Chapter Five : Run with the wolf

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“Katie’s POV” When I got home I decided to go for a run with my wolf, Gypsy, leaving my clothes neatly folded by my door for when I return I take off towards the side of the house. Walking into the trees, my paws sinking into the dirt under them I feel a sense of calm come over me. Running alone with my wolf is the only thing in this world that makes me feel free, and I’m never alone when I have her. We are two of the same, she has protected me and kept me safe for years when we were alone. Fighting off other rouges and unmated crazy driven males, tracking the scent of my heats. I’m beyond lucky to have survived the horrible life I was dealt, but now I’m just happy to have found some sort of a home, some sort of piece for my broken soul. Starting to pick up my pace I run from my little cabin, being miles away from everybody and secluded i don’t have to worry about running into many people. If I do it’s typically wolfs from town out on runs, and they make sure to stay away from my area at this point. Luckily they aren’t as mean as they once use to be. I tried going back to school but the bullying that came with my scars never stopped. No body cared about me as I was a lone wolf, a rouge, an orphan. I remember my first day was also my last. A group of girls in the school locking me into the bathroom with them, they pulled off my scarf that I had around my my head and shoved me to the ground, mocking the fact my hair didn’t grow in spots of my scalp that was burnt. Telling me how ugly I was and no wolf would ever want me. And to top it off they recorded it on their phones sending it to the whole school, making sure that my name there was tarnished, no male would ever want an ugly girl like I was and am..If it wasn’t for Miss Helen being so kind to school me and help me with items I don’t know where I would be. She found me that same day, walking out of town to go and try to find a new home as I wasn’t being very welcomed. She stopped me and made me go home with her, cleaning me up and feeding me. She promised that she would help care for me, even if I denied it. She said that no child should be out on my own and when I broke into my story she only wept beside me and held me tight. Promising that I would be cared for, and that if I ever needed somebody she was that person. Strolling back toward the path I’ve made over the years, I know this one will take me to the river. I got enough fruits, herbs and vegetables at the house the only other thing I look for on my runs is fish, deer, and other wild life to cook. I could buy things from town, but with very little income it’s just easier to hunt myself. Jogging and admiring the huge trees that tower above me into the sky I keep following my path to the river a few miles away. Bringing myself back to reality. “Jaxs POV” After following her scent it leads me to a cabin. And I must say it’s a tiny little cabin, it looks pieced together with varying shades of wood stacked as walls. A small porch made of the same mis match wood, no railing and only one step. Looking around I see this cabin sits in a small clearing, the tall trees encasing the small cabin like a small needle in a massive hay stack. Looking back at the cabin I roll my bike to a stop and kick the kickstand out, shutting it off and walking towards the cabins door. Her smell is everywhere here, filling my nostrils with the beautifully intoxicated smell. Stepping up to the porch my heavy boots thud against it, my hand raising to knock on the door. Hesitating I knock three times, but there’s no response. Sniffing the air I can smell her so close by, knocking again I still get no response. Looking around I see a garden to one side and trees to the other, looking down I notice her clothes she was wearing on the porch in a neat pile next to her shoes. Looking towards the trees I notice that there is a dirt path, it looks worn and grass could not grow anymore as what must be years of traveling that same path. Making a choice I follow it to the edge of the trees, my heart skipping beats as her smell seems to guide me not the path. I reach the edge the trees and I decide I’m going to shift too, who knows how far this small path will run. Anticipation rising in my throat I shift and begin down that path. My all black wolf is massive in size, his big paws picking up the pace as we can feel her getting closer. My mind wanders as I let Phoenix, my wolf, take control on finding our mate. I just hope that this lonely life she seems to have isn’t the only life that she wants, because I know I already can’t see my life without that blue eyed scarred girl. There’s so many questions I have, but the most important on my mind right now is will she be mine?…
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