Chapter 8

1570 Words
Ryan’s POV The bell rang for lunch break and I couldn’t even eat my lunch in peace, eyes all around, staring at me. Didn’t they see someone handsome before? I knew I was a fresh dude, I also loved the attention, but the attention was too much. I exhaled sharply and glanced around in search of my so-called stepsister. I almost chuckled at that word. I didn’t need a stepsister, I needed to make it clear and that was the reason I did what I did earlier today. I don’t feel bad for doing it to her, she deserved it, she blabs too much and, to top it all, she needed to know her place. This was the start, and I hope she sends the reports to her father immediately we get home. She needed to force my mom and her new husband home, and it would go on, angering her to the point she begged her dearest dad to divorce my mother and send us away. “Hey, I heard you are the new guy.” I heard a female voice, my eyebrows furrowed, I was sitting there at the corner of the cafeteria in order not to be disturbed. I didn’t need their friendship. What a nuisance! I thought as I glanced up, only to see her smile at me. She had long blonde hair, wore a mini skirt and a pink crop top, her hair was let down her shoulder and she wore heavy makeup, and her lips. I almost rolled my eyes. Why shouldn’t I? She quickly set her tray on the table and sat across from me, how rude not to wait until she was invited. “Hi, I am Caroline Forbes, saw you in English class, I am the head of the cheerleaders…” She stretched her hand for a handshake. I glanced sideways to see all eyes on both of us. I didn’t notice her, but I think she was with a group of girls who were now whispering. Perhaps she told them she could talk to me, and they dared her to try… just my speculation, whereas it has happened in the past. I smirked, who was I not to play along? I am very good at this game. Rather than giving her a handshake, I took her hand and slowly brought it to my lips while staring into her eyes. I saw her lips part, like my soft kiss gave her a shiver down her spine. She quickly glanced at her friends who were all staring at her in surprise. I must have given them what they wanted. “Caroline…” I said tentatively. “It’s definitely nice to meet you, tell me, why are you here?” I said all this without leaving her hand, my eyes still locked in her gaze. I searched her eyes, my eyebrows slightly raised. She swallowed hard, I could see her heart rise and fall, and I couldn’t help but wonder why ladies act like that. She was a beautiful lady, no doubt, but why did she have to fall for something so small as a kiss on the hand? Their way of romance was insane. She slowly tucked her hair behind her ear and a small smile played on her lips. “I saw you sitting alone and decided to join you. We can be friends---“ “Caroline!” I heard a deep voice roar the name and Caroline quickly turned her gaze in the direction and wanted to pull her hand from mine, but I held it tighter, then I traced Caroline’s gaze only to meet the eye of a furrowed guy, and behind him were two other guys, perhaps his friends, or form of protection. “Let go of that hand this instant!” His voice came again. This time I watched his eyebrows furrow and pull down, he curled his hand into a fist and his eyes darkened, but I smiled. It was funny to see someone who knew nothing about me commanding me. “Oh, come on Jerry, he is just a new guy, just drop it.” Caroline said and succeeded in pulling her hand away from mine. Just then, I glanced behind the guys to see Katelyn enter the cafeteria with a girl next to her. I wondered where she had been. I had been glancing around but had not caught sight of her until now. I knew she had caught sight of me holding Caroline’s hands, but surprisingly, the commotion happening before me didn’t bother her. She located a table and sat down eating her meal while the girl next to her stared at us. I see you are also heartless, Katelyn. You don’t mind, do you? I furrowed my brows and glanced at the guy whose name I had learnt to be Jerry, who was already spitting out curses and Caroline trying to convince him that nothing of such was going on. I glanced at Katelyn again. Since you don’t want to look this direction, then I will get your attention. I smirked. “Is she your girlfriend?” I asked Jerry, pointing at Caroline, and he scoffed as he walked over to the table and hit the desk, but I didn’t flinch, nothing they did scare me, why should it? “I will pardon you today since it’s your first day, but I don’t want to see you around her, I hope I am understood?!” He shouted and I shut my eyes momentarily and rubbed my ear with my fingers, then blew it away like I had just felt a fly buzz in my ear. I glanced at Caroline and tried to hold Jerry. “Jerry, it’s not what you think, let’s just go, okay?” She tried to talk sense into him and I hoped he would really go with her, because I couldn’t keep my calm any longer. I have a lot of anger in me and these past few minutes, I have been trying to keep it in check. “Answer me!” He hit the table again. “Am I understood?” His eyes dared and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You dare laugh?” He asked, and this time I saw Katelyn glance at us from the corner of her eyes. I see I have your attention. I smirked and look at Jerry. “And what if I want her as my girlfriend?” I asked and I could see Caroline’s cheek turn crimson instantly. She really love it, I am sure butterflies were swirling in her stomach. “What?” Jerry clenched his jaw, his hand already balled into fist, I quickly got to my feet pushing my chair back with my leg, my eyes without fear and my lips moved again, this time I furrowed my brows. “I want her as my girlfriend.” I glanced at Caroline and immediately Jerry raised his hand to throw me a punch, but I dodged it. “Who do you think you are?” He asked and quickly grabbed my shirt to hit me, but I held his hand before he could grip me further, I twisted his hand and pushed him away, and he hit his knee on the table and screamed out in pain. “What are you both doing?” Jerry shouted. “Don’t just stand there!” He yelled at the two boy and they rushed over to hit him, but immediately someone hit the table and everybody stopped, and I turned my eyes in the direction of the sound just as everyone else did and it was none other than my stepsister, Katelyn. “Can’t I eat my food in peace?” She asked and I glanced over at Jerry who was all commanding, only to see him lower his gaze and so did the other boys. I was surprised, I looked at Katelyn again. What are you? And why do they all go silent because of you? “Jerry, take your friends and leave with your girlfriend, he isn’t worth your strength.” She pointed towards me and that was the first insult I have heard in five years, who does she think she is, and would they even listen to someone as tiny as she is? “Katelyn, he…” “It’s his first day today, he should get familiar with everything before you start introducing more rules to him, bur for now, let’s all eat in peace and attend the next class, shall we?” She raised her eyebrows and her gaze lock with mine, and I felt curious, all of a sudden, I was curious. I glanced at Jerry who glared at me but backed away with his friends and Caroline smiled at me before running after Jerry abandoning her meal and when I looked at the other student, they were all back to eating their meal and ogling at me like the fight has never happened. I squinted and glanced at Katelyn who was back to eating her meal and talking to her friend, I scoffed, there was more to Katelyn that meet the eye, but then, I wasn’t going to let her do that to me, I was not them. With my hand in my right pocket, I walked out of the cafeteria, losing my appetite but couldn’t ignore the curiosity to know Katelyn better.
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