Chapter 14: New Beginnings

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Their graduation ceremony was the same as all the others, nothing out of the ordinary. As soon as the commencement ceremony was over, Eric made his way over to Jackie. "Congratulations my valedictorian." He kissed her. "Congratulations my love." Jackie smiled pulling him through the sea of people. "Your speech was amazing!" Dianne squealed as she found Jackie. "I can't believe it's over." "No, Dee. This is the beginning." Jackie replied giving her friend a hug. She continued to lead Eric through the crowd to find her family. "There they are." Sam called as the graduates approached. "Hey honey, that was a fantastic speech." Leanne stated. "Thanks." Jackie replied. "Alright, let the proud parents get some pictures of their graduate... Sorry, graduates." Natalie said pushing past her siblings. "We are so proud of both of you." Liam announced as he made his way to them. ********************************** That weekend, Natalie and Liam through the graduates a wonderful graduation party. They did it all in Harvard colors; red and white. Jackie asked to keep the reason behind the colors a secret until her and Eric were ready to announce their plans for college at the party. The whole family came out to celebrate. Even Eric's family came. Jackie invited Robert and Kayla, but they declined to attend. Once everyone was there, Jackie and Eric took the stage. "Okay, everyone... Who remembers this stage?" Jackie asked with a laugh. "For those of you who don't, I wanted to be complete center of attention on my seventh birthday and ask my uncle Alex to build this very stage for me.  We kept it all this time in storage, well anyways. I asked to take it out on more time for me." Jackie waited for everyone to stop clapping. "I also asked my parents not to tell anyone about my future plans until today... Now I think is the perfect time to announce what my future holds. Eric, you can go first..." She handed Eric the microphone... "Just so you all know this was all her idea." Everyone laughed, because they know how Jackie is. "I'm going to attend Harvard University to study Medicine. I'm looking to become a surgeon." "And I'm also attended Harvard University, but I'm going for law. That's right, I'm going to be a lawyer." Jackie announced. She took Eric's hand and walked off the stage. As they found their way back to over to a table, Natalie and Liam took the stage. "Yes, our baby girl is going to be a lawyer." Liam said. "Though she's not the only one with a secret." Jackie looked up at her parents. "Do you think your family would send you away to college unprepared?" "From the entire Malry family; we give you both your first condo." Natalie announced holding up a key. "It's close to campus so you won't have to travel far in the winter, and it's completely paid for thanks to your aunt Leanne." Jackie turned to look at her aunt, who just smiled at her. Jackie began to cry tears of joy. Her family truly knew how to surprise her. Leanne walked over to her "Danielle picked it out when she was on vacation a couple months ago. I hope you guys like it." "Did mom tell you?" "She only said you were going to Boston. So, I could get you your first place. I didn't have any help when I left after high school, and I struggled working two jobs. I'm in a position in my life that I can help my family never have to struggle and decide whether their pay check is going towards bill or food. I lived that life, and I never want you to live it. I begged your mom just to tell me what state, so I can do this for you. You have such a bright future ahead of you." Leanne explained. "You know between us... you've always been my favorite." Jackie whispered. Leanne just laughed... "Same for me about you." Leanne gave her a hug and went back to talking with Alex and Sam. Jackie turned to Eric, "can you believe this? I mean, they got us a condo. Please, tell me I'm not dreaming." Eric pulled her close and kissed her gently on the lips. "That could be part of a dream too." She laughed against his lips. "I promise you this is not a dream. But it is a dream come true. No dorms to keep us apart." Eric smiled at her. "Didn't you once tell me you dream for the future included us coming to home to each other?" "I did and I do." Jackie replied against his lips. "Eric, can I talk to you?" Liam asked placing his hand on Eric's shoulder. "Absolutely Mr. Jones." Eric followed Liam into the shed. After a few minutes, they came back. Eric stood next to Jackie, and whispered in her ear, "it was just a talk, don't worry about it. Your face gives your emotions away." "It's just odd timing to pull you aside." Jackie replied. "I know, but it wasn't anything to worry about." "Are you going to tell me what it was about?" "Later." He kissed her and made his way to chat with his family. Jackie walked over to her mom. "Thanks mom." "Anything for you baby girl." Natalie replied hugging her daughter. "We'll start looking into furniture for your new home in the next couple month. I kind of want to check this place out myself." "That sounds awesome. Do you think I can bring some furniture from home too?" Jackie asked excitedly. "Like grandpa's arm chairs..." "Absolutely, and we'll find you a couch to match. By the way, it's a two-bedroom condo. We figured you both will need a place to study, so the extra room can be turned into an office." Natalie said. "Maybe uncle Alex can build us a desk or two to put in there depending on space." Jackie thought out loud. "And a couple different tables." "Slow down baby." Natalie laughed. "Do you have any idea what dad said to Eric in the shed earlier?" Jackie asked a bit hopeful. "I didn't realize he pulled him aside." Natalie confessed. ********************************************************** When the end July came, Jackie and Eric were registered for their courses and packing for their big move to Massachusetts. They planned to head out at the beginning of August. Eric decided it was best postponed the meeting of his biological father in order to held Jackie pack for the move. Sam and Crystal were watching all Jackie's siblings so that Liam and Natalie can help them move. When the day came Liam drove the moving truck, Natalie, drove Liam's BMW, Jackie took her car, and Eric drove his own. When they pulled in to the parking lot of the building, Jackie looked up. 'This place is huge, thank god Danielle thought to get us on the tenth floor, so I can look out the window and actually see something' she thought to herself. They each grabbed a box and headed into the building. They took the elevator up, and found their door. Jackie turned the key and opened the door. The anticipation was growing... The condo was an open floor plan loft. The master bedroom was to the right as they entered and the on-suit bathroom had a his and her sink and a walk-in shower stall. The kitchen was to the left off the main room that could be split into two rooms on its own, another full bathroom next to the kitchen with the spare bedroom next to that. Jackie walked in and began opening closet doors as she checked out the rooms. The master bedroom had a walk-in closet, that she was in love with. Behind the front door was a closet that held hook-ups for a washer and dryer. "Oh my god. Danielle really out did herself picking this place out." Jackie exclaimed coming back into the front room. She looked out the big bay window and saw she could see the whole skyline from her living room. "This place is perfect." "I agree, we'll need to call her when were done moving your stuff in." Natalie replied. "By the way, Stacey sent you a day bed to use in your spare room incase you have guests over. It's only a twin, but it has a second bed under it. That way it doesn't take up too much room." "That's so nice." Jackie said as they went back town to get more boxes. Once they were finished bringing all the furniture and boxes up. Jackie directed Liam and Eric where she wanted specific furniture in each room. Natalie and Liam left, giving Jackie and Eric time alone in their new home. Jackie took a seat on the couch and put her feet up. Eric dropped in one of the arm chairs next to her. "Is this real?" Jackie sighed. "You know, all that is missing is a bottle of wine." "Your mom said the same thing. She put a gift basket on the counter in the kitchen and told me to let you know it's there. I'm sorry, I almost forgot." Eric replied. They got up and went to the kitchen together. They looked in the basket and saw a fresh baked baguette, a bottle of wine, and a grinder of sea salt. They looked at each other with confused expressions. Jackie's eye caught the note on the counter next to the basket written in Natalie's hand writing... Congratulations on your new home. Here is your first house warming gift from us. In case you are confused about the contents, allow me to explain. The basket contents are based off of a quote from the classic movie It's A Wonderful Life. "Bread that this house may never know hunger. Salt that life may always have flavor, and Wine that joy and prosperity may reign forever." God luck and God Bless. P.S. Make sure you check in at least once a week. Or I'll drive down there unannounced. "Wow... I guess my mom really did think of everything." Jackie replied when she finished reading the note. "Honestly, I'm a bit surprised my mom gave us an actual bottle of wine." "I think it's for us to celebrate this momentous step in our lives." Eric replied wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him. "I'll go find two wine glasses. I know your mom packed four." "I'll help you. We can at least unpack the kitchenware. Since we will also need a cork screw." "Okay, we can do that, but then I would like us to relax for the rest of the night together in our new home. We have a month to unpack everything." Eric said kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear lobe. "Mmmm. I like that idea." They pulled apart and began to unpack the boxes. They found the wine glasses and uncorked the bottle of wine. She poured them each a glass of red wine, and put the bottle in the fridge. They sat down on the couch together looking out their bay window over the skyline of Boston. "Here's to new beginnings." Jackie said as they clinked their glasses together and took a sip.
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