1370 Words
Lexie Hanging up my phone, I refused to let myself get excited that he was excepting of everything. Over the phone, he didn't really question the fact that I said he was the father. Yet he wanted to talk more, which I agree we needed to talk about more than what we did. But I still refuse to let myself believe this was all going to be easy. I also wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show up later like he said he would. Especially from the sounds of it, he doesn't even live in this town. He told the lady that asked how long he would be that he was almost done, maybe thirty minutes or so. But then said it would be a couple of hours before he could get to my place because he had to drive up my way. I mean, why would he drive so far just to talk to someone claiming to be pregnant with his child, even if he believed them without proof? And even if he did and he excepted this child, how would all this work? If he lived so far away. How would he be a part of our child's life, even work? I had questions, and talking to him more was definitely something that needed to happen. I could only hope he actually showed up. At least, now I could say I told him. Going home, I went about my night as I had planned. Having completely convinced myself there was no way Iron was actually serious about showing up or even giving a s**t, even though I know his words over the phone would suggest otherwise. So I changed into a pair of pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt. Before grabbing my laptop and making myself comfortable on the couch. I then spent the next couple of hours shopping online and marking all the baby things I liked, which was a lot. But since I wasn't sure if I was having a boy or girl, I had a hard time narrowing down how I would want to decorate the babies area. I was torn between several different ideas. There were so many cute things from forest animals to sea life ideas. Then there were things like Disney princesses, horses, unicorns, and fairies, and then, of course, you had sports themes and dinosaurs to choose from. And honestly, so much more, and all of them looked cute. I don't know how I will ever make up my mind. Sighing, I set my laptop to the side and decided to figure something out to eat. Anne was working a late shift today at the restaurant she waitressed at, so she wouldn't be home until around midnight or so, leaving me on my own. Walking into the kitchen, I sighed again as I looked through the cupboards. We were fully stocked on food, and there was plenty to eat, but none of it really sounded good. At least that was until I saw a jar of pickles in the fridge and remembered I had just bought a new jar of peanut butter. Taking the jar of pickles from the fridge, I grabbed the peanut butter out of the cupboard and set them down on the counter. Then, I grabbed a spoon and opened the peanut butter and pickles jars. Taking a scoop of peanut butter, I smeared some onto one of the pickles and took a bit, moaning as I ate. Oh yeah, definitely what I was having for dinner tonight. I know, it wasn't really the best thing for dinner. But man, was it delicious. Someone knocked on my apartment door as I bit into my second peanut butter-covered pickle. Sighing, I walked over to the door, peeking through the little peephole. My heart instantly sped up. He actually showed up. Quickly I stepped back, unlocking the door and opening it. Sure enough, my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. He was actually standing on the other side of my door. I know he asked if he could stop by tonight, but I didn't believe he would actually do it. And yet here he was standing right in front of me. A smile spread across his face. "Mind if I come in?" Jumping, I nodded my head as I moved out of the way to give him room to walk inside. Quickly I finished chewing the bite of peanut butter and pickle I had in my mouth and swallowed it. "Yes, sorry." His smile grew as he moved passed me. Embarrassment feeling me as I realized I had been checking him out as I took in the fact he had actually showed up like he said he would. At the same time, I had what must look like one of the grossest combinations of food in my hand and mouth. Oh god, what he must think of me right now. Shutting the door, I shook my head at myself as I shoved the last of my current pickle in my mouth. Chewing as quickly as I could as I moved back into the kitchen to wash my hands and put everything away. "You don't have to stop eating just because I am here. If you are hungry, you should eat." Stopping what I was doing, I shook my head. "Really? I don't want to gross you out or anything." Shrugging, he leaned against the counter next to me. "Can't say I will be joining you in your food choice there, but if you are hungry, you should eat." I couldn't help but smile at him. Taking another pickle and covering it with peanut butter, I held it out to him. "It's not that bad. You should try it. You might like it." Shaking his head and lightly pushed my hand away from him. "Honestly, I am good." Shrugging my shoulders, I ate the pickle and a handful more before I felt full. He stood next to me the whole time, waiting patiently for me to finish. When I was done, I replaced the lids to both jars before taking the spoon over to the sink to rinse it off and wash my hands. When I turned around to put the jars away, I found him doing that for me. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that." Shrugging, he closed the fridge door. "You are welcome. Did you get enough to eat?" Nodding, I couldn't help but smile. Moving from the kitchen, we made our way into the living room and sat down. Silence fell between the two of us for a short time. Neither one of us really knew where to start, yet both of us knew there was so much we needed to talk about. I mean, we hardly knew each other. After a good five or so minutes of silence, he finally broke the quiet. Jumping right into it and asking a question, I was kind of surprised he hadn't asked over the phone. Although with the question, he had more to say. And even though I could easily get mad at his request, I didn't. It was to be expected that he would want a paternity test done to be sure. And as he rambled on in his explanation of asking for a test to be done, he was already sure he knew the results of the test. But there was still that tiny part of his mind that would continue to question if this baby was really his, so he wanted to shut down any doubts from the start. Which I honestly get. We didn't know each other well enough for him to know I didn't sleep with random strangers regularly. Even if I was to spend hours telling him I didn't, I couldn't expect him to believe me simply because I said so. Again, sure I could get pissed off and tell him to f**k off, but I didn't and won't. I understood the doubt and agreed to the test. I have a check-up in a week and will ask my doctor about having one done. Neither one of us knew if they could even do one now or if it would be safe.
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