Chapter 7

1079 Words
Katelyn’s POV I curled my hand into a fist, anger boiled inside of me as I looked at the smirk on his face. I wish I could go over and punch that smirk off his face, but I shut my eyes momentarily as I met the eyes of Mr. Harry. “Ah, Ms. Katelyn, I see you’ve decided to make a dramatic entrance today.” Mr. Harry raised the corner of his eyebrows. I stammered trying to catch my breath and apologize at the same time. “I—I’m so sorry Mr. Harry, I didn’t catch the bus on time.” I bit down my lips slightly out of breath. “Katelyn, punctuality is important.” Mr. Harry sighed, his stern expression softening slightly, but I could see he was disappointed. “You must make an effort to be on time for my class, although this is the first time.” I nodded feeling embarrassed, and the more I glanced at Ryan, the angrier I was, but I turned my attention back to Mr. Harry. “I understand, Mr. Harry, it’s won’t happen again.” I lowered my gaze. Mr. Harry dismissed the class with a wave in his hand and glanced at me. “Very well, we will continue this conversation next time, please try to be on time.” He said and left the class. I glared at Ryan who every lady seemed to be staring at. I hurried over to my desk which was next to Kelly’s and Kelly glanced at her. “Hey, what happened?” She asked and I exhaled sharply. “I called you, I got stranded because of a certain someone…” I turned my eyes to Ryan who sat at the left two seat behind mine. “Katelyn, have you seen the new student?” Kelly quickly voiced in excitement, I glanced at her and her eyes were twinkling as she stared at Ryan, I had thought she would ask who the certain someone was, or why I was stranded, but then she was talking about Ryan. “Isn’t he handsome?” Kelly raised her brows, her chin placed on her hand as she drooled, staring at Ryan who seem to be giving them little or no attention. I furrowed my brows, honestly I have felt this way when I saw him, there was no doubt, he is handsome, more handsome than any guy I have ever met in school, no wonder all the ladies were staring at him, whereas he is new and everyone wants to catch his attention. “Kelly, I know he is, but I would advise you not to fall in love with him, he is a jerk.” I told her and Kelly turned her eyes sharply at me. “Why would you say that?” She frowned at me. “You just walked in now, whereas he introduced himself and smiled nicely.” She grinned like she was recalling his smiles I scoffed. “He is fooling everyone with that smile again, after then he will show them what kind of monster he really is.” She muttered, but then it strike her and she turned her gaze to Kelly. “Kelly, can you tell me word for word how he introduced himself?” Kelly who was good in this turned to me and started: “I am Ryan Edward, I have just moved here from California, so you could say I am trading the surf for the city, I love fun, be nice to me.” The words Kelly has just narrated cracked me up and I began to chuckle loudly making everyone to stare at me. “He said that?” I asked, rolling my eyes. “What is funny?” Kelly asked and I tried my best to stop laughing, before frowning again. “That dude over there, he is my stepbrother and the reason I arrived late to class, he told me to get off his car on the highway, he is definitely not a person anyone should fall for or drool after, he has a beautiful face, but he is a monster inside!” I gritted my teeth. “Your stepbrother?” Kelly blinked, I wonder if she has heard anything I said earlier, but she was asking the obvious. I nodded. “Yes, he is my stepbrother.” I dragged the words like I regretted saying it and Kelly blinked, looking from Ryan to me. “Wow, he is your stepbrother… like you both will live in the same house and eat the same meal and see each other everyday?” She parted her lips and I scoffed. “Are you even listening to me, Kelly?” I almost yelled this time snapping her from her thoughts, if I had not experienced what I experienced this morning, I would have also been thinking about how hot Ryan is and how I would be eating different awesome dishes together with him, and my heart would probably keep racing, but now it’s a no. “Forgive me Katelyn, but I find it hard to believe that this handsome guy would be anything like what you described.” Kelly looked away from me again. I shut my eyes momentarily, pinching my nose in frustration. “Who would you believe, me or him?” I asked and Kelly glanced at me, but before she could respond, her eyes darted to the door. “Ms. Anderson is here.” She said and quickly turned her eyes forward, the room fell silent as all eyes turned towards her. “Good morning class, I am your biology teacher, Ms, Anderson, for those who don’t know me.” She stood in front of the class, she was in her early thirties and was our biology teacher, her presence was commanding, so no one dared speak a word, not even the girls drooling at Ryan. “Biology isn’t just about memorizing facts, it’s about understanding the incredible world of life that surrounds us, so we will look into cells, ecosystems and the diversity of species.” She turned and wrote the topic of the day on the board. I never wanted to turn around, but I kept feeling like I was stared at, and the moment I glanced towards Ryan, I locked gaze with him, he was staring at me, but why? Out of all the beautiful girls in class, why was this monster staring at me?
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