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Misty POV 3 Days Later It was an odd feeling, but Wyatt's home already felt more like my own than my room back at the Coven house. The comforting routine I had developed here, along with the knowledge of the small mark that held so much meaning, made me feel safe and happy. I now had a room that I had made into my own little sanctuary, although it was more like an office. Sharing a bed with Wyatt was my preference, so I had transformed the space into a cozy getaway. Wyatt had temporarily put his work on hold, not only because it was currently unsafe, but also because he was questioning whether he should continue. I was glad that he recognized the danger, but I didn't want him to feel like he had to change completely for me. I understood his reasoning, and I wanted him to be true to himself. He spent a good amount of time in his office, poring over old texts in hopes of finding answers and working on a plan to reach Endora's. I tried to give him space while he was in his office, as I was used to not bothering anyone in my coven. However, I soon learned that he enjoyed my presence. He would come up with excuses to call me in, which I found endearing. It was fascinating to see his serious side, but also discover his playful nature, a side of him that few had witnessed. In the meantime, I decided to focus on honing my potion-making skills. I wanted to contribute to our journey and provide Wyatt with a good stock of potions. His room for them was perfect, and I had reorganized it slightly to suit my needs. Wyatt told me that this house was as much mine as his, and that meant the world to me. I was determined to find ways to show my gratitude for his kindness. On the table, a variety of herbs and ingredients were lined up, ready for me to create potions to aid in our healing, truth-seeking, and potential battles. As I worked, the room filled with the scent of magic, and I could feel the charge of my power melding with the ingredients. It was an exhilarating experience, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and fulfillment in this moment. Hours flew by like fleeting moments as I immersed myself in the enchanting art of potion-making. Eventually, I decided to tear myself away from my delightful pursuits and check on Wyatt. I dashed into the hallway, eager to catch a glimpse of him. My heart danced with excitement, growing accustomed to the exhilaration that his mere thought invoked. However, midway to his office, a wave of dizziness swept over me, as though an invisible force was tugging me away. Instantly, I recognized the sensation - a vision, a familiar occurrence that had become a part of my life these past few days. Yet, this one felt distinct, tinged with a sense of urgency. My knees gave way beneath me, and I crumpled to the ground, unable to support myself any longer. A scream escaped my lips that echoed through the room, a manifestation of the intense emotions coursing through me. images started to flash through my mind like a chaotic whirlwind, I struggled to make sense of them. The vortex in my mind made it difficult to focus, and I felt a sense of dread creeping over me, chilling me to the core. It was as if the vision itself was warning me of an impending danger, a danger that would soon befall us. And then, amidst the chaos, I saw a future version of Wyatt. He stood alone in the very room where they transferred the mark to me, his appearance a stark contrast to the vibrant and confident person I knew. His body was battered and bruised, a clear indication of a recent battle. Despair etched deep lines on his face, and it pained me to see him in such a state. In an act of desperation, Wyatt walked over to the table where they had once placed me as a child. With each slam of his fist against it, the table became splattered with his blood, a horrifying sight that made my heart ache. But it was what he did next that truly took my breath away. He tore off his shirt, revealing a tattoo that had grown significantly since I last saw it. The mark of dark magic had consumed a large portion of his body, its tendrils snaking across his skin. My mind raced with questions and fears. Had he succumbed to the darkness? Had he lost himself to the very magic he had vowed to protect me from? Wyatt’s voice pierced through the air, filled with desperation and determination. “I’ll do anything,” he shouted, his words laced with raw emotion. “You can take everything from me. Take my mind, my body, my soul. Punish me however you please, but never lay a hand on her. None of this is her fault. She didn’t choose this path; it was forced upon her. She is pure, and she will remain so. If anyone is to pay the price, it will be me. I will be the tainted one, the one consumed by darkness, all for her sake.” With each word he uttered, the room seemed to darken, as if his pain and sacrifice were manifesting in the form of a dense, suffocating mist. The air grew heavy with the weight of his plea, and I could only watch in helpless horror as the room became engulfed in the ominous shroud of darkness. Tears flowed down my cheeks, my body trembled with a mixture of fear, desperation, and love. The vision seemed so vivid, so real, that I could feel the weight of it in my chest. My heart pounded against my ribcage, as if trying to break free from the overwhelming emotions that consumed me. Wyatt, the person I loved more than anything, was sacrificing himself. It was a selfless act that both touched and terrified me. Yet, deep down, I couldn’t bear the thought of him losing himself to the darkness. I couldn’t bear the idea of him surrendering his soul. I desperately wanted to snap out of the vision, to prevent this nightmare from becoming a reality. My gaze remained fixed on the future version of Wyatt, who fell to the ground, his voice echoing. He demanded the return of someone, someone precious to him. It tore at my heart to witness his pain, his unwavering devotion. But my cries of protest went unheard, lost in the void between reality and the vision. I called out to him, my voice laced with desperation, hoping that somehow, my words would reach him. I didn’t want him to give himself away, to succumb to the seductive allure of the dark side of magic. Three haunting figures surrounded him in the darkness, I could feel the malevolence emanating from them, their very presence radiating an aura of sinister power. One of them reached out and touched Wyatt, causing his veins to illuminate with an eerie darkness. A gut-wrenching scream escaped my lips, a plea to stop the irreversible path he was taking. I wanted to save him from this fate, to protect him from the consuming darkness that threatened to engulf his essence. But my cries remained unheard. In that moment, the weight of helplessness bore down on me. I could only watch as Wyatt, the person I loved with all my heart, willingly surrendered himself to the darkness. He was on the verge of becoming a dark one, forever altered. As I stood in that dark room, a wave of despair washed over me, weighing heavily on my soul. Each beat of my heart echoed the torment within me, as if it were a constant reminder of the impending doom that awaited. My vision blurred, and the room seemed to spin around me, adding to the disorienting sense of unease that consumed my being. He would never be the same. He was giving his life away, becoming something from which Immortals can never return. It was a path to destruction, not revival. He was not someone who would choose that fate. He couldn't, no matter what. "Why, show me why he did this," I screamed in my own mind. As the vision shifted and morphed before my eyes, I realized that I had gained a semblance of control over what I saw. I screamed within the confines of my own mind, desperately seeking an explanation, a reason behind Wyatt's actions. But the answers remained elusive, obscured by the shadows that danced in the recesses of my thoughts. Darkness surrounded me, and I found myself in a different dimly lit room. The air was heavy with an earthy scent. In front of me lay another version of myself, bound to a stone table by twisting vines. The sight sent chills through my body, as I realized the gravity of the situation. This was the price I had to pay for the mark that had been bestowed upon me, a mark that did not rightfully belong to me. It was a mark of power, a power that had once belonged to the deceased originals. In that moment, I understood the true nature of the mark and its connection to dark magic. It was not a gift to be wielded without consequence. The power within me, if unleashed, could result in dire punishment. The very essence of my being could be harmed or even extinguished completely. In this moment of revelation, I was left grappling with the realization that the power I possessed belonged to the earth, a force that had reclaimed it from the deceased originals. The power had to be gifted, bestowed upon those deemed worthy by the earth itself. Looking down at my own body, I saw the physical evidence of the earth reclaiming its power. The mark on my skin seemed to pulse with a life of its own, as if the earth was slowly taking back what was rightfully hers. It became clear to me that this was the reason why Wyatt had willingly surrendered himself to the allure of dark magic. He believed that by embracing the darkness, he could save me, even at the cost of his own soul. But little did he know the true extent of the consequences he would face, and the irreversible path of destruction he would embark upon. The fate of the world rested on my ability to navigate this treacherous path and find a way to restore balance, to ensure that the power of the originals would never fall into the wrong hands again but be returned to the earth so we did not mess with the balance. "Misty, take a deep breath. I am here with you, just breathe deeply for me," Wyatt's soothing voice echoed in my mind as the vision slowly faded. Gradually, I felt my body being pulled back to reality. My eyes slowly opened to find Wyatt holding me tightly against him, tears streaming down my face. I moved and wrapped my arms tightly around him, desperate for reassurance. "Don't ever sell yourself, Wyatt. Promise me you will never give yourself away for anyone, not even me," I pleaded, my voice trembling. He lifted me off the ground, embracing me even tighter. "You must have had one hell of a vision. Let's get you calm, and then you can tell me," he whispered. "I won't calm down until you make that promise," I demanded, my voice filled with urgency. "I won't sell my soul, I promise," he whispered gently, carrying me over to the couch and setting me down. "Take off your shirt," I requested, my voice quivering. He didn't question my request; he understood that I needed this, needed him to comply to help calm me down. I stood up and traced the tattoo on his skin, feeling it beneath my fingertips. In that moment, I sensed the faint traces of darkness that burdened him. "Tell me what's wrong, Misty," he pleaded with me, his eyes filled with concern. "I had a vision of you surrendering yourself to the dark ones. You gave away your soul, Wyatt. I watched it happen," I choked out, my voice filled with anguish. "I won't do that," he promised firmly. "You did it to save me," I whispered, and I felt him tense up. "You do understand how important you already are to me, right?" he asked, his voice filled with sincerity. "Yes, as you are to me as well," I responded, my voice filled with conviction. "Did you see something happen to yourself, Misty? No matter how bad it is, I need to know. I am going to help you prevent these visions," he explained earnestly. "The mark on me, the earth was reclaiming its power from it," I explained, feeling the weight of the revelation. "I think you accepted becoming a dark one to try and save me or take my place in fate," I continued, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. "Say it again, Wyatt. Repeat your promise to me. I need to know you will never turn yourself into something like that," I demanded, my voice filled with desperation. "I won't, I promise. But I will also find a way to ensure no harm comes to you. I have a safe route to my grandmother's, and now, with this vision shaking you up, we should go soon. I believe she can help," he assured me. I nodded, still trying to calm myself. "I am ready to go," I whispered. "I am ready to make things right." "I need to find a way to keep you safe, Wyatt. Because you are my happiness, my family. I am not spending an eternity without you right next to me," I declared, my words echoing in the room. I will let these visions show me the future. I will not fear them, no matter how much of a nightmare some of them may be. No, I will use them to change our fate. Something I never thought possible or allowed, but now I agree with. I will have a peaceful future with the one I love by my side.
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