Chapter 8

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What the f**k was she doing here , like what the f**k. Also what had she done to herself , she looked so different. Not just the disguise Alissia had grown up. Her body man her body in that dress , I can only describe it as she looked womanly curves damm her curves. s**t don't think of that now,  jase is at the bar holding more shots in his hands. When he see's my expression he's on high alert. He detects danger but it'd not the type he thinks , looking g back I see Alissia with a pissed off expression on her face and she storms after me. I head straight for the doors out on to the street past the bouncers and down towards the parking lot. When I feel where semi out the way , I turn on her she abruptly comes to a halt and not far behind her is Jase. " Cora get your ass home , I told you on the phone to not come here ". Her hands cross infront of her chest her eyes would kill me if looks could do that. " Ryder , you don't promise a girl that's she's yours forever and then f**k off and leave her ". I huff out a laugh " Me leave you f*****g left Cora , my brother was killed I needed you. What did you do you f****d off to go study. You left when I needed you. So sorry if I didn't hand around and wait for you, s**t you even called us off before you went . Why she would you do that if not to go f**k around ". She flinches comes closer and points her finger in my face " You checked out on my Ryder , I wanted you to follow me ,chase me for f**k sake show me that you wanted me. You didn't even pay me any attention anymore,  too hung up on revenge I even told you I'd help,  but you pushed me away ". " Cora , I'm not going home. My life its here now " . She starts crying like hysterical crying,  jase looks at her like she's grown a third head. "Ermmm Ryder man are you good here , because I'm not equipped to deal with that ". He points at Alissia , sighing I rub a hand across my forehead. " uea man go enjoy the rest of your night , I'm going to take her back to my flat ". He looks torn and Alissia wails , he soon turns and hightail it off . Grabbing her by the the arm I walk her further into the carlark until we get to my bike. Handing her a helmet she straps it on " Nice acting skills , learn them at your fancy school " I snark. Her eyes harden again and as she fastens the helmet into place. " nope but I'm wondering where you learnt how to be an asshole ". Mounting the bike I grin at her all charm and teeth , " Oh it's a trait I picked up maybe five years ago . It's been working for me ever since so why change ". She doesn't say a thing , just jumps onto the back of the bike her arms going around my waist. My heart does that stupid skiping a beat like it did all those years ago whenever she was near. I soon shove it away , if this was now how uncover was going to be I had to hang onto the hate I had for her too. She would have to do s**t , see s**t and even be involved in s**t that the old Carter would never allow. I couldn't , infact I didn't think I even knew that Carter anymore . If she came here with expectations that I was still that boy. She would be wrong, starting the bike I tear out the car park like the cops was on my tail. She holds on tighter but doesn't say anything , I tear down main streets and into the rough neighbourhood my flat was at. I had to keep up appearances,  I came here on a whim for revenge. I wouldn't have much money,  or need for permanent. After I got on payroll and I got comfortable,  I planned to move. It would make it looked like I'd made my choice , I'd be here and part of the Volkiavs. Going round the back of the building I head towards the garages , slowing the bike to a stop she jumps off and takes the helmet off. Her eyes scanning the areas, some guys where sat around a pit fire smoking pot. All there eyes where facing us , quickly locking the bike up I grab her hand and match her to the back entrance . One look off me in there direction had them lowering there heads. Everyone in the neighbourhood knew who I ran with , that bike wouldn't last two minutes. Chained up or not if it belonged to someone else. The halls are disgusting,  walls cracked and carpets stained. There was a constants smell off pot and other drugs burning. Coming to a stop outside a door I let her hand go , grabbing my keys out of my pocket and opening the door. I don't let her in first , I just barge in flicking the lights on as I did. Throwing off my coat I turn to look at her , and mouth quiet. She actually doesn't speak as she closes the door.  Going to the draws in the kitchen , below a false bottom . I switch on a signal blocker, one didn't know if I was being bugged or watched. Normally it wouldn't matter , I don't make calls to home  here check in  or even speak normally so if I was bugged it didn't matter. Stepping out into the living room she was sat down on the sofa , looking around. It's obviously not much but compared to the rest of the building,  this place was a Palace. I'd spent hours bleaching it all down and making git livable,  a place I'd actually sleep. " You can speak now, but not for long even here we will have to be in character. From now on you will be Cora everywhere , unless I state diffrent. If its a couple where playing , you'll have to be an actual girlfriend. Did you think of a this before you agreed to come here ?" . She sighs looks down at the coffee table Infornt of her. " This wasn't anyones idea but my own , I wanted to come here". Confused isn't the word I'd use but it's the closets it is to what I'm feeling. " Why ?" I ask , her yes come upto mine searching. She squints looking harder at me , like I'm under the microscope. She shakes her head and looks away , she obviously didn't find what she was looking for. " I'm not sure to be honest , I thought I eh well I thought". " you thought , your Carter was in trouble. The guy that was soft and caring , you thought no way could that Carter do this. I'm not that Carter Alissia , not the boy you knew. You came to rescue a boy that died along time ago ". Tears fill her eyes she looks down discreetly trying to wipe them away. " look we need to talk,  get out story straight . There's no room for personal s**t here". She sniffs wiping her cheeks " yea I get that snaps . We talk over everything that happened back home , progress made so far. Also how we will fetch her in , how she will act , what she will say. When where done I tell her we will go to her motel tomorrow,  collect her stuff. ,also how I'll fetch her into the fold. After we talk through it I tell her to go get in the bed, I had to sit snd process this myself. Work out my angles , also when I did next speak to home they can all get ready to go f**k them self's.  I know there game , they wouldn't let her come here easily. They planned to use her to keep me on the straight and narrow, not get too wrapped up in it all.
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