Chapter 13: Complications

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As winter ended, and spring began, everyone was gearing up for graduation which was a mere six weeks away. Jackie and Dianna talked about doing an end of the year party. They were trying to figure out where they could have their party. "Hey, Dee. I was thinking, why don't we just do a small party. You, me, Blake and Eric." Jackie suggested. "You know Blake and Eric aren't really on speaking terms. I'm not sure if that is a good idea." Dianna replied. "This is why we should do it. My aunt Leanne said we can use her condo in New York for a weekend if we want it. But it is only a two bedroom and not large enough for everyone to go." Jackie explained. "Let me think on this. We all could use a vacation, and I would love to see New York. Do you think your aunt will let me intern at her business during College?" "I'm sure she will if you ask." Jackie answered. "Okay. And I will talk to Blake later tonight." Dianna said as she headed off to class. Later that day, Jackie met Eric out in the parking lot. "Hey babe." He greeted her with a kiss. "How were your classes?" "Hey. My classes where okay. Thankfully we're almost done here." She smiled. "Hey, I was talking to Dee about how we are going to celebrate the end of the year. Leanne said we can use her loft in New York, but it's small. So, I was thinking we just the four of us could go; you, me, Dee, and Blake." "Let me think about that. Blake and I aren't talking since I found out he was the one that caused the issue between us back in December." Eric replied as he got in his car. Jackie got in the passenger side. "I think we really need to get away for a little bit." Jackie pleaded. "I want to be able to spend time with you and my best friends." "What about my friends?" Eric asked. "You and Blake use to be such good friends." "Yeah, until he stabbed me in the back. I really don't want to talk about this right now." Eric replied putting the car in gear and pulling out of the parking lot. Jackie sat in silence as they drove. She was trying to figure out how to get Eric to go along with her plan. She wanted to get her point across, but didn't want to fight with him. They have been doing really good the last couple of months and since they agreed to try again. She still wasn't sure how Eric found out that Blake drove her to the theatre that day, but since he did, he avoided being anywhere near Blake. She had to figure something out. She figured it was up to her to try to smooth this issue out if she really wanted to go to New York next month. She decided to invite Blake and Dianna over one night for a game night in the shed. When Eric got home from work, her dad sent him out to the shed. When he entered, she greeted him with a kiss and pulled him to the bar. Blake and Dianna were sitting on stools, she had pulled up two stools on the other side of the bar so that they could play a game. Eric reluctantly took a seat, his whole-body language screamed he didn't want to be there right now. "Okay, we need to clear up this issue. You boys are causing us girls to need to make sacrifices in our friendship and that's not fair." Jackie explained. She turned to Eric and said "Blake is like a brother to me, and that is why he felt I needed to know you were hanging out with April without telling me." Then she turned to Blake, "And I was wrong in being upset with you. I understand you were only trying to protect me like a brother." "You're the sister I never had. Of course, I'm going to go out of my way to protect you." Blake confessed. "And you know you were wrong. Your only mad at me, because I exposed you, Eric. I could have just punched you at every time I saw you with her, but I felt it would be better for all involved if Jackie just witnesses it herself. And I am not sorry for any of it, you were in the wrong, not me." Eric listened to Blake with a straight face. When Blake was finished speaking, Eric had narrowed his eyes at him, but still said nothing. "Jackie would really like us to all go to New York together, and personally I think it is a wonderful idea. So, if you two boys can't work this out and get over the past, us girls will go without you." Dianna stated. "I'm with Dianna there. We can have fun without the two of you, but it would be more fun with you both there." Jackie added. "I'll go, I'm not the one with the problem." Blake pointed out. Everyone looked at Eric to say something. Jackie leaned in and cupped his chin with her hand. "We need to work this out." Eric chewed on his lip for a few minutes pondering what to say. When he spoke, he looked straight at Blake, "I know I was wrong, but for you to go behind my back to break us up was cold.  I kind of get why you did it, but how you did it is where I have the problem. You showed her and then let her run off alone, upset, and in the cold. You aided in hurting her, and you're not the one who found her when she stopped running. And after all that, I still had to see her heart broken. It killed me, man." Eric took a shaky breath. "I love her, and would never do anything intentional to hurt her. The fact that you thought I was going out of my way to deceive and hurt her, showed me how much you really think of me." "I warned you multiple times to cut ties with April, but you chose to ignore me and tell me to mind my own business. Then that time Dee and I bumped into you guys at the mall, I pulled you aside and told you how it looked. You chose to ignore me then, so you brought it on yourself. I gave you until Christmas to come clean to Jackie and smarten up, but you didn't. And I will be damned if I allow you to take advantage of her trust with my knowledge." Blake defended. "You know I have always seen Jackie as a sister, and when you told me you wanted to ask her out after all these years, what did I tell you?" "You said if I do, I will need to steer clear of April." Eric replied. "And was I wrong?" Blake pressed. "No. I should have listened to you. I just thought you were warning me because of some personal issues." Eric explained. "April has always been a problem with Jackie. Ever since Middle School, Jackie and April had issues. Blake was trying to tell you that April will go out of her way to upset Jackie." Dianne interrupted. "I understand that now." Eric confessed. "So, can we please stop this stupid fight, and get back to all being friends? Because, I really want you to go to New York with us next month." Jackie pleaded. Eric nodded, and Jackie reached over and gave him a quick kiss. "Now, who's ready to lose?" Jackie laughed as she opened the game. ********************************************** With graduation only a week away, Jackie and Dianna, and the guys were heading to New York for a weekend away. "Leanne said that Danielle sent over an assistant to stock the fridge and cabinets. She also made sure to have the bathroom stocked." Jackie informed the group as they drove out of Maine. "I'm so excited for this weekend!" Dianna squealed. "Just think Blake, you and I will be living in New York in the fall when school starts." "I can't wait. It's crazy to think we graduate next week." Blake replied with a smile. "It feels bitter sweet." Jackie sighed. "So much has happened this year, and next year we're all going to be spread around. Our families will be in Maine, you two will be in New York, and Eric and I will be in Massachusetts. I'm really looking forward to this summer." "Hey, dude what about your plans to go meet your bio-dad?" Blake asked looking in the rearview mirror at Eric who seemed lost in thought. "What about it? I'm going next month after the fourth. I will be back in a week, or two tops." Eric replied not looking up. "Have you been talking to him?" Dianna asked for more information. "Yeah, we talk. Look it's still a sore subject for me, can we change the topic?" Eric said looking up at both Blake and Dianna in the front seat. "I want us to enjoy this weekend, not focus on anything else." "Okay, no problem man." Blake answered. "So, Jackie what do you have planned for us this weekend?" "Well, Dianna wants to go to the Malry-Cast Industries building to speak with Danielle and Jessica. I would love to go to the statue of liberty and maybe go to the top of the empire state building. But other than that, maybe spend some time in the condo just hanging out and having fun." Jackie replied enthusiastically. "Sounds good. Where are we going first?" Blake asked as they crossed into New York City limits. "Go to Leanne's loft. I put the address into the GPS. We can o and unpack and then walk the block or so to Malry-Cast industries." Jackie replied leaning forward. "We'll walk most of the time to save gas." "Okay. Any specific place I can park my truck?" Blake asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes, in the parking garage of the loft building." Jackie smiled. As they pulled into the parking garage, Blake found a parking spot. The four of them got out and grabbed their suitcases, and headed into the building. Inside the loft, they looked around. The girls were ecstatic and went room to room looking to see what the whole place looked like. Jackie and Eric went into the master bedroom while Dianna and Blake took the spare bedroom. Jackie pulled Eric close and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Is everything okay? You barely talked the whole way here." She asked watching his face. "It seems like you don't really want to be here." "I want to be with you." Eric replied with a kiss. "As much as I love to hear that. You are avoiding my question." "Just thinking a lot, that's all. So much has changed in my life this past year, and it feels like I've been freefalling all year." Eric confessed. "You're the only good thing I found this year. I found out that the man who raised me, never wanted me. I found out that I'm adopted. My mom hid the fact that she was married prior to my birth my whole life. I had to move in with your family, who I've known and respected since we were 12 years old. I'm graduating, and my mom won't be there. This whole year has made the pain of her loss really raw. I know she died of Cancer 6 years ago, but with everything that has happened this year it feels as though she just died." Eric couldn't fight the emotion in his voice and tears began to overflow his eyes. Jackie pulled him to her in a hug. "It's going to be okay. I'm here." She tried to comfort him. "I worry that when we go to college, you'll want to break-up with me. You've always been so independent and goal driven." Eric continued. "The reality of the future is so ominous to me. I'm looking to be in school for at least 8 grueling years or more. Your looking at a crazy course load yourself. I may not have the time to spend with you and give you what you need and deserve from a boyfriend." As he continued his confession of his thoughts, Jackie found herself crying quietly. "What are you saying? Do you want to break-up before we go away to college?" "No. I'm telling you I am afraid I'm going to lose you. I screwed up by not paying attention to things around me. I'm trying hard to make up for my mistake, but I still feel like I'm coming up short. I'm worried when we go to college, you'll meet someone who will have more time and give you what I can't." "Eric, you're the only man I want to be with. You have learned from your mistake and we are doing great. I don't care how long it takes for you to finish school, I just want you to come home to me. I want us to get an apartment together, I want to be able to come home to you." Jackie replied. "And you're right I am very goal driven, and do you know what my long-term goal is after college?" "Being a badass lawyer, that makes others cower in fear?" Eric teased. "Oh, I like the sound of that." Jackie laughed. "I want to be your wife. When your finished with school and we both have our careers, I will think about having your baby." She kissed him passionately to help emphasize her words. "Is that so? You are planning on becoming Mrs. Eric Steele?" Eric asked as he moved them to the bed. "Jacqueline Marie Steele?" "I like the sound of that." Jackie replied in between kisses. She pulled away enough to look him straight in the eye. "You are enough for me, Eric. I want you to stop beating yourself up wondering if you're being the kind of boyfriend I want. All I want is you, and you make me completely happy. And if anyone tells you otherwise, don't listen, unless it's my dad. He's the only man that knows what's best for me." "So, I need to ask your dad if I'm doing a good job as your boyfriend?" "If you're that worried about it..." Jackie kissed him again. "He's loved me since the day I met him. He was willing to go to jail when I was seven for me. I trust Liam's opinion on my choices, he's the reason I'm the way I am. He holds me accountable for my choices. I love my mom, but the connection Liam and I have goes deeper. I tell him things I can't tell my mom." "I've noticed that. I have also noticed that he is very protective of you. He's also the level headed one when it comes to dealing with you and your mom." "He has over 10 years' experience." Jackie laughed. "You know I had a talk with him, and asked him what he honestly thought of you." "What did he say?" Eric asked trailing kisses down her neck. "You were among his top choices out of the guys in our friendship group for me." She replied pulling his shirt off. "Oh, yeah? How top choice?" He asked pulling her top off and laying her down under him, "and who were the others?" She kissed him, as he moved his hands along her curves. She arched her back against his touch, pushing herself to him. "You were his first choice. Blake would have been his second, because Blake treats me like a sister." She whispered moving her lips down to his collar bone. "Good to know." Eric replied. He moved his lips down her chest to her breasts. He licked and sucked at her n****e drawing out a loud moan of pleasure. "You like that?" He asked passing his teeth gently over the n****e. He moved his hand down to her pants she had on. He slipped his hand under her pants and into her panties. He moved his fingers along her folds, pulling out another moan. "Your getting wet for me, aren't you baby?" He moved his lips back to hers as his fingers slipped into her, he rubbed his thumb up and down her clit and he moved his fingers in and out of her. "Tell me what you want right now, Jackie." He said against her lips. "Tell me." "I want you." She cried out as he dove his fingers deeper into her. He quickly pulled off her pant, and his own. When he was back on top of her he wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed into her. He waited until she adjusted to his growth, and slowly began thrusting his hips. "Oh, Eric!" She cried as he pushed deeper into her. He felt so good as they climbed toward their own orgasms together. As he approached his climax, he sped up his pace. They reached their climaxes together, and clung together as they came down from them. Jackie held Eric in place and kissed his lips. "I want you to know that no one would ever be able to give me what you have and do. I love you." "You are my whole world, Jackie Jones." Eric replied pulling away from her. He pulled his clothes back on. "I'm glad I packed plenty of condoms for the weekend" her said with a wink. "I know my girl well." "Your ridiculous." Jackie replied getting out of bed. She pulled on a floor length white skirt, and a red top. They went out to the living room where Blake and Dianna were sitting on the couch watching tv. Jackie walked to the door and turned to her friends, "shall we get going? Danielle is expecting us in thirty minutes." "We've been waiting for you two to finish up." Blake replied with a straight face. "Okay then." Jackie said as she pulled the door open and waited for everyone to leave before she locked door. When they returned, Dianna and Jackie were deep in conversation. "I am so excited about everything. That place was so cool." Dianna beamed as they entered the loft. "I'm starving, can we order pizza?" Blake interrupted. "Or were one of you going to cook?" "Leanne said the take out menus are on the counter next to the fridge." Jackie replied smugly. "And if anyone is cooking, it'll be you mister soon to be chef." "Too bad you're not privileged enough for my cooking Miss Jones." Blake teased. "And our key words are 'soon to be'. As of right now I am only a waiter." "But you're the one who asked if one of us girls are going to cook. Hasn't Dee taught you anything?" Jackie chuckled. "Come on, I didn't mean anything by it, Jack." Blake said pulling her into a hug. "When did my grandfather arrive?" Jackie looked at him with a smile. "Tell me Blake, what's my name?" "I don't know, Eric what's your girls name again?" Blake asked looking at Eric. Eric held his hands up with a smile, "I'm staying out of this." Dianna laughed. "I believe it was something like..." Blake cleared his throat, "Oh, Jackie!" He moaned, and shot Eric a quick smile with a hearty laugh. Jackie slapped Blake on the shoulder, "you can be a jerk sometimes, you know, that right?" "What are you getting at Blake?" Eric asked turning around to face Blake and Jackie. "I'm just teasing man. It's just a joke." Blake replied dropping his arm from Jackie's shoulders. "I wasn't implying anything." Eric just glared at him. "You better not be." He went and sat down. Jackie sat down on the couch next to Eric. "He was just hinting that we were a bit noisy earlier." She whispered giving him a kiss. "Dianna told me on the way back." "I didn't like him calling your name like that." Eric replied smugly. "It was only for fun. He was mimicking you earlier." Jackie assured him. Eric pulled her into a kiss. He slipped his tongue between her lips and let it wrestle hers as they deepened the kiss. Blake cleared his throat, "so, what kind of pizza are you guys in the mood for?" "The usual." Jackie replied. "We get enough pizza at home, that we should have our order memorized. Sausage and Ricotta, and a chicken and garlic pizza." "I was just making sure we weren't going to try to mix it up a little since we're on a mini vacation." Blake said. "Bull s**t man. You were stopping me from kissing her." Eric replied getting up and walking into the room. He closed the door behind him. Jackie just watched him walk away in disbelief. She turned to Blake and whispered, "is he right?" Blake seemed to chew on the inside of his cheek as he looked her in the eye but didn't answer. "Blake, what is going on with you?" Jackie asked trying a different question to get an answer. "I don't trust him Jackie. I don't understand how you can after everything." Blake answered in a low voice. "Blake, I love him. He loves me, we're working things out." Jackie replied. Blake looked around to see who was in ear shot, before he stepped closer and leaned down. His nose brushed against her cheek as he whispered, "I love you, Jackie. It kills me to see you with someone like him. I've known him for a long time, I know who he is. Your too good for him." Her mouth dropped open at his admission. "Blake, you're like my big brother, but you don't need to worry about me." Blake didn't move away from her face, "no, Jackie. I love you. Screw the brother bull s**t. I can't help but be jealous of him." "You're with Dianna." Jackie whispered back. "She's my best friend. Blake, you know that will never happen." She moved to get up and walk past him, when he pulled her in to him. He ran his fingers down her jaw line and moved his head closer. His lips brushed against hers, as if he was going to kiss her. She pushed him away, "I will not do that to her or to him." She slap him across the face. "Your mouth says one thing, but your eyes say another." Blake side as he caught his balance. "You know it as much as I do." "What has gotten into you? It's like you've been almost possessive of me since you realized the Eric and I had s*x. Are you jealous of him?" Jackie asked appalled. "Am I jealous of him? Obviously. How is it such a smart girl like you, is so blind to what is in front of you." Blake whispered looking her in the eye. "You're ridiculous. How could you say that when my best friend is in love with you?" Jackie snapped at him. "I do not look at you that way, and never will." Blake just looked at her pondering his thoughts. "Your right, I have a wonderful girl who thinks the world of me. I also know how I feel about you." "Well, keep that to yourself. It will never happen." Jackie told him as she pushed past him to go to the room Eric went into. She found him texting on his phone while sitting on the bed. He didn't look up at her when she entered. "Are you okay?" "Fine." He said still looking at his phone. She moved closer, and tipped his chin up. She leaned down and kissed him. He pulled away. "Can you please leave me alone?" he asked this time looking up at her. "After we talk." "I don't want to talk right now Jackie." He turned back to his phone that made a notification of an incoming text. "Sure, looks like your talking to someone." She replied crossing her arms over her chest. "Look, I don't know what has gotten into Blake, but I put him in his place." "He wants you Jackie." Eric replied angrily looking up at her. "Okay, so why are you mad at me? It's not like I'm pursuing him or giving him any idea that I want him." Jackie defended. She sat down next to him on the bed and laid her head on his shoulder. "You're the only man for me." She kissed his cheek. "I'm crazy about you Eric." He turned his head and kissed her forehead. "I'm not mad at you. I'm annoyed with him. After everything he said to me about my relationship with you, it's like it doesn't apply to him." Eric took a deep breath and sighed. "I heard you guys whispering out there and a slap. Care to tell me what it was about?" "Can I tell you about when he isn't our ride home in two days?" "When you ask me a question like that, I really want to know now." "I need to talk to Dee before you boys start fist fighting about it." Jackie deflected. "If I tell you you'll get angry." "The way your avoiding answering me is making me angry." Jackie moved and straddled his lap. "You're not going to distract me with sex." He told her smugly. "I want to make sure you look at me when I tell you." She replied kissing his lips. "Because you're the only one I want." "Well you got my attention. What happened out there?" Eric asked again holding her waist. "I told me he's in love with me. I told him I didn't look at him like that. Then he tried to kiss me, so I slap him before he could." She replied placing her arms around his neck. "I told him I would never betray you or Dee like that." Eric's eyes flashed with anger as she told him what happened. She leaned her forehead against his. "I had a feeling that's what happened. Are you going to tell Dee?" He asked through his teeth. "I have too. She deserves to know." Jackie replied. She kissed his lips. "But right now, I want to make sure my man is okay. You got angry and came in here. Then you wouldn't talk to me, even told me to go away. I thought we were over the secrets." "I got a text from my uncle my dad is in the hospital. My dad was admitted with a heart attack." Eric replied. He looked at his phone he had set down on the bed next to him. "He's going to let me know if anything changes, but as of now he's stable." Eric sighed. "After everything he did to me, I'm still worried he's going to die." "Honey. He raised you, even after your mom died. It's completely normal for you to be worried and upset." Jackie replied pulling him closer into a hug. He tightened his arms around her. "It's going to be okay. I'm here for you." She kissed his head as he took some deep breaths with his head on her shoulder. "You are so perfect. I really am lucky to have you." He murmured against her shoulder. "Please, don't leave me." "I told you I have no plans of leaving you. I want you to be my future." She replied grabbing his face with both her hands so that she was looking him in the eye. He pulled her into a deep kiss. "I love you so much." "I love you." She sighed against his lips. Just then there was a knock at the door. "Hey, guys, the pizza is here." Dee said as she opened the unlocked the door. She blushed when she saw them on the bed holding each other with Jackie straddling his lap. "I'm sorry, the door wasn't locked." "It's all good, Dee. We were just talking." Eric replied. He helped Jackie up to her feet and stood up himself. "You know, I have an amazing girl." "Yes, you do." Dianna smiled as she turned to walk to the kitchen.
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