Chapter 11

1047 Words
Katelyn’s POV I arrived home and stopped at the front door, I turned my gaze to the parking lot and there his car was parked. I curled my hand into fist. If that car were a human being, I would have kicked and hit it, but right now, the person I have to face is Ryan. Drawing a sharp breath, I pushed the front door open and stepped in. I have always come home with a smile whenever, but today was different because of a certain person, one that I never expected to do that to me, but how well do one know a person. I glanced around the living room but no sight of Ryan, well, that devil could be in his room, perhaps having fun and chuckling in victory for getting Me pissed. I walked to the fridge and drank a cold glass of water, closing the fridge I decided to head upstairs. I was still reeling from the early morning sweat and needed a good shower. As I stepped up the stairs, I felt my leg ache, I winced in pain and tears were beginning to cluster in my eyes. It hurt, climbing the stairs hurt, but I knew I had to keep going. I held the rail and made my way up taking gentle steps up, approaching the parlour upstairs, I began to hear voices, Ryan's voice to be precise. "No baby, I would have called you first but I have been so busy with moving in with my mother into my new stepfather house..." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 'He must be talking to a female, perhaps his girlfriend, if only she knew he was making out with another girl and hadn't called even when he was less busy.' I thought to myself. "No baby, you know I love you, how can I blatantly ignore your call, I will make it up to you, you know I can't come over to California just yet, I am working on it, to come back to you, sure, that's because I love you." He continued. I rolled my eyes and stamped my feet immediately. I got up from the parlour, since he was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the parlour. His eyes turned in my direction and he held an angry gaze. "Baby, I will call you back okay, I love you." He sends a kiss and hangs up. "You are home?" He said, a sweet smile curving up on his lips. I rolled my eyes. "As if you care, why not continue your call?" I gestured at his phone, but he tossed it aside and got to his feet revealing his naked chest and there again, his sexy abs, and all I could do was gasp. Why am I always stiffing at the sight of his chest? Right now I couldn't help but bite my lips as I wondered why I was shirtless. "Could you please put on a shirt?!" I shouted looking away from him and he scoffed. "It's not my fault that you can't handle this..." He demonstrated with his hand and I scoffed, he was irresistible, but I was too angry with him to keep my eyes on him. I glanced at his shirt which he left on the sofa, I walked over and quickly threw it on him and he caught it. "Please put on some clothes, I am a lady and we are both alone here!" I reminded him with a frown and he chuckled, making fun of what I had said. "I know we are alone, so don't have any nasty thoughts as you are not my type, and you---" He looked her over and scoffed. "You are just not my type." He repeated and I grounded my teeth, and furrowed my brows. "YOU ARE NOT MY TYPE TOO!" I screamed at him, although I don't even know why we were talking about this, he was my stepbrother and I shouldn't have such thoughts about him. "Then you wouldn't be worried that I am shirtless!" He pointed at himself and I rolled my eyes. I couldn't talk to him anymore, I was angry at some other thing, but he was changing the topic to something else and I didn't want to think much about it so I turned around and headed to my room. "Are you running away sweetheart?" He called out but I shot him a glare and didn't say a word. I walked into my room and shut the door in anger muttering curses at him under my breath. Who was his sweetheart? I have to put him in his place, but how can I do that? I humph. I took off my clothes and picked my towel up as I went into the bathroom for a quick shower. After taking a shower, I dressed in my comfortable white blouse and pink skirt as I knew I would be going to bed soon. Climbing up my bed, I shut my eyes to sleep, but before I could doze off, I heard a knock on my door and I opened my eyes. There were only two people in this house, myself and Ryan and I had just spoken to that annoying asshole just a few minutes ago and I couldn't tell why he was there. I drew a sharp breath, deciding to ignore him. I closed my eyes again and he continued knocking. I frowned and covered my ear with a pillow, but he became louder. I couldn't take it anymore so I pushed the pillow further away and rushed over to the door, pushing it open. I growled at him. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!" I screamed at his face and he didn't flinch, it was more like he was enjoying seeing me angry. "I am hungry, make a meal for me." He told me simply and I scoffed. He was unbelievable right now. "Why should I make a meal for you? Don't you have hands?" I yelled and he smirked. "I can't cook and I want to taste your meal, so cook for me sweety." He winked at me and my lips parted. What the hell is he trying to do and why the heck is he calling me sweetie?
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