Chapter 10

1121 Words
Katelyn’s POV I curled my hand into a fist after hearing him say that word, give me a ride? Who was he teasing? Or has he forgotten what he did to me earlier? I shouldn’t have responded to him, I should have walked away with Kelly, but no, I wanted to talk to him, to yell at him right now. “You—“ Before I got the opportunity to yell at him or snap at him, he interrupted me quickly, making my words get caught up in my throat. “You can just say no.” He shrugged and brushed past me, and I was left to scoff. I turned my gaze over my shoulder only to watch him walk away without looking back. What the heck?! It was maddening, why would he offer to give me a ride back home when he wouldn’t convince me to go with him or hear my response, or did I give my anger away through my expression. Asshole! I screamed in my head and didn’t know I was fuming in anger until Kelly’s voice pulled me off my thoughts. “Katelyn, isn’t he hot?” Kelly’s words made me turn my gaze in her direction. What was she saying now? Was she not there to witness everything? And am I the only one who thinks Ryan is an asshole, well, I guess Jerry shares my view too, and I regret stopping them, they would have taught him a lesson, and I will never interrupt again. “Hot my butt!” I rolled my eyes, gritting my teeth. Kelly turned her gaze to me after Ryan disappeared at the doorway. “He must really be your stepbrother. Why didn’t you tell him yes when he offered you a ride back home? I would have tagged along and then look at him all I wanted, but you---“ “Haven’t you been listening to all my complaints recently?” I yelled at her, my expression hardening, I have never frowned in my life as much as I have done today, and the friend who should be listening and be on my side was also enchanted by Ryan’s handsomeness. “I heard you told me he left you on the road to come to school on your own, but he is trying to make amends by offering you a ride back home, and who knows if he was making out with Rachael just to wait for you?” Her question made my thoughts wander. Was he really making out with Rachael to wait for me? Was the kiss not helped? Perhaps he has been standing here and waiting for me to come out only to be approached by Rachael, and unable to hold back his desire to kiss the girl that made a move on him, he kissed her, and when he saw me, he sent her away and had to offer me a ride home? Was that the case? I knew it, I was thinking too much, I was making him good again and forgetting what he had done to me. I didn’t like this imagination, I was imagining things, more like wishing it was really the truth. Although it isn’t my fault, Kelly was really good at putting ideas in people’s heads. She would make the worst thing into a best thing with a twinkle of the eyes, and I was the last person to fall for it, but now it seems to be working. I blinked, coming out of my senses. Ryan wasn’t a good person, so what if he waited for me? I just want to go home and lay on my bed, although I know I will have to face Ryan at home, but I would rather avoid him there, seeing his face brings anger to my soul, and that isn’t so good to maintain my beauty. “Let’s just go home Kelly.” I told her and walked ahead toward the exit, and Kelly followed next to me, as if knowing I didn’t want to talk about Ryan, she changed the topic to some other thing. When we got outside the school building, I glanced around and found that Ryan’s car was gone. Of course, he won’t hesitate to leave me behind, that scoundrel! A horn in the distance made me turn my head and I heard Kelly groan. “Not again.” Kelly furrowed her brows and I could only understand the frustration she felt seeing her family driver there to pick her up. “I fucken asked my parents to stop sending the driver, she never listens to me, my mother.” She clenched her jaw in anger. “Come ride with me, I will ask the driver to stop by your house first.” She offered. I gently shook my head. “It’s okay Kelly, you should go home now, I will take the bus.” I told her and she groaned. She knew I was too stubborn to take her offer, and usually, my dad always came to pick me up, but he was away on a trip, and whenever he was away, I had the liberty to take the bus and it was fun most times. “I really wish I could take the bus with you one day,” She glanced in the direction of the car to see the driver stepping out of the car. “I really envy you most of the time Katelyn, I will ditch my driver one of these days.” She assured me and I chuckled. “I will help you whenever you are ready.” I teased her. “Go on now.” I told her. “I hope you will be okay on your own?” She asked and I nodded. Kelly has always acted like my mom in high school, she loves me so much and I love her the same. “Yes, I will.” I told her and she pulled me into her embrace before waving me goodbye and hurrying over to get into the car. Her driver pushed the back seat open and she stepped inside, then she waved once more at me before the driver drove off leaving me all by myself. I drew a sharp breath and pressed my lips together, it was time to take the bus and also time to go face that asshole at home. I have to confront him, ask him why he did that to me earlier today, also why he has to offer me a ride again after what he did, and the reason he has to fight Jerry for Caroline, claiming he wants her as a girlfriend, meanwhile he was busy kissing Rachael.
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