5- pack politics.

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Yura pov The soft music being play was cut short and people were already paying attention to this little scene that my father would not have planned well. Everybody is going to know that it is about me. I wish I could shrink into the ground but it would never work. Hazel and My father would never allow me. Family stands up for family. Even when they don’t want to. Family provided a united front, he taught me. Well nobody needed any more pointers to know that I was the weakness by their side. “Caleb. It is good to see you.” The Alpha started pleasantly and I couldn’t help my silent recoil. The Alpha is going to hate my father for backing him into the tight position that my father was about to do and not only would he hate my father, he would hate me for being the reason too. And his son would be all too glad to help his father work out his hatred on me. If only my family would understand this and stop while they were still ahead. “Same here too. I wish I could say the same about the rest of the pack though.” Dad said loudly. “Parts of the pack who had teenagers as children. Or are teenagers themselves.” My sister corrected. My father nodded his agreement as my sister clearly helped him out of the trench which his words place him in at first. “What she said.” “What happened to us who have teenagers as children?” The Luna asked. I tightened my eyes in anger. My family never think through their anger. Never! My curse of being the normal one among them double as a blessing because I could control my anger just like other normal wolves. Which is not much to begin with at first but it is still something. “I am sure you have nothing to worry about Ben, he was on his best behavior.” Hazel, the ever smooth tongued wolf said as the Luna smiled only for my father’s whispered words to drop her smile. “That is not true, he has bullied her before.” “Pardon.” Alpha Jackson snapped at my father, his alpha tone placed pheromones in the air and while people would try to escape and it would make my father to sweat and stumble over his words since it was directed at him but my father shocked me for the second time that day. Confirming that what happened in the morning was not hunger playing tricks in front of my eyes. My father rolled his shoulders and then planted his feet into the ground. “You heard me. He had bullied her before. In fact, every teenager her age had bullied her and I want to say in front of everybody that enough is enough. I have allowed her to be maltreated by those she is supposed to be calling pack, kin. It all ends now.” “Careful Caleb. That is our future Alpha you are slandering.” Casey’s parents said, already coming closer to the Alpha while I tried to shrink into the ground harder. I was even praying to the moon goddess now to see if it would happen. I have already been trying Pyro and then Kazimir and now the moon goddess was the last chance I had. “Oh, I have no issues with Ben, Ben didn’t do what your daughter did. As Beta to this pack, is this the best example your daughter have to show?” My father demanded as he pointed at me. I felt the gazes of other on me as I tried to sink harder into a standing ball. “I see nothing wrong with your daughter.” Casey’s mother spoke, her voice was mild with disinterest like she was bored. “Of course you didn’t.” Hazel returned as she yanked my cap from my head. I heard the gasp from those around me and then the pity gazes started. I could feel their eyes on my body, no matter how I folded into myself to make me invisible, it just never worked. “My goddess, surely, no lady would be terrible enough to ruin your daughter’s ten years of work.” Casey’s father sputtered. “Have you met your daughter?” My father asked raising an eyebrow. Casey’s father drew himself, with his chest out to the cold, trying to look as distinguished as his position but since my father could shrug off the Alpha command, that meant that the contender within the pack power structure was my father and the Alpha and so my father was definitely above Casey’s parents. Not like it mattered much. Not when Pack politics was at its peak in my pack. ”Yes I have and I know my sweet girl. She would never do that, I can vouch for her. Can you vouch for your daughter, other than the fact that she cut her hair...” A glare for my father made him change his mouth. “Which we don’t know for certain, Do you have evidence other than her words that my daughter is responsible?” “My daughter would never cut her hair.” My father yelled. “Then she should point at the right assailant.” “She said it is your daughter…” “And it is your daughter’s words over mine and my daughter words weigh more.” “The voice of the victim weigh more.” Hazel advanced while my father laid an arm to stop her approach towards the beta couple who swallowed noisily. “’The words of a full pack member victim weights more’. Yura’s mother is unknown.” Casey father stated. “Besides, my daughter could be the victim of your daughter framing act.” Casey’s mother added. “They are right. We would need more evidence that Casey is responsible…” Alpha Jackson finally spoke up. “Unless your daughter can provide another evidence other than her words alone.” My father let out an ugly laugh filled with anger. “Evidence. That evidence would be enough for any other person but it isn’t for my daughter? So the issue would end with my daughter’s hair being chomp off and nobody punished for it?” “I might be able to help you with that.” A voice close to the Alpha’s said and I shivered as if I was cold. But I wasn’t. The cold passed through my body was from my wolf. Like she was trying to shake off something holding her down. “What?” My sister looked at his direction with a frown but I still refused to. The one glance which I peeked at him that seared me to my soul was enough. I really didn’t want another tormentor to be given extra power hold over me. “I went to school today and on my way, I saw Yura as she was leaving?” His smooth voice was like honey dripping heavily into old wounds and joints. It was sweet and healing at the same time, smooth and perfect. I quickly glance at a teenager close to me and I saw Delly with her eyes closed like she was savoring the voice. Good to know that it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. “What does that prove?” Casey father sneered. “Then I saw these two.” Gasps rang out as he must have pointed out two out of the three who assaulted me. “Standing outside the door of the principal’s office and whispering to themselves how it was sad they couldn’t get Yura expelled with their little stunts that they would of course try again soon and the office lady who decided to help Yura by reporting to her father instead of the community, would soon be out of a job.” He gave a pause. “If I am given time, I can probably remember word for word of what was said. “I believe Casey’s parents owes your daughter and family an apology.” Alpha Jackson said after a lengthy pause and even then his words were pulled out of him like he was being forced to say them. “I am also sorry for not believing your daughter.” “Sorry is not going to be enough. I demand punishment for my daughter loss of hair and also for the information to be passed to the whole pack that anybody who hurts my daughter would have hell to pay at my hand.” “What do you want as retribution?” Alpha asked as Casey’s parents’ gasps. “Dad, let me cut Casey’s hair just like she did to Yura.” Hazel suggested. A panicked cry filled the air before it subsided almost immediately. “A sincere apology to Yura tomorrow, in front of the school and her staying away from my daughter.” My father stated while Hazel groaned in disappointed. “That can be arranged, anything else Caleb?” The Luna asked, her voice colder. “Yes, just a reminder that Hazel can fight female challenges now that she is 19 and she is allowed to issue challenges of her own. As long as the challenged with within two years range of hers. How old is Casey’s again?” My father asked but the question needed no reply. Everybody knew what my father did, he just threatened Casey to behave the best way without mention any words. I would have recommended him for his efforts and relaxed my mind a little but I knew that it wouldn’t be possible. Not when I raised my head a little to see Ben glaring daggers at me. My father just made things harder between his parents and their biggest sponsors because of this public scene and while my father might have reduced Casey’s own for a while. He unknowingly made me a target for Ben and Ben is crueler than Casey or any mean girl variation which school had for me. The next few months were going to be bloody for me as I feel that Ben would try to use me to break my father because it was only a matter of time before an official challenge is issued between my father and the Alpha.
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