4- Recognition

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Kayne Pov I don’t like the fear that accompany the wolf who now knows who I really am but it was needed. I needed to belong suddenly and there was no provision made for that, this was the easiest way for me to do it. Find the leader and conquer him but this leader was cowardly. Challenges for the Alpha position no longer works in modern times I was told. I had to fill a form and list the reasons why I had better resources to lead the pack. A bunch of nonsense. So I did the next best thing. Made him my very first human follower who knows that not only the old gods exists but they are very much around, awake and watching and sometimes maybe even walk among their midst. According to him, I was going to need a lot of things. Identification to prove that I exist in this world since my supposed birth 18 years ago which should be traceable by humans’ government then I would need money, lots of it. A place to stay that would be befitting of my power –his words not mine- and then a backstory for his family and pack since I would be staying there and they would be asking where I came from. So then my story was formed. My name is Kayne Kazimir, I refused to let go of my name which was feared and then I added the pet name which I was called by the only goddess I ever loved even though I was nothing more than a fledgling then. I am the distant relative to the Alpha, my father is the Alpha of my pack which comes from another continent entirely and I don’t have an accent like that country does because I was always kept away from that continent because the politics there was detrimental to my growing up as normally as possible. All was okay by me after all, when everybody sleeps later that night, I might decide to visit the countries he mentioned to understand more about my back story because the questions might be limited today but not tomorrow. “Jackson, you have been locked in your office, do come out. It is about time for the monthly gathering and it falls so well it coincided with our children back to school date.” A mated woman wearing a knee length gown breezed in. She had the same air which the Alpha in front of me had. Until he realized who I was. “I didn’t know you were busy… I am sorry, I can come back later.” She stated but the Alpha shook his head. “No, it is better you do know before the pack anyway. This is my distant nephew from my family tree twice removed. His father is an alpha from a Russian pack but he needed his son to be safe during the crisis of politics and other things that is currently going on there so he sent him to spend some time here.” “Ohkay, how come I was not aware that he was coming…” She asked, her eyes bouncing from me to her mate. “I also was not aware until he came to see me which was less than two hours ago. I have been talking to his father since.” The Alpha responded and then he cleared his throat. “Kayne, this is my mate and the Luna of this pack.” I smiled at his words, I am glad to see that the female leaders of the packs are still called Lunas. A respect to the goddess who created them. “Nice to meet you Kayne. Our son and next in line to be Alpha is around your age, I think you two would get along splendidly well.” She smiled at me. “Should I make your bedroom to be in his wing?” The Alpha quickly cut in. “That won’t be necessary, he would soon purchase a house of his liking to stay in. He doesn’t want to inconvenience us with his presence.” “And I am sure he can talk by himself.” The Luna glared at her mate then she faced me with an eyebrow raised. “Thank you for worry about my accommodation Luna but I won’t impose on you and your Mate. I just need a place to rest for tonight and then tomorrow, I would be getting a place of my own. I very much prefer my privacy.” “Fine dear, if you insist.” She smiled at me. “Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go back to the gathering, our pack is already assembling and I need to play the hostess. You two have thirty more minutes to get to down before I send your own pack enforcers to drag you down.” She smiled as she kissed her mate’s lips and then moved out of the room. “Forgive my mate Sire…” “I think we should stick to the façade which we have carefully constructed so that we might not be caught. Call me Kayne from now on and also, is there anything I should know about my appearance or age group so I can act like them?” “Of course.” The Alpha smiled as he relaxes more into his seat and started to tell me all about angry teenagers. I collected my thoughts, already realizing that another reason why my father must have made me take this age grade might be because the most powerful wolf alive who was from this pack was my age group. ******************************* We went downstairs and I was taken around to some of the important –I guess- wolves and their families, Alpha Jackson introducing me to them with the same lie he told his mate. I noticed those who I was at school with today. The extremely loud ones were among some whom Alpha Jackson introduced me to and then again I refused to pay much attention to them. I think the fact that they were reserved about the new comers who came today worked in their favour that they didn’t do anything towards me. “Darling…” The Luna came closer to her husband who was still standing close to me and interrupted him in the middle of another one of his introduction, this time to one of the girl’s parents who were outside the office. She was looking at me with a pale look on her face. “Let me borrow my husband for a second, would you?” She said sweetly but before they could reply, she dragged him off and I followed behind them in a sedated pace and I could still hear their conversation, no matter how low the Luna pitched her voice. “Rumors have been flying around since this afternoon that Caleb is extremely pissed, even to extent of shifting to his wolf. He hasn’t shifted in a long while. This gathering will not be a peaceful one and the rumors also said he was emanating Alpha energy. You need to solve his problem without dragging it in front of the pack so if only we can see him now before he come in front of everybody…” The Luna worried voice trailed off and I looked up wondering why. That was when I felt the power emanating from the three wolves in front of me. An adult male, probably the same age as the Alpha, his eyes were flashing between his and that of his wolf. A lithe female behind him to his left, her jaw was set in anger and the power coming from her was intoxicating and then the last of them. The one whose power level was just normal and who was hiding her face by looking steadily at the ground but I recognized the body and the scent. She was the one who had ran away from school this morning. ‘Kin.’ A voice whispered in my subconscious. My own wolf. One which never had a reason to speak to me before other than slight flashes of emotions. Something which I even doubted was placed in me even after the ceremony which Luna, the original moon goddess, creator of the were wolves conducted before she handed her power over to me. When she slowly raised her head and look in my direction as if she felt the connection between us, I was even more baffled. There was something not ordinary about this girl.
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