Chapter Four: Jax

897 Words
“Jax’s POV” Today my family and I, Luna Tonya and Alpha Timothy the current Aplha and Luna of Red River pack, are visiting a small village outside the pack house. This village is farther than the rest and is the last stop before we go back home. We came because last week was my 18th birthday, and we had week long celebrations to attend to. This gave me the chance to meet more pack members and to learn more about the role of Alpha. Although I must say I’m pretty spent with it. Not wanting to be around the crowds of women throwing themselves to their knees, and the men that wanted to be my next in command, I decided I was going to sneak off today. I drove myself on my motorcycle so that way I could do what I wanted. Parking it near the center of town my mother, father, and I great people. Everyone is throwing themselves at us and being overly nice, so when no one is looking and I get the chance to sneak off I do. Ducking into an alley way I make my way around the town, walking and looking at all of the small shops that seem very middle-aged compared to my modern home at the pack house. I don’t visit this town so thankfully no one recognizes me as the Alpha prince yet, everyone to busy and making their way to the center of town. Being so busy with school and my upcoming duties I don’t get this time to myself often, most times I’m busy training. Lost in my thoughts I continue down a small cobblestone path leading me to a smaller shop, Helen’s Goods. But it’s not the shop that intrigues me, but the girl with the black scarf and long ashen hair. I’ve never seen her before, not even at pack gatherings. Though I know it’s not uncommon I’m still curious of who she is. Following her into the shop I go and walk around the shops tables and aisles. As I’m looking the most wonderful smell hits my nose, like flowers mixed with the smell fresh tilled soil, earthy and beautiful. But that means that she is here. Where is she? I start to look around using my nose to sniff the air, and the smell is coming from her. Who is she? Can she not smell me too? Glancing up to look at her I see her walking out the store, I have to follow her. Following her over to her car I approach my dark boots clunking against the cobblestone. I walk over to her watching her shuffle her bags and then dropping her keys to the ground. “Oh come on,” her angelic voice says, “Need a hand” I ask with a smile, waiting for her to notice me. “No, I just dropped my damn keys” she mumbles and adjust the bags in her hands, but before she can bend down to grab them I swiftly lean down grab them, turn around and unlock her car. Popping the truck and turning around to face my beautiful mate, why is she hiding her face? Does she not want to be my mate? As she turns back around I catch her looking at me for a moment, maybe she knows? Looking at her beautiful heart shaped face with beautiful blue eyes with hints of shimmer, her long ashen hair hanging in her face but slightly pinned back with the scarf I notice something. Is that a scar? Who the hell scarred this beautiful girl, my beast roars in my head telling me to swoop her up and take her home to keep her safe forever. But I know I can’t just kidnap this girl, mate or not she has a choice. “Keys please” she interrupts my thoughts “Not even going to say thank you or ask my name?” I tease her hoping she would talk and stay with me. I’m going to have to tell her if she doesn’t say it soon. My beast is going mad inside me. “Okay, thank you” she replies sarcastically, “even though I denied it” she smiles slightly then walks over and quickly grabs her keys from my hand. This girl has got some fire in her, speaking to a grown werewolf of my rank. She should feel my power I radiate. So why is she playing hard to get. “It’s Jax” I say to her Following her to her door she stops and turns looking at me, taking me in from head to toe. So she’s clearly interested, right? I’m not seeing things. She gives me a curt smile that doesn’t quite reach those beautiful eyes. “Thanks Jax” she says before getting in her car and leaving me standing there. I watch her back out and the direction she goes. Making a decision I know I will probably regret later I run across town and hop on my bike. Heading out of town and following her scent. I may regret this but I have to know who she is and why she didn’t notice me as a mate. My beast is going insane with the thought of rejection and the pain that follows.. surely she will want us?
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