1025 Words
Lexie The following week went by so fast. Before I knew it, it was Friday again, and I was sitting in my doctor's office talking to her about having a paternity test done. Which sounded like it wouldn't be hard to do, nor be a risk to the baby or me. In fact, my doctor said she would be able to do it as early as next week if I wanted. All I needed to do was ensure the potential father came to the appointment with me. So before leaving the office, I had two appointments made. My next check-up and one for next week to have the paternity test done. If the time or day doesn't work for Iron, I could always change it later. I still wasn't sure about him. Anne told me to give him a chance after he showed up, and he and I talked. She pointed out that he could have stopped talking to me after making his pregnant joke in the beginning when we were texting each other. Instead, he video called me when I didn't respond to his joke. And then he showed up, driving a couple of hours to talk to me face to face. None of which he had to do. He could have simply not even contacted me back after leaving my information with Jax. Hell, he could have blocked my number and not even bothered with talking to me after I told him I was pregnant. And then there was the fact he messaged me every morning and throughout the day. Asking about me and making sure I was good. In the evenings, he would ask more than just how my day went or how I was feeling. Every night was a different question about me, things like what I enjoyed doing with my time, my childhood, and my likes and dislikes. The first few nights, I kept my answers short and didn't give him details, but then Anne pointed out I wasn't being fair to him. He was trying and putting himself out there. He even told me things about himself, giving me way more information than I was offering him and not complaining about it. So I slowly started giving him more details to his questions. Each night I gave him a little more. Pulling up outside my apartment building, I was a little surprised to find Iron waiting in the parking lot. He was leaning against his bike until I parked my car, then he walked over and opened my door for me. Climbing out, I stood in the doorway, confusion, I am sure, written all over my face. "I hope you don't mind me just showing up. If you have plans, I can leave. But I was in town anyway, and I know you had a doctor's appointment today and wanted to see how that went. Also, if you don't have any plans, maybe we could go to dinner?" He looked nervous, and I couldn't help but find him even cuter at that moment. Anne's voice in my head told me to give him a chance to prove he wasn't a complete asshole and was at least trying. It was more than either of us could say for any of our exes and how they would handle a situation like this. So taking my friend's advice, I allowed myself to let my guard down just a little bit. "Dinner sounds good, but I am driving." I don't know if I took him by surprise or what. But he hesitated a bit before responding with a single nod of his head. "Ok, but I am paying. So where ever you want to go." Smiling, I nodded and climbed back into my car. Iron closed my door for me and walked around, getting into the passenger seat. As I drove, I told him about my doctor's appointment and how she could do the paternity test, and I made the appointment for Monday morning if that was ok with him. Which he said he would be there. He didn't seem bothered by the day or time I had set it for and was perfectly fine with what I had decided. When I parked my car outside the restaurant, I decided he quickly climbed out and made it to my side, opening the door for me again. Thanking him, I wasn't sure what else to do. I have never had a guy open a car door for me. Let alone any door, for that matter. But he opened the restaurant door for me as well. I thought at first he was just trying to impress me, but even after I walked in, he continued to hold the door for another woman and her kids as they left before he followed me inside. Then when we got to our table, he waited for me to sit down before he sat across from me. Even when the waitress came to get out orders, he let me order first before giving his order. It was all something I have never had anyone do while with me. All the other guys I have gone anywhere with could have cared less. Hell, my last boyfriend would have spent the whole time ordering flirting with the waitress. She was very pretty, but Iron didn't seem at all interested in her. He gave his order, but that was it. He was back to talking to me. His politeness continued even after we finished eating and we were leaving. Again I noticed a slight hesitation when he opened the driver's side door for me, but he didn't say anything. He even walked me to my apartment door and made sure I made it inside before leaving. He didn't seem upset or anything when I didn't invite him inside. He didn't even seem like he was expecting me to do so, only that he wanted to make sure I was home safe before he left, honestly. The whole thing left me wondering if the night was a date or not. But at the same time, I don't know if I wanted to know.
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