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Iron I spent a good couple of hours with Lexie. I was surprised she didn't tell me to straight up f**k off from the get-go when I asked her if she was willing to do a paternity test. Especially since I wasn't really all that tactful in asking. Her agreeing to one, however, only solidified for me that she wasn't lying about me being the father. And the rest of our conversation was more of us getting to know each other a little more. It didn't take me long to figure out she was not only breathtakingly beautiful, but she was smart and funny. Yet the whole time we talked, I could tell she had up a wall. She was keeping me at a distance and not sharing more than the basics about herself. Nothing more than what she would allow any stranger to see about her. And really, I could only blame myself for her not fully opening up with me. I haven't really shown her I am trustworthy. First, I f**k her and then leave without a word. Then I leave her to track me down while dealing with the fact she is pregnant. Then I ask her for a test to prove to me I am the father of her baby while telling her I believe her. So far, the only redeemable thing I have done was to show up when I said I would. But really, how can she believe me when I say I won't leave her alone in this? Yet I know if I don't have a paternity test done, there will always be that small part of me that will question everything. Along with that, I know a good amount of the guys will ask me the very same question that a small part of me is asking. Are you sure? And even though I know it wasn't really fair to her and definitely not me earning any points with her, having the test done wasn't something I was willing not to have done. At some point, I would have it done. I was willing to wait until after the baby was born to do so. But she insisted on talking to her doctor during her next appointment and seeing how soon we could have one done and get it over with. Leaving her place, I knew I was going to have to put in a good amount of effort with her. I was going to have to find some way to prove to her I wasn't lying when I said she wouldn't be alone in this. I have no clue how I was going to do that, but that won't stop me from trying. I was going to have to ask for advice, but from who? I didn't want there to be a big thing about this just yet. I also didn't want to be the talk of the club. I am sure that with her stopping at the autobody shop, there was already a good amount of talk going around in trying to figure out why she was there. Who she had been looking for and why. So that left me with the only person I knew who would let me spill my guts and not hold back on his thoughts. He would also not go around telling the world what we talked about and keep things between the two of us, and I wouldn't even have to ask him to do so. He was also one of the few that I hated to disappoint, and I know my actions will have disappointed him so far, but I was going to have to get over that. Taking a moment before I left the parking lot outside Lexie's apartment, I sent a message to Tiny asking if he could meet up with me tomorrow. I didn't expect a response from him and knew he probably wouldn't answer me until the following morning. It was late, and I knew he would already have gone to bed. Not that he was already asleep, but I try not to think about what goes on behind that particular bedroom door. Shaking my head, I tucked my phone away and headed out. Driving back to my place to get a couple of hours of sleep. Could I have stayed there in town, sure? But knowing Tiny, he would head over to my place after seeing my text in the morning to find out what was up. So better to already be there. Sure enough, the next morning, Tiny was at my place around nine in the morning. I heard him come in and head into my kitchen. Getting up, I pulled on some clothes and headed out. Like any other time I wanted advice from him, I got to the point. No reason to beat around the bush. Starting from the beginning, I told him everything. Admitting my asshole moved from sleeping with Lexie and leaving after she fell asleep. I even admitted I knew something was wrong with the condom that night and didn't say anything. And now she is pregnant, and the chances of the baby being mine were really high. And even though I asked her for a paternity test, and she wasn't going to deny me one, I was sure I already knew what the results were going to be. I even told him how when we first talked, Lexie gave me a whole spiel about not wanting anything from me, and she was prepared to do everything on her own. She only reached out because she felt I should know. The whole time I talked, Tiny sat and listened. He never interrupted me. He kept his emotions to himself, never giving away anything. Just like any other time in my life, from the time he came into my life, he sat and listened to me. Taking in everything I said and waiting for me to finish talking. Even waiting a minute or two before telling me what he thought if I actually needed his advice and wasn't just talking. Sitting back in his seat, I watched as he slowly let out a deep breath. He was quiet for longer than normal, which worried me a little. But I didn't push for him to tell me what he thought. He would when he was done working through everything I had just told him. That didn't make the silence more bearable, though, as I waited for him to tell me what he thought finally. "Well…I don't really know what to say. I mean, at least you have enough sense in you to realize you were a d**k in all this. Also, don't think I will try to hold your mother back when she inevitably kicks your ass." Scoffing, I nodded. I already knew my mom wasn't going to be happy with how I have treated Lexie so far. And there was no way I would leave that part out of the story when I told my mom about what happened. She would want to know how we met, and I wouldn't be able to lie to her. She always knows when I am lying anyway. Nodding his head once, Tiny sat back up in his seat. "So long as you understand… As for Lexie, it doesn't sound like she is opposed to doing a paternity test, nor do I think you are wrong for asking for one. Even if you think there is a possibility this child is yours. But I am telling you now. This baby comes back as yours, and you better be ready to man up. This baby didn't ask to be brought into this world. It didn't ask for you to be a shithead to its mother. The two of you together or not, you better be ready to man up. And I am not talking about buying s**t and spending money because you have it. I am talking about being present for this baby's life and backing Lexie up when she needs it. Being there to help her raise this baby. The two of you don't have to be in the same house to work together and be there and support this baby. You have a job that will allow you the flexibility to be there when she can't be. If the two of you aren't going to be together as a couple, the best thing you can do is at least be friends with her."
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