaded taken Jackie's hands in his. She looked down at her hands in his. "Why were you holding her hand?" "What?" Eric asked looking confused. "I saw you guys coming out of the movie theatre. Why were you holding her hand?" "I honestly didn't notice." Eric confessed shaking his head. "I don't pay attention to her. I was talking to Eddy about New Year." Liam stood up and walked to the door. "You need to do some serious thinking young man. Or you and I are going to have a problem." He left the shed, and Natalie followed. "Babe, look at me, please?" Eric pleaded. "How can I make this right?" "You can't... The damage has been done." Jackie replied pulling her hands out of his. She moved to stand up, but he reached up and grabbed her waist. He held her and began to sob. "I can't lose you. Not over something like this." He cried. "I love you." Jackie held back tears; her heart was broken. "Eric, I'm sorry but I can't." She gently pushed him off of her and ran out of the shed. She went to bed and cried herself to sleep. ************************************************ The following week was rough in the house. Jackie would wake up and avoid Eric at all costs. Eric would wake up and look like he wasn't sleeping at all. When school began again, she went to great lengths to avoid him. Until one day she met up with her friends and didn't notice Eric was talking to Paul and Blake. She felt her heart drop seeing him. Blake turned around to see what had changed Eric's expression. Blake nodded to Jackie and pulled the rest of their friends aside. Eric stepped toward her and Jackie held up a hand. "Don't." She turned around to walk away but he grabbed her hand to hold her in place. "Jackie, please. I need to talk to you." Eric pleaded. "Just give me ten minutes." Jackie took a breath and turned back to him. "Fine, ten minutes." "I need you to know that I told April I can't be friends with her anymore. I told everyone that I don't want to be anywhere near her. After hearing what everyone else including you had told me, I realized what she was doing. I told her that I was trying to be nice to her, but clearly, she wanted more than a friend. I never looked at April in any way more than a friend." Eric explained.  "I only ever wanted you. Jackie, I am in love with you. These last two weeks have been torturing to me. I can't sleep, and I'm barely eating. All I want is to see your smile, and hear your laugh. I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you close." Eric began to cry. "I need you, Jackie. Only you. Please, give me another chance." Jackie said nothing while he was talking. Finally, his last request needed an answer. She took a shaky breath and said "let me think on it." "Okay. I know you need time. Just do me one favor..." "What's that?" "Please stop avoiding me. When we're home, you keep avoiding me. Here at school you walk in the opposite direction if you see me. It's killing me more than knowing that I hurt you. I need to be around you, even if you decide you do not want me back." "I'll try." Jackie replied. She turned to walk away. He let her go this time, but he called after her "I love you, Jackie."
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