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Iron I was definitely freaking the f**k out. Could I be the asshole that denied the possibility that the baby Lexie was carrying was mine? Sure I could, but the possibility of her telling the truth was there. I mean, why would she take the time to track down some asshole that ditched her in the middle of the night? To me, that didn’t make sense. I mean, sure, she could be lying, but I had no reason not to believe her. Besides, I knew something was wrong with the condom that night. Yes, I had worn one, but it also hadn’t wanted to stay on right, and I chose not to say anything. I know condoms aren’t a hundred percent reliable. There was still a chance when I used them that they wouldn’t work. And I am sure their reliability lowered when they didn’t stay on right. All it would take was one little sperm to find its way out of the condom to render it useless. If I hadn’t decided to be that asshole that night, I could have stayed until the following day and ensured she knew about the condom not staying on right. She had been completely out of it by the time we got done and probably hadn’t even realized the issue with the condom. I made a choice not to tell her. I chose to leave and drive the rest of the way home to sleep in my own damn bed before meeting up with my family. I could have just as easily stayed in bed with her, sleeping in her bed with her that night. I could have been there in the morning when she was sober again and ensured she knew the condom may not have been as reliable as it should have been. I could have made sure she had all the information to have the chance to follow up with taking the plan-b pill. But no, I chose to be an asshole and leave her. All so I could sleep in my own bed before meeting up with my family. And then I didn’t even bother to check in with her after. I knew her name and where she lived. It wouldn’t have taken much on my part to figure out how to get a hold of her. Instead, she had to track me down by going to the autobody shop the club’s chapter there in her town owned. As all of this went through my head, she was giving me her little rant about not expecting anything from me and only wanting to let me know. I mean, what the hell kind of guys was she used to being with? The hell if I was going to leave her on her own with this. I played a part in all this and wouldn’t be able to just leave her on her own to deal with the aftermath. Not only would my mother kick my ass if she ever found out about the baby and I didn’t step up and help out, but Tiny would kick my ass. It took a lot to get the guy angry. In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen the guy get angry. I have heard the story of why he and my uncle don’t always get along, although I am told they get along better now than they used to. And from that story alone, I would never want to see the guy angry in my life. My uncle was lucky. Even when Tiny was pissed off at him, Tiny had enough control not to kill him. A soft knock on the office door I was sitting in had me looking up from my phone to find one of the old ladies standing in the doorway. “Sorry to bother you, we were just wondering how long before you are done so we can start locking up.” A quick glance at the clock told me it was nearing four in the afternoon. On Friday, they liked to close the rescue doors around four. “Um, another thirty minutes or so. I just have one more wire to run. Then I will have all the cameras back up and running along with having them dog-proofed this time.” Smiling, she nodded, closing the door to the office again. Sighing, I looked back at my phone. I was going to have to end this conversation for now anyway so I could get my work done. “Do you have any plans for tonight?” If I finished up here in the next thirty minutes, I could still get to her place at a reasonable time tonight. The drive was a good couple of hours, but I could do it and be fine. But there was still more the two of us needed to talk about. A lot more we need to talk about. Not that I thought we needed to talk about them right away, but I wanted her to know I was open to talking about them. She had already made it a point to tell me she wasn’t expecting anything from me. But if she was carrying my child, then I had no intentions of leaving her to care for it on her own. That didn’t mean we had to be a couple, but we would need to know more about each other than what we did. “I have no plans.” I nodded, “When I am done working, I can drive up your way. I think we need to talk more.” Nodding, I could see her let out a deep breath. “I agree.” “Good. I will see you in a few hours.” Again she nodded her head, agreeing with me. I took that as a good sign and ended the call. Setting my phone down on the desk, I rubbed my face with my hands, letting out a deep breath, f**k. I was joking about a pregnancy in the beginning. I didn’t actually think she would be reaching out to tell me she was pregnant. But here we were. There was no doubt in my mind that she would have reached out to me after I was such an ass and been lying. But there was a part of me that told me to be one hundred percent sure. And to do that, I was going to have to have a paternity test done, and hopefully, she wouldn’t be offended by me requesting one. My mom was definitely going to kill me. She and Tiny fought so hard to make sure Haylee, one of my sisters, didn’t make either of them grandparents just yet, and here I was doing just that. Pushing away from the desk, I forced myself to return to work. I was nearly done, and then I could go and finish my conversation with Lexie face to face.
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