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Wyatt POV Misty's nerves were on high alert after her visions, and I couldn't blame her. What she had revealed had me on edge as well. The thought of an eternal existence without her was unimaginable, and I was willing to make any sacrifice necessary to ensure her safety. The weight of it all weighed heavily on me. I could feel the tension in the air as Misty and I stood outside my small garage. With a slight creak, I swung open the door to reveal my vehicle. "I had no idea you even owned a car," Misty exclaimed, surprise evident in her voice. "Well, in these parts, most travel is done by wagon and carriage. But we have a long journey ahead of us," I explained. "Endora's place is far away, hidden from prying eyes. However, there are many who want you, Misty. I've cast a cloaking spell to keep us hidden during the journey, but your coven may see through it. That's why we'll also cast a barrier around the vehicle together. It should deter them, but it won't protect us when we have to leave the car. Once we reach my grandmother's, we'll be on protected property again, and she can help you with your visions." Misty's gratitude was palpable as she thanked me. "I don't mind," I replied, relieved to see her calming down. We packed our belongings and locked up the house before getting into the car. Misty assisted me in casting the barrier spell. "No matter what happens, Misty, I'm keeping you safe," I assured her. "If any danger arises during our journey and they manage to break through, you need to keep going to the destination on the map. I'll handle the threat. Understand?" "I can't leave you," she confessed, her voice filled with worry. "I know it'll be difficult. I mean, I am irresistible," I teased, trying to lighten the mood. "But we can't risk them delivering you back to the werewolf king. I promise I can handle myself, and if anything happens, I'll find a way to reunite with you." "I still don’t like the idea of leaving you to fight my battle," she whispered, her voice filled with concern. I gently squeezed her hand in reassurance before starting the engine. As expected, the moment we left my property, my eyes caught sight of several of the wolf king's men, lurking in the shadows. The thirst for power always attracted darkness, eager to get their hands on it. Misty peered out of the car window, her gaze fixated on the passing landscape. For the first few hours, silence enveloped us, and I respected her need for solitude. I knew her mind must be racing, processing everything that had transpired. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and she succumbed to sleep. A sense of relief washed over me, knowing she desperately needed rest after her haunting vision. I focused my attention on the open road ahead, the engine purring beneath us. The further we ventured from my sanctuary, the busier the roads became. We would soon navigate through human territories, places where wolves seldom roamed. However, vampires blended in seamlessly, a fact that demanded our caution. We couldn't ignore the potential presence of hunters as well. For the most part, hunters maintained a symbiotic relationship with our kind. After all, we were the reason they existed. But there were always exceptions. They viewed us as a risk to humanity now, and some had targeted us in the past. I pulled up at a dimly lit gas station to refuel my car. I glanced around, taking in the quiet surroundings, and when I felt a sense of safety, I swiftly exited the car. The stop was brief, and I quickly returned to the car, with Misty still peacefully asleep beside me. The road stretched ahead, growing darker with each passing moment. Suddenly, Misty stirred and stretched her arms, her awakening breaking the silence. Realizing how long she had slept, she apologized for her slumber. "Feeling better?" I asked, concern evident in my voice. "A little," she replied, her voice tinged with unease. "That vision really shook me, but I know I must use it as a guide to prevent it from happening." "Are you tired? I can take over driving if you'd like." she offered. "No, I'm fine driving," I assured her. "Usually, I'm alone on these journeys, so having you as company is a welcomed change." "Wyatt, can I ask you something? If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." Misty asked. "Sure, ask away." I responded. "Your mother, based on what you wrote she seemed different from most immortals. Was she ostracized because of that?" Reflecting on my mother's experiences, I replied, "No, she fulfilled her duties. The only negativity she faced was from my father. He was cast out for delving into dark magic, right after she became pregnant with me. Some believed my mother led him down that path, but I doubt it. She raised me with love. When she disappeared, it was one of the hardest days of my life. I don't even know if she's alive or if she was killed." As I drove, my focus on the road, Misty probed further, "Your grandmother knows the truth, though, doesn't she?" "Yes, she does," I admitted, my voice filled with trust. "But she has her reasons for keeping it from me. I won't push her to reveal anything. I believe that, in due time, I will learn the truth about my mother. I just hope that wherever she is, she's happy." "I want to help you find her," she promised to me. "If I can get a vision of her, I will tell you everything I see." "Thank you, although I have a feeling you will not," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "I have to trust my mother had her reasons for leaving. And although I spent a lot of time searching for her, I have come to the realization that if she wanted me to find her, I would have by now. I am not giving up on her, but it is time I focus on my life and my destiny. And that is you, Misty. My focus now is on keeping you safe and keeping us together." As we drove, the car fell into silence again. The scenic surroundings provided some solace, easing the length of the journey. But soon, my attention shifted to a vehicle that had been tailing us for some time. Sensing my unease, Misty reached for my hand. I knew that she could sense the tension in the air as the members of her coven followed us. Determined, I vowed to protect us from their deceitful intentions. "I knew that many of them did not like me, but I never imagined my coven would betray me like this," Misty confessed, her voice filled with disappointment. As storm clouds gathered overhead, the air grew heavy with electricity. "Their dark intentions are evident, just as we find ourselves driving through a town with unsuspecting humans," I sighed, my words barely audible as I whispered an incantation to tame the raging storm they had conjured. Observing their actions, I noted, "It seems they rely on the power of multiple casters, unable to wield their own magic alone." "We often practice as groups because the spells become more potent that way."Misty explained. I shook my head in disbelief. "No, that's not the real reason. They manipulated you into believing that. These spells can easily be cast by a single individual. They wanted to keep you unaware of your true strength, to ensure you never stood against them," I clarified. "I can't wait for you to confront them and show them your true power. I promise to teach you what they failed to teach you. When you face them, they will know the strength you possess." I accelerated the car and muttered another incantation, causing the road behind us to crack and impede their progress. Misty's grip tightened around my hand as she whispered, "Wyatt, that was a dark spell." "Yes, but I modified it so no dark magic was used. I adapted it from a common dark magic spell." I reassured her. Pointing to the bag on the backseat, I revealed, "That bag contains my personal spell book. It's one I keep hidden, so I doubt you've read it yet. Take a look now while we're driving. Together, we can make our spells even stronger if you contribute your own additions." Excitement sparkled in her eyes as she asked, "I can really read these?" I nodded, placing my trust in her. "Yes, I trust you," I affirmed, as she eagerly grabbed the book and immersed herself in its contents. In that moment, I felt a deep sense of joy in being able to share this knowledge with her. Misty's eyes were focused on my spell book, her fingers delicately tracing the intricate patterns of the written spells. "Even your spells are written with such beauty, they are like enchanting poems," she spoke, her voice carrying a hint of awe. I chuckled in response, "I never thought of them that way, but I'm glad you find beauty in them." Misty's gratitude warmed my heart as she continued reading. As we approached my grandmother's property, the anticipation grew within me. It had been a long time since I had visited her, but the thought of introducing Misty to her brought a sense of excitement. Finally, we arrived, and I reached into my pocket, feeling the smoothness of the enchanted stone. It allowed us to pass through the barrier protecting my childhood home. Misty, now entering onto my coven's lands, became the first member of her coven to be welcomed here in nearly a century. Pulling up to the house, I watched as my grandmother emerged onto the patio. Despite her ageless appearance, her power resonated with an undeniable authority. Misty hesitated in the car, taking a deep breath. "I promise there's nothing to worry about." I reassured her. Opening my door, I walked around and gently opened Misty's door, extending a helping hand to guide her out. "I've been expecting you two," my grandmother stated, her eyes shifting between me and Misty. The warmth in her voice welcomed Misty into our home. "Hello, Misty. Welcome. I am glad my grandson brought you here safely. I know there's much you wish to discuss, and you have chosen to see the truth for yourself and forge your own destined path," my grandmother spoke, her words resonating with wisdom. Endora, my grandmother, always seemed to possess a deep understanding of what lay ahead, not solely relying on her premonitions but sensing the imminent future. Entering the old house, the heavy scent of a mixture of herbs enveloped us. My grandmother led us into a cozy sitting room, where a fresh pot of tea sat on a table, three cups already prepared. Misty looked at them in surprise. "I see you are still perfect at timing," I said to my grandmother. "It is easy to sense when you are gracing me with some time, Wyatt," she replied, pouring the tea into the cups. "It is a special blend, one that will help you relax after a long journey." She then walked over to a small table in the room and retrieved an old piece of parchment paper. Handing it to me, I read what was written on it and looked back at her. "This is a spell to return power to the earth," I said. She nodded, her gaze shifting to Misty. "I sensed the mark being transferred the day the spell was cast on you, child. That day, I feared what may come of the immortals. We may have tapped into dark magic, but never had we attempted to steal from nature. Such a spell was sure to have great consequences, and I fear it still may. I can tell just by looking at you that you would like to restore the power to its rightful home. You are the hope for our kind, the one that can help hold onto the powers we are gifted. Since you choose not to veer off the path of your destiny, there is a way for you to return the power Wyatt now holds. But it will not be easy. It will test you. But I do believe you have the power to survive this spell and restore things the way they should be, especially since you and my grandson are meant to protect the future cursed child, as I am sure you have seen as well," My grandmother said to her. "I will do whatever it takes. I know it won't be easy, but this power sealed within me belongs to the earth. It does not belong to me," Misty responded. "In order to return the power, I will have to remove the spell binding it, Misty. That means you will feel it, and it will call to you to use it," I warned her. "I won't let it trick me, Wyatt. And I know you will help me," she replied. "When immortals form an eternal bond, the true protectors of the destined saviors will emerge," my grandmother whispered, her eyes fixed on us. "So you know then that Misty is tied to me by the string of fate," I said to my grandmother, the soft scent of lavender candles in her home filling the air. "I have known since the day Misty was born, as I saw the string of fate form. It was a sight to behold, the first time two immortals have been gifted a soul mate. You have both been gifted true love, but with that, you will also be tested. Sometimes you will have to make hard choices. If you make it through all the trials life is currently challenging you with, you two will stand with a new generation meant to rule this world the right way," she explained, her voice gentle yet filled with wisdom. I handed the spell to Misty so she could see it as well. She looked it over with curiosity and anticipation, her eyes scanning every line. "Now, Wyatt, I can tell you are tired, yet Misty is not. So, I believe it is your time to retire to your room and allow me some time with Misty," my grandmother said, her voice soothing like a lullaby. "Don't worry, I will take good care of her and return her to you when we are done." I figured she would want some alone time with Misty, and I knew well she was in safe hands. "Are you okay with me leaving?" I asked her, my voice filled with concern. She nodded, her eyes filled with trust and reassurance. "Get good rest, Wyatt," Misty said to me, her voice now confident and warm. I could tell her initial nerves were gone. I was happy I was able to bring her here, as I had a feeling we would now have the resources for her to blossom into her true power and potential.
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