6- Mates?

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Yura pov The only reason I could drag myself to school was because Hazel did majority of the dragging and threatening. I didn’t have a choice of not going. She also refused to leave me in school alone until I get my public apology. Nothing to see here, just a freak and her equally weird family. Then again the family is powerful so they are protected from jests others made but me… plain old me. I was in trouble from everybody. Then again, this is just a typical Tuesday morning. Compulsory attendance for the morning assembly and threats sent my way. Usual stuff. “We are still waiting for the apology.” My sister stated as she waved her hands in front of the principal who was about to close the assembly. I should have known that there was a reason why she wanted to stay at the front. My mind was just focused on self preservation. At least in the front seat, the taunts are usually reduced because of the watchful eyes of the teachers. Still I was a little worried, was it just me or did the principal look extremely nervous even before my sister spoke. He was one of those few who were allowed to know that werewolves exists, a knowledge that passed from his grandfather to his father and then him. That didn’t mean that we have lost our fear factor with him. It just meant that, he is naturally nervous around us. “Maybe that should happen in my office, after all we can’t keep the entire student body here waiting because of an apology that has nothing to do with them.” The principal said and my sister gave a scoff of disbelief. “Please you can’t be serious about that excuse. You just spent over fifteen minutes droning on about a teachers’ conference that has nothing to do with the students and now you want to use that example?” The principal’s nostrils flares just like it did anything anybody question the way he runs the school; which is often since bullying can happen comfortably within the school grounds and the highest punishments which will be administered as a last result is a slap on the wrists. This will set the new record of highest punishments on school grounds and you think the principal would want to redeem himself in front of his students but you can’t be further from the truth. Not when the assailant is the daughter of the Mayor of the city. “The teachers’ conference will take some of the students’ teachers out of the school for a minimum of two weeks. It deserves attention in the morning assembly…” “And a student was accosted in your school, her hair was cut which is physical assault if you didn’t know, and she was very distraught throughout the day which mean her mental health was also affected. Does that mean that what happen to students take no precedence in the morning assembly?” Hazel asked, her tone factored her statement like a question but everybody could hear the hard edge and the way the question was shaped. The principal needed to trend carefully. “Very well, I never looked at it that way but I can see your point.” The principal agreed and then looked towards where Casey always sits with her clique. “Come up.” He ordered. Casey walked to the front of the assembly and even made a show of stepping on the podium where the principal and the teachers stood but her eyes were filled with anger. “I would like to apologize for my actions of yesterday, cutting Yura’s hair and hurting her feelings, clearly I didn’t do enough because she is still in this school and I plan to remedy that, I would like that to be noted because I did feel bad about her impromptu haircut, I just thought she would look better in short hair and she wouldn’t listen to me because she spent so long on growing her hair but I also want to point out that she does look good now and it is thanks to me. I mean, would you look at her?” Casey waved at my direction as the student body turned to looked at me. Gawking and as usual when I have a lot of eyes on me, I feel panicked. It would have worsened into a panic attack if I didn’t hear my sister angry hiss dimly through the loud noise that filled my ears. Just as she sprang for her seat close to mine. I wrapped my hand around hers and pulled her back to her seat. “Please.” I begged her. “I did hear I would like to apologize from you but you didn’t. Get on with it. We don’t want a whole epistle of reasons behind an action you had no right to make.” Casey gritted her teeth in anger. “I am sorry for cutting Yura’s hair, I promise to leave her hair alone from now on.” Her eyes showed she was anything but those two words. “This little bitc…” My sister struggled against me. Then she raised her voice. “That was the most insincere apology I have ever seen.” “Please hazel, just let it be.” I begged my sister and she remained silent even though she was still angry. I would need to pacify her later when I get home before she sees my father so she would lie that Casey did what she was supposed to do. Because now that my father has alpha vibes, it wouldn’t be wise for him to be in bad terms with the current Alpha. The pack will split in two and there would be a target on all our backs just not mine. ***************************** Long after the assembly incident. Which really isn’t all that long to other but was to me because the eyes on me all had ill intent. I walked as quickly as I could to my locker. Get in the hallways and spend less than five minutes getting my books and reaching my next class. That is the best bet I have to having as little issues as possible. Still sometimes I am not so lucky. And it seems like today might be one of those days. Someone was leaning against my locker. A wolf and he probably already scented me. The best way to move forward now was to actually go to him and allow to threaten me the way he wants. He might get angrier if I made him wait or try to evade him so even as I slow my pace to prolong the time I would get to him, at the same time made my steps not so slow to court his angry too. In other words, I walked with a normal pace and sadly, I was arm length from him within heartbeats. I looked at him suspiciously even as I waited for him to speak first. “Hello, I don’t think we have officially met, I am Kayne.” He introduced himself. He stretched his hand out to me for a handshake but I glared at it like it wronged me and then I raised my eyes to his. Sea green eyes. A memory flashed through me. They were the pair of eyes that I saw in the woods yesterday. It looked less wild now than it did then but it doesn’t change the fact that they were captivating. “Am I doing this wrong? I was told this was a right type of greeting in this part of the world.” He mumbled under his breath but I still heard him, after all, his pitch was suitable for wolf hearing. “You are doing it right.” I blurted. “I just don’t want to shake you.” “Right.” He answered as he slowly dropped his hands. I felt bad like I wronged him or something, an emotion that came from my wolf, I really need to speak to my father about the reason why I am not in sync with my wolf. Then again, if I give it less than six months, I believe I would be bullied into being more in sync with her than any other time. The whispers pulled me back from my assessment of the boy in front of me. He was looking rough around the edges but still handsome. To the extent that only a handful of people would admit he is not their type but still find him attractive. Now the question what, what did he want with me? “Is there something I can help you with?” I asked him. “You were threatened today and you ran out of school yesterday, I just wanted to ask if you are alright.” He stated as I frowned at him. Was he actually serious? Maybe this is a new type of bullying but I haven’t gotten the memo yet, it would be a shame that he would hurt me in new ways but I guess it can’t be helped. “I am alright, I am always alright. Anything else?” I demanded. At least with my attitude, he would know that I don’t welcome his friendly attempts. He was going to hurt me so he should just get on with it. He looked around this time when the whispers increased. Some wolves even stopped walking to stare at us. “I guess this is not the right place to talk with you. Another time then.” He stated then moved away from me, he slightly brushed passed him and then my wolf restlessness became so much clearer. It was like I was hit with a lightning bolt. Like my existence suddenly made sense. Only one reason could be responsible for a reaction so visceral. He was my mate. My mouth dropped open as I turned back to stare at him but he just continued on his merry way, acting like he didn’t feel anything. And that happens rarely between mates. Only one party feels the instant connection. He didn’t know that we were mates.
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