Chapter 10: A Christmas Party to Remember

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  Eric and Jackie arrived at Anna's house as scheduled for their Christmas Party. All their friends were there and everyone was excited to see each other. Christmas was two days away, and the holiday spirit was in the air. As they entered Anna's house, Eric took Jackie's coat and hung it up with his in the closet. Jackie was wearing a gorgeous red dress that was slightly form fitting and dropped down to her knees. She was wearing a pair of black pumps, and her dark brown hair was curled. Eric had a green button up dress shirt on and pair of black jeans on. They walked into the parlor of Anna's house together hand in hand. All their friends were there talking and laughing. Blake was the first to look up, he eyed Eric cautiously, "Look who finally made an appearance." "Sorry, we're late." Jackie replied walking over and giving Dianna a hug. "It took forever to curl my hair." "We're just glad you made it." Anna said as she stood up. "What do you want for a drink?" "I'm good for now thanks." Eric replied. "I'll take a water, but only if your going in to get yourself something." Jackie answered. "You seem to be in such a good mood." Dianne commented, "What's going on?" "Well, I got my college letters in the mail last week." Jackie confessed. "I'm going to Harvard!" "Wow, that's awesome." Everyone said together. They all began to talk about where they have applied, and who's still waiting for their letters to come in. Once that conversation subsided, Anna suggested they partake in one of the games she had created for the party. "This is a ball of plastic wrap with prizes in each layer. You need to unravel the ball until the very end. The trick is, is to unravel a layer before the person next to you rolls doubles. If you unravel a layer and prizes fall out, you get to keep them." They all had so much fun playing that game. "Ok so, now that we did that game, let's do the secret Santa game. I'm excited to see what everyone got." Chantal announced. After everyone opened up their gifts, they went around trying to guess who was their secret Santa. They were all laughing and having fun, when Ace pulled out a box of beer. "Alright, now we should have some fun. And everyone better be handing over their keys." April brought out a bottle of Jack Daniel's whiskey and a bottle of Vodka. "Looks like I'm not the only one thinking about having some extra fun." After a few drinks everyone was giggling like crazy. "Okay, we need to do a truth or dare game." April suggested. Not everyone liked that idea, but April was persistent. "April, I don't know if I like that idea." Anna replied. "Let's just have fun with the other games we have here already. I'm sorry, but I want to avoid possible bad blood tonight." Eric leaned closer to Jackie and nibbled on her ear lobe. "I know a game I would like to play." He pulled her onto his lap. Jackie felt herself blush as he trialed kisses down her neck. Blake sat down on the couch next to them, and leaned over. "I'm glad you're finally treating her like she deserves man. I was afraid you and I were going to have a problem." "I told you before, and I'll say it again Blake. Mind your own business." Eric hissed through his teeth. Blake just looked at him, and then to Jackie. He seemed to be debating if he should say his next piece. "Just remember, she's a great girl, not a s*x toy." He stood up and walked away. Eric was seething, "who does he think he is?" "He's just trying to be a good friend." Jackie replied kissing him on the lips. "I'm sure. He seems awful protective of you." "Dianne's my best friend. She rubs off on him." Jackie smiled. "I hope that's all that it is." He replied kissing her back. "Let's take this to another room." Jackie stood up quickly, and almost fell over. Eric grabbed her waist just in time to keep her up right. "Are you alright?" "Yes, just stood up too fast." He looked at her carefully, "How much have you had to drink?" "Ummm. Two or three whiskey and cokes." Jackie replied trying to think. "How strong were they?" "Not too bad. I'm only slightly buzzed. I'm good, I promise." She whispered pulling him in for a kiss. Eric eyed her carefully. Finally, he took her hand and lead her to one of the bedrooms downstairs. Once they were in the bedroom, Jackie wrapped her arms around his neck eagerly took his mouth in hers. He pulled away slightly, "Babe, I'm not going to have s*x with you when your drunk." "But it's been over a week since we've had an opportunity like this. Besides, I told you I'm not drunk, only slightly buzzed." Jackie smiled at him. He let her pull him to the bed with her and kissed her back. She was so eager, she unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off. She rolled over and sat up on his lap. She kissed him on the lips, then trailed her lips down his neck licking his collar bone with her tongue, pulling out a moan from him. "f**k Jackie, why do you tease me?" "I'm not teasing you. I plan to take advantage of the affect I have on you." She replied with a sly smile. She kissed his lips again, and began to grind on him. "I want you Eric. Don't you want me?" "You know I do baby, but you've been drinking." "So, have you." "I've had two beers you've had hard liquor. I'm thinking more clearly than you." "So, you don't want me because I've been drinking?" Jackie asked sitting up more looking at him. She looked like she was about to cry. "Why does it feel like you reject me when I want to be close to you when we're around our friends?" "That's not true." Eric replied quickly. He moved his hand up to her face and cupped her cheek. "I love you so much. I do want you right now, but with you having so much to drink I don't want to take advantage of you." "I want to take advantage of you right now." Jackie replied moving off his lap. She quickly unbuttoned his pants and slipped her hand into his boxers. She stroked his p***s causing him to moan again. She felt him get harder as she stroked him from stock to tip and back, over and over again. She kissed his lips eagerly. "Damn baby. That feels so good." Eric whispered closing his eye and tilting his head back. "What are you doing to me?" "I know something else that will feel even better." Jackie replied tugging at his pants with her free hand. He reluctantly lifted his hips enough for her to slide his jeans off. This only excited her more. She shifted so she was between his legs. She lowered her head and began sucking on his erection. She used her tongue to draw circles on his tip, which caused his to moan with pleasure. He grabbed her under the arms and pulled her back up to him. He kissed her lips, biting her lower lip. The movement caused her to gasp. He flipped them over so that she was pinned to the bed under him. "Your so perfect." He breathed moving his lips down her neck. He moved his hand up under her dress and tugged her underwear off. He kissed her body through her dress, moving his hands roughly over her. "I can't believe your mine." He murmured and he kissed the inside of her thigh. He slipped his fingers through her folds causing her to cry out in pleasure. He moved his fingers in and out watching her face as she sighed with pleasure. Before she could think, he ducked his head under her dress. She gasped as his tongue began drawing a battery of circles over her clit. "Mmmm. Your getting so wet for me." "Eric please. I want you, NOW!" She shouted. He was making her breathless and turning into a puddle of pleasure. "Patients baby, patients. Remember, you started this." Eric breathed without lifting his head. "My turn to tease you." He continued his assult with his tongue as he slid a condom over himself. When she thought she was going to explode, he moved back up. He slipped into her and watched as her eyes went wide. He gave her a moment to get use to him, and began thrusting and pumping into her. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and tugged his head back. He moaned as she grazed her teeth along his neck. He sped up his momentum as he felt his own climax rising. When she finished, she cried out his name, pulling him over the edge into his own release. She clung to him as he tried to pull away. "Babe, you need to let me go for a minute. I'm not going to leave." He whispered in her ear. Reluctantly she let him go, he pulled out of her. He cleaned up, and laid back down next to her. He reached behind her and unzippers her dress. "May as well take this off, so you can sleep comfortably." She didn't speak, but allowed him to pull the dress off of her. She nuzzled in close to him, and fell asleep. He watched her sleep peacefully, as he slipped off to sleep himself. ************************************************* When she woke up the next morning, Jackie thought back to the night before. It had been everything she hoped it would be, except his reluctancy. She looked over at him as she watched as his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning gorgeous." He smiled as she leaned in for a kiss. "Good morning." "How are you feeling this morning?" He asked searching her face. "I'm feeling great. Almost energized. How about you?" She smiled. "Just making sure you're not upset about last night. I gave into my want of you even though I know I shouldn't have." "Why? I was the one who started it. I enjoyed myself." "Babe, you were drunk. I was more sober than you, I shouldn't have..." She cut him off with a kiss. She climbed onto his lap as she kissed him. He ran his hand up to the back of her neck pulling her deeper into the kiss. She let out a moan against his lips. There was a knock at the bedroom door, which broke their kiss. "Yes?" Jackie replied a bit breathless and annoyed. "Jackie, Anna made some breakfast for everyone." Dianna called through the door. "It's just about finished, come eat before it's all gone." "Okay, we'll be right up." Jackie said leaning her forehead against Eric's. He just smiled at her annoyed expression. "I wanted a little more this morning." "I noticed. But it is Christmas Eve and your family will be waiting for us to get home." Eric reminded her. "So, we should go eat, and say our good byes before heading home." Jackie kissed his lips, "how about we just skip breakfast?" "Babe, if we go another round your going to be starving, and our friends may not be happy with me." Eric replied pulling away by her shoulders. "I don't care what they think. I'm in love with you and I can make my own decisions." "I love you." Eric lifted her off of him. "But now is not the time for us to go for a round two." He kissed her forehead as he stood up. "Besides, I only brought one condom. Which we used last night, and I will not have s*x without protection. I can not take that chance of ruining your future." He explained as he pulled on his pants. "Okay, fine." Jackie huffed as she got out of the bed and pulled her dress back on, "can you just zip me up again?" Once they were both dressed again, they headed back upstairs to join their friends for breakfast. They sat at the table next to each other. Dianna sat on Jackie's right and was looking carefully at her friend. While everyone was lost in conversation, Dianna whispered "You okay?" "Yeah, why would I be?" Jackie asked looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "You both disappeared last night, and then you sounded angry this morning." "I was tired last night, the whiskey hit me. And this morning you woke me up." "I heard you talking when I knocked. So, don't try to tell me I woke you up." "Can you answer me something?" Jackie asked looking at her friend intently. When Dianna just nodded Jackie proceeded, "why are you and Blake so concerned about my relationship with Eric? Why do you think you know anything about it?" "Jackie, we just care about you. We're worried that he's going to hurt you." "Why do you think he will?" "Honestly," Dianne took a shaky breath looking around to make sure no one was listening to their conversation. "Blake is worried. He doesn't think Eric is being honest with you." Jackie rolled her eye and took a deep breath. "Listen, I'm good. Eric and I are good. In case you missed the memo, he kind of lives at my house now. My parents would know if he was hiding something from me." "Jackie, I'm just telling you the truth. Blake and I have had several conversations about this." Dianna confessed. "You know I love you like a sister." "I love you too. We are sisters. I will talk to Blake and ease his concerns." Jackie replied. She looked up at Blake and motioned for him to follow her into the next room away from everyone. He followed her with a suspicious look. "What's up Jackie?" "Clearly we need to talk." Jackie replied spinning around to face him. She was trying to figure out how to approach this issue. "What is your problem with Eric?" "What are you talking about?" Blake asked a bit taken aback. "Don't give me that s**t. You have so much to say about him to everyone but me. You keep putting in your two sense on our relationship. May I remind you that my relationship with Eric doesn't concern you. You are my best friend's boyfriend, and have always been a friend to me, but you becoming a different person. So, I will ask you again, what is your problem with Eric?" "Jackie, I'm just worried about you." "I spoke to Dianna, obviously, I know the truth. So, tell me what is the issue?" "It's not my place to tell you. You should talk to him." Blake replied. "Damn it Blake! Just tell me what you think you know! I'm tired of everyone trying to put their two sense into my relationship." Jackie felt her rage creeping in. "It's not what I think I know, it's what I do know." Blake corrected her. "Then tell me!" Jackie said through her teeth. "If I tell you, you won't believe me." "Just f*****g tell me." Jackie shouted. "I'm so tired of all this bullshit." "I will after the holiday. I'm not going to ruin your Christmas with this knowledge. If he doesn't tell you himself, then I will tell you." Blake replied. He stepped closer and grabbed her shoulders, and gave them a little squeeze. "I know you love him I don't want to hurt you." "Please, just tell me." Jackie felt tears fall down her cheeks. "What do you know?" Blake just shook his head. "I'm sorry Jackie, but I'm not going to tell you yet. It's not my place. I'm a bit upset Dianna told you what she did. It's Christmas Eve, let's celebrate." Jackie briskly wiped away her tears as she thought about Blake's words. Finally, she took a shaky breath and nodded. She went back to the kitchen without another word. Eric was talking with April and laughing. She fought the urge to punch April in the face when she saw her touch Eric's chest. Jackie walked over and whispered in Eric's ear, "we should get going, my mom just texted me." Eric turned to look at her, "yeah, okay." They said their good byes and got into the car. As they drove home Jackie sat quietly looking out the passenger window. "Everything okay?" Eric asked breaking the silence. "Yeah, I'm fine." Jackie replied without looking at him. "So, are you going to tell me what you and Blake were talking about?" "Are you going to tell me what you and April were talking about?" Jackie shot. "What the hell is going on?" Eric shouted. "Why are we fighting?" "We're not fighting. I just don't want to talk about it. I want to focus on last night and how much fun we had. I want us to think about the amazing night we shared." Jackie sighed looking over at him. "Please, I just want us to be okay when we go in the house. My parents will be pissed if they think we're fighting." "Okay, but we will need to talk about whatever the problem is." Eric said as he pulled the car into the drive way. "I promise we will after Christmas." Jackie replied giving him a quick kiss and got out of the car. She went into the house and up to her room. As soon as she was changed into a pair of yoga pants and an old t-shirt she went down to the kitchen. "Hey mom." "Hey honey." Natalie replied looking up from the sink. "How was the party last night?" "It was super fun as always." Jackie replied grabbing some vegetables to start prepping for their Christmas dinner. "Anna can throw a good party once in a while. But we know nothing will match a Malry party." Jackie laughed. "No one can touch a party our family can throw. Speaking of which, after Christmas we need to start planning your graduation party." Natalie said sitting down at the island to prep some vegetables. "I will think about that when I go for a run later." Jackie replied focusing on the potatoes she was peeling and dicing. "Honey, you have been going for a run an awful lot lately. Is everything okay?" "Yes, everything is fine. I just found that I really enjoy running." "You would tell me if something was wrong, right?" Natalie asked watching her daughters face. She stopped what she was doing and placed her hand on Jackie's shoulder. "You can tell me anything, I will always be here for you." "I know mom." Jackie said with a forced smile. "I will make some time to talk to you about everything you want to know after the holidays. I promise." "Okay." Natalie and Jackie continued to prep the meal for the next day as they always have. Later on, Jackie snuck out the back door and took off for a run. It felt so good to run, the more she thought about her conversations with Dianna and Blake the faster she run. She was tired of all the secrets that everyone seems to know but her. She stopped when her phone began to ring in her pocket. "Hello?" "Hey, Jackie, I was wondering if you stop by sometime today or tomorrow. Orion has made a gift for you and would like to give it to you for Christmas." Kayla replied. "I know it's short notice, but he just told me about it." Jackie quickly checked the time. "It's a bit late tonight. I will stop by in the morning, okay?" "Sure, I will tell Orion. He's going to be super excited. Bye now." "Bye." Jackie hung up the phone and changed her direction and begun running back to her house. She got home just in time for dinner. After dinner, she took a shower and went to bed.
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