Chapter 9: Preparing for Christmas

2280 Words
Before they all knew it, Christmas was around the corner. The annual Christmas party was underway, everyone was bustling around making sure everything went smoothly especially with the added number of families coming to celebrate with the crew of the Malry-Cast fashion Company. Leanne and Natalie have decided to change the gift distribution this year. Instead of having Santa hand out gifts to the family at the celebration, Santa would deliver a sack of gifts to each house the week of Christmas. Jackie and Andrea were in charge of writing down a list of items the families need for their children. The plan was that after they accumulated all the lists they would return to Natalie's house and go through the donation boxes and sort the items out. With the increase of families, Leanne was worried that they'd be short donations, but Jackie insisted that this year they'd have plenty do to the increase in donations over the years. Businesses have been collecting items throughout the year and dropping them off at Natalie's. Jackie and Eric have volunteered to sort through the donations and put them together for the families. As soon as Eric returned from work, he found Jackie in Liam's shed sorting out the donations into piles of items. "Hey babe, how'd it go today?" Eric asked taking his coat and boats off at the door. "Great, we had a huge turnout. Aunt Leanne thinks we won't have enough, but I feel we're going to have plenty of stuff." Jackie replied pulling another full box over to her work area. "Grab a box and help sort. I'm dividing everything up into piles such as toys, clothes, snow items, gift cards, and so forth." "Good news, and this should help us find things easier when we begin working on our gifts." "Yeah, and Dianna said she'd be over tomorrow to help me while you're at work to help cut down on the amount that you have to do after work." Jackie said smiling at Eric beginning his first box and struggling to figure out where everything goes. "I told you I don't mind helping. Everyone else was able to help today, except me so this is my way of assisting with the celebration." "But I want to spend some time with you just relaxing before the holiday. Anna asked me if we'll have time to get our secret Santa party among us friends underway as well." "I almost forgot about that secret Santa party at Anna's this year. As for us spending time together, we have all night every night." Eric replied walking over to Jackie and pulling her to her feet. He gently kissed her lips. "Not really since we kind of have a time limit to get all this stuff done and sent to their families." She reminded him wiggling out of his arms and going back to work. After another hour, they finally finished separating. Eric stood up and walked over to the couch to relax. He turned on the television, and tugged at Jackie's arm as she started to walk by. "Sit with me, no need to rush inside." "True." Jackie replied falling into Eric's arms and relaxing on the couch. They remained there on the couch in each other's arms until the next morning, when Liam came into the shed and announced breakfast. "Wow, you two got a lot done." Liam exclaimed looking at the piles of the separated items. "What time did you finish?" "About eleven." Eric replied rubbing his eyes. "We'll be completely done and ready for delivery within the next two days at the rate we're working." Jackie informed them excitedly getting up to stretch. "Dianna will be here by one to help me while Eric's at work." "And I'm off tomorrow, but Jackie's working in the morning. So, I'll be picking up from where the girl's leave off today." "Don't overdo it, but Leanne and Natalie would relax more after the gifts are successfully delivered to their families." Liam replied heading back out to the house. "He's right. Let's go eat babe." Eric said taking Jackie's hand and led her out the door. ****************************************** Later that day Dianna and Jackie were busy gathering items into boxes to be delivered to the families, and talking about the holiday party at Anna's house next week. "So, have you bought your secret Santa present yet?" "No, I've been so busy with this give back drive I haven't had time to get to the store. Never mind my regular Christmas shopping, that's why I'm hoping to get this all finished by tomorrow night so that I can go shopping this weekend." Jackie sighed closing up a box and writing a name and address on the side. "I've been finished shopping since October." Dianna laughed as she finished up a box herself and did the same as Jackie with the name and address. "I love Christmas, but I hate the crowds around the holidays." "I can't believe Anna's parents are going to Paris for Christmas and leaving her home alone. Let alone allowing her to host a party there." "Well they know all of us, and that it'd only be us there for the party. Plus, Ace will be with her for Christmas." Dianna smiled. "That is true, but I doubt they were thinking that when they booked their trip." Jackie stated. "Did you hear that Ace gave her a promise ring?" "No, but that great." Jackie said absent-mindedly. "I'm sorry, I've just been so distracted waiting for all my letters to come in from the college's I've applied at. I only have one more to come in then I'll open them." "I still don't get why your waiting to open the ones you already have." "Because if I get rejected from one, but get accepted to the others I won't have to mope around waiting for an acceptance. I hate waiting for good news after receiving bad news." "I know, but still the anticipation is obviously bothering you." "How are things with you and Blake?" Jackie asked trying to change the subject. "He's not talking much about that yet. He's more focused on finishing High School. But I know we both applied to schools in New York." "That's great Dee." Dianna finished closing up the box she was working on. "That makes the last box. I think we're completely finished." "Thank god, but let's not say nothing to my mom yet. I want to watch a movie with Eric tonight." Jackie smiled standing up and stretching. "We got a lot done, but there's still a few more extras you need to choose where they're going. Which isn't a lie." Diana said pointing to the pile of gift cards on the coffee table. "Holy crap. I really did forget about these." Jackie said sitting down looking over the gift cards. "Thanks a lot." "Hey, people are going to need those." "I know. I'll come back out after supper and figure it out. Time for a break." As they entered the house through the kitchen, Natalie was just pulling some homemade sugar cookies out of the oven. "Hey mom, so we finished with everything except I forgot all about the gift cards." "That's great girls; Leanne will be so happy to hear that you all finished ahead of schedule." Natalie said turning around. "By the way Jackie, you have another letter from a college on the desk in the parlor." "Thanks mom." Jackie replied heading to the parlor. She grabbed the letter and continued walking Dianna out. "I'll have to open these now. That's all three." She whispered as she turned back. "Good luck. I hope they're all good news." Dianna said as she opened the door to her car. "So, we'll see you and Eric a week from Sunday." "Definitely." ************************************ Later that night Jackie sat on the couch in the shed carefully sorting the entire pile of gift cards trying hard to focus on the task; she jumped when Eric entered and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey babe, why are you so jumpy?" "Sorry quite distracted." "Your mom said you should just about be done out here." He replied taking a seat next to her. "I've been done, just haven't moved to put them in the correct boxes yet. I'm just not ready to be finished." "Why not?" Eric studied her face carefully. "What's the matter?" "I got all my letters today. There still sitting over on the chair waiting to be opened and I'm not sure I'm ready to read them." "You are ready, because we both know that they are all acceptances." "I don't know that though." "I'll open them for you then." Eric said getting up and grabbing the small stack and sitting back down beside her. "Let's see; which to begin with? Columbia is the most recent so let's go with that. Then I'll open mine." Jackie did not say a word she just leaned on Eric's shoulder pulling his arm around her. "Okay, I'm ready. Read me the news." "Dear Ms. Jacqueline Jones, thank you for your interest in our school. We are very pleased to tell you that after careful consideration, we would like to offer you a place in our law program." Eric finished the sentence and stopped reading. "Babe, your in." "That's one. Let's hear yours." Eric quietly read his and put it down. "Looks like we can both go to Columbia University together." "That's awesome, but I know you have your heart set on Harvard Medical." "Yes, I do, and we already know I got accepted and have sent my request for a scholarship in." Eric smiled giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. "So, let's read Yale?" "Yes. Let's just keep going in order of the pile." Eric carefully opened the envelope and read the letter out loud. "Babe that's two for two. I knew your grades where enough to get you into any school you applied." "Don't jinx it. Let's read the Harvard letter before you say that." Jackie stated taking the last letter out of its envelope. She quietly read her letter and let it drop. "Are you serious!" Eric was in disbelief and reached for the letter that hit the floor. "Relax, I'm going to Harvard!" Jackie shrieked. "Don't do that." Eric said giving her a big kiss on the lips. "I was ready to flip out thinking they rejected you." "I know I'm just that good of a bluffer." "Save it for the courtroom." "I'll try to remember that." Jackie laughed kissing Eric more passionately. "So, when are you going to tell your parents the good news?" "Tomorrow morning. I just want to spend tonight with you." After watching a movie, Eric and Jackie went to their separate rooms. Jackie found herself falling asleep much easier than lately now that she had all her stress relieved in one night. The next morning, she woke up early. She went downstairs to find everyone still asleep. She made a pot of coffee as she pondered how she would announce to everyone the good news. She finally decided on a big bright colored sign. She finished it quicker than she thought, and found Eric coming out of his room as she walked down the hall. "Good morning love. Want to give me a hand with this?" "Sure." Eric replied sleepily. "You're up early." "I slept great last night. No stress to speak of made it so much easier to relax." Eric helped her hang the sign above the kitchen table so that everyone would see it as they sat down for breakfast. Jackie began making bacon and eggs for breakfast, while Eric set the table and made the toast for everyone. Liam walked into the kitchen just as Eric passed Jackie and stole a kiss. "Father in the room." Liam announced with a chuckle. "Hi dad." "Good morning." Liam replied heading to the coffee pot. "You were up early enough to make coffee?" "How'd you know it was her and not me?" "Because she's the only one that makes the vanilla bean flavor." Liam replied taking his cup to the table. "Nice sign. Your mom is going to freak out." "I wanted to make a big statement so she can make a big deal." Jackie smiled proudly. "Congrats kid." "Thanks." "Congrats for what?" Natalie asked as she entered the kitchen herself. "Eric and I are expecting." Jackie said sarcastically. "Oh, hell no, leave me out of this." Eric said shaking his head. "She better not be pregnant. I'll have to castrate you if she was, my baby's going to college." Natalie said sternly. "Yes, I am mom, don't worry about that." Jackie nodded to her giant sign. "Harvard Law University. Oh my, I have to sit down." Natalie stated lowing herself into the nearest seat. "Liam our little girl's going to Harvard." "I saw, and now I see why she didn't tell you where she applied. She wanted to see your face." Liam chuckled. "Nat take deep slow breaths." "By the way I was also accepted to Yale and Columbia, but Harvard was my top choice and the first school I applied to." Jackie announced setting a plate of eggs on the table next to the bacon. "You are definitely not my baby anymore." Natalie pulled Jackie into a hug. "And what about you mister? Where are you going?" "Harvard Medical." Eric replied proudly. "It was either that or John Hopkins." "Harvard will be great. Our baby needs to have you there with her." Natalie insisted. "But remember, she will finish college before she becomes a momma or I'll hurt you." "Yes ma'am. I want that for her as well." Eric reassured her. The rest of that morning went along happily and Jackie really was feeling like her usual self again. Eventually, Eric was able to sneak her away for the afternoon to go Christmas shopping. "Feels good to finally have you all to myself." He stated pulling her close to him and wrapping his arm around her hips. "What do you say after shopping we go out somewhere? I want to spend the whole day alone with you." "I may have to take you up on that." "Great."
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