Chapter Two: Flashback Nightmare

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WARNING READING CONTENT MAY DISTURB SOME. VIOLENCE The Black Ashen pack, led by my father and mother Alpha Nathan and Luna Elizabeth. We are a small pack in the upper north mountains. We are surrounded by beautiful trees and crystal clear waters. Like my mother I bare her blue eyes that hold shimmers of gold and silver, my long ashen blonde hair reaching my waist even though I’m only 11. I’m staring at my reflection in the mirror admiring what the maids had done with my hair for today, for it was a special day. Today was my 11th birthday. My outfit shimmered lightly in beautiful flower designs meant for a princess. It might have been over the top for school, but after all I was a princess. I’m my parents only child and prized possession. They give me everything I could ever dream of and more. The bond they share I hope to find some day. “Katie!!” My dad breaks my thoughts for a moment. “Katie, sweetie we have to go!” He calls at me again. “I’m coming Dad!” I yelled back checking my reflection to ensure that all was well with my outfit and hair. I walked out and met with dad to go to my school. The day continued and everyone showered me with gifts and happy birthdays, the day was shaping to be an amazing one. I took the bus home today since mom and dad had duties. When I got home the house was decorated in bright pinks. Balloons and part decorations everywhere, smiling I went up to my room and did my homework and waited for dinner time. At about 6:30 I decided to go down for dinner, I was running behind slightly but I knew my parents wouldn’t mind. As I was coming down the flight of stairs to the dining hall the doors flew off it’s hinges. “HIDE” my parents yelled in mindlink to me. Quickly I ducked under the sparkling pink birthday cloth and shimmied myself under the table. “Where are u?” My mom mindlinked me “I’m under the table in the hall hiding” I reply “Stay there baby I’m coming and we have to run, the covens are attacking us.. we don’t know how..”. She was cut off by the cracking sound of lightening close by. “Momma” I called out to her “Daddy, please” I cried Suddenly I heard her scream, and a massive thud landing right in front of me, my father growled loudly. He howled and the real commotion started. Bangs and explosions could be heard from everywhere, the smell of smoke stinging my nostrils. When I got enough courage to peek slightly under the covers of the table cloth, I was greeted with my mothers lifeless body laying in front of me. Her eyes wide open staring at where my feet are. My heart shattered inside me and I quickly hid again, knowing if I’m caught than I will meet a fate just like she did.. just like my father probably did.. Frozen in utter terror and my mind going numb with the sounds of war, til eventually everything got quiet. But in my shock and terror I could not get myself to move. To run and hide like my parents asked. My mind was numb and my body even number.. after what felt like an eternity something suddenly grabbed the ends of my hair and yanking me from under the table. I yelped and screamed and wiggled trying to loosen the grip that was pulling hairs out my very head. My body started to shake in terror. My heart pounding hard. The hand picked me up by the back of my neck like a lost pup “oh well hello little wolf,” he said with a smirk. “What a fun surprise I found to share!” His wicked grin and crooked teeth made shivers go down my spine. He flicked the fingers of his other hand and a flame puffed to life, he moved it slowly closer to my face, I’m in big trouble here and no one can help me.. I look around and see my father on the floor with other family and pack members. My heart sinks even deeper. He sees my eyes and smiles bigger. “Oh have we found the princess then?” He says, his breathe in my face making me want to vomit from the horrid stench of it. In a panic I raise my hand and claw him in the eye as hard as I can. With him not sensing I would attack him, he dropped me. Allowing me to run to the door to the outside gardens.. but the scene I was met with was only horror. Wolves howled in pain, whether physical or losing their mates. People screamed and the rivers of blood that not even a thunderstorm could wash away. Closing my eyes and gathering my courage I ran. Past the fires. Past the bodies scattered about. And further away from my home that is now in flames. Just run. Don’t stop running.. Happy bloody birthday to me..
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