Chapter 3: Current Day

1134 Words
Current day : Katie’s 18th birthday I wake with a gasp, my fingers curling into my blanket. Always the same damn nightmares. I roll over on my futon couch bed in my little cabin and look out my window. Since that horrid night I have thrived on my own. Using my wolf to hunt and run, to gather things I can from the wilderness and Mother Nature herself. I like it this way, as a rogue and not being completely accepted to any packs I’m not seen as friendly much. I can go into the small village outside the pack of Red River. But I make my stops short and quick, only ever to Helen’s or put gas in my beat up tissue box car. At this point I’m not sure if I can blame anyone for not wanting me around, that fateful night left my face permanently scarred. Wolf healing helped a lot of it but I still have part my hair missing by my left brow and by my hair line. It’s hideous and most time I wear a scarf around my head to hide it. Or most of it. Standing up off my little futon bed I raise it back into a couch and arrange the pillows and fold my blanket. I don’t have much in this little cabin. Only a fridge, my bed/couch, and a fireplace to cook my foods. Most might think I’m crazy as there is more modern technology but I prefer it this way. After years of being out with nothing this little home has become my everything. I stretch and start my chores for the day going out and tending my gardens and flowers, packing all the plants I can sell in neat bags and boxes. I have to make my trip out to Helen, the shopkeeper. She gives me a good percentage of money back for the plants I sell to her. Occasionally I can find a nicer things to sell but it’s hard to find things as a rouge loner. After my chores I load everything in my car and take off to town, it’s a bit of a drive but it doesn’t take to long. In about 30 minutes I have reached the small village with the cobblestone path. I follow down it and head to Helen’s little shop. She is one of the few people I will even talk to, and only because she has proven herself to me. As I pull in I park by the side door and pull at my scarf to make sure it’s covering everything. Keeping my head down I make my way inside and great Helen. “Hello dear! Always good to see you!” She says as soon as she sees me enter, she walks over to give me a hug. “How have you been? You missed your drop off last week.” She reminds me “I’m okay Helen I reply, I have extras for you this week, just tell Toby to lock my car up when he’s done unloading it please” I ask her. “Of course Katie, you know Toby knows the drill.” She replies and waves at her grandson to tell him to go unload my car. Toby is a good young man who cares deeply for his grandma. He’s here almost everyday helping her with everything she cannot get done. As he goes to leave the store I smell the air, it smells so good in here today. I tell Helen I’m going to look around for a couple things and she goes back to manning the front of the shop. As I walk around that wonderful scent gets stronger but I can’t seem to find the candle it belongs to. My wolf is also on edge but I force Gypsy back, now is not the time. Gathering the rest of my things I head to the front to check out. “Hey Helen, did you get some new candles for the shop?” I ask. “We didn’t hun, could be the food from the festive.” She replies. “What festive? I didn’t hear of anything” “Of course you wouldn’t girl, you aren’t around enough.” She winks and teases me. Huffing I grumble an “okay” as she pack my items. “It’s for the upcoming Alpha, he’s come of age to take the roll as Alpha but he’s in search of his mate.” “Oh. Well I don’t want to stay long then.” I joke with her. Gathering my bags in my hands and juggling my keys free I wave goodbye as I walk out. “Take care, Katie” Helen calls behind me. Shuffling out to my car I stand in front of it and try to wiggle the right key into my free hand, the keys slip and fall straight to the ground. “Oh, come on” I mumbled, shifting the food to bend down and grab the keys. When my eyes land on dark boots headed my direction. Looking up I see a man with brown hair and grayish eyes walking up to me, he’s wearing worn jeans and a plain black tee. He smiles at me and I put my head down ignoring him. “Need a hand?” He offers “ No I just dropped my keys, I’m okay.” I politely deny him but he’s already reaching for my keys on the ground. Turning he unlocks my car and pops the trunk of my car. Turning around his curly ear length hair bounces slightly, his shoulders broad and muscular.. why am I think about his muscles.. and why did that smell follow him. Getting flustered I turn quickly putting my groceries and other items in my trunk. Turning and keeping my head down. “Keys please,” I ask, waiting “Not even gonna say thank you or ask my name?” He teases “Okay,” rolling my eyes, “ thank you, even though I denied it.” I tease back and walk forward grabbing my keys from his hand quickly, And walking towards the driver door. “It’s Jax” he says, sounding a little annoyed. Looking at him and taking him in. His brown hair curling slightly at the ends near his ears and the nape his neck. His gray eyes that have hints of blue to them. His tall and masculine frame would be intimidating to anyone, but for some reason I wasn’t scared. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. Forcing a smile I look at him for a short moment longer. “Thanks Jax” I mumble and turn to get in my car. Then I drive off and head home. Leaving that handsome stranger behind.
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