Trial Part 2

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Luis's Pov "Your honor, my client was poisoned by his second-chance mate after he met her. He was under the impression he was fated to a Vampire, as told by Ms. Lakely. He had no knowledge of her Succubi heritage, or that his second-chance mate would betray him in the week or so they met, making him commit the crimes he sits here accused of!" Tanner said. I looked at Millie.. She looked stunning, as always, and I knew I had messed up. The realization that Gracie, my second-chance mate, had betrayed me hurt my heart worse than any physical pain I had ever felt. Judge Belafonte nodded and looked at us. "The Prosecution may call its first witness to the stand." Judge Belafonte said. "Thank you, your honor. I call my client, Millicient Birchwood, to the stand." Adda said. I saw Millie go to the stand and be sworn in by Baliff John, whom I knew from a party held here 20 years ago with all the colony leaders in attendance. "Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, Goddess?" Baliff John asked "I do." Millie answered. "Please state your name for the record and describe your relationship to the defendan.," Adda said, standing while the other lawyers took notes at their table. "Millicent Jonquilla Birchwoord and I was Alpha Luis's wife and chosen mate for eight years." Millie said, my heart twitched at her words. "And why did you petition for divorce today, Ms. Birchwood?" Adda asked. "Because Alpha Luis broke our agreed contract and cheated on me with his so-called second chance fated mate when I was two weeks pregnant and continued to do so, through the six months until he left divorce papers on our former marital bedside table." Millie said. " How long did you say you two were married?" Adda asked. "Eight years." Millie said. I felt guilt, though. As I did, all I could think about was Gracie's well-being, as she had been made to stay in my uncle's manor under the supervision of some demon healers who were summoned after our incident in the garden. "And what exactly made you decide to go into a contracted marriage to Alpha Luis?" Adda asked. "Well, honestly, my homeland in the Sect of Moonstone Grove, called the SilverFir sect, is the hub of that Grove. Moonstone borders both the werewolf territory of the Jade Pack and the Eagle Colony and is a good hour from the Starlyn pack, which is positioned on the other end of the Jade Pack, divided by a river." Millie said. "Yes, and what does that have to do with the reason?" Adda asked. "Because our Sect is in the middle, we were the central point for all Faye commerce and business, even making deals and working in the human realm through our allies. A young Faye was working with his Mentor out in the Starlyn Colony and, unfortunately, caused damage to one of the buildings while testing a new spell." Millie said. "Yes, and did that spell cause fire to engulf an entire farm building on the outskirts of the colony?" Adda asked. "Yes." Millie answered. "And what happened to the young Faye and his mentor?" "Well, they were arrested, though it had only been in the last 500 years that Fayes were given equal standings outside their realms. So since they were from the SilverFir sect, my father wanted them brought back home." Millie said. "I see. Why was the young Faye casting the spell? Adda asked "They had unrolled the parchment he and his mentor were delivering to a coven in this realm and did not yet understand how magick parchment worked, as it was just their first week on the job." Millie said. "So, did the Starlyn colony under Alpha Luis's current rule refuse to return the young faye known as Yaris Mason and his Mentor, Professor Stone?" Adda asked. "Yes, as the empty barn was to be renovated soon for farming use, it cost them a lot of money to rebuild and reorder all the equipment lost inside." Millie said. "Was any livestock wounded?" Adda asked. "No." Millie answerd. "How much was lost that day?" Adda asked. "I do not remember, honestly." Millie said. "So, since the defense would not extradite, you offered yourself as trade to get them back safely Is that correct?" Adda asked "Yes, Professor Stone is a genius of magic and alchemy and teaches all our young healers Faye, and Yaris was just 18, starting his apprenticeship. I could not allow the vampires to keep them on their side of the realm." Millie said. "So you offered a marriage deal to Alpha Luis to secure their return with your father Cheiftan Darraghs permission ?" Adda pressed on, his tone indicating the gravity of the situation. "Yes." Millie confirmed, her gaze unwavering. "It was the only way to ensure their safety and return. The marriage contract was a strategic move to protect my people and fulfill my duties as a member of the SilverFir sect." The courtroom seemed to absorb every word, understanding the complexities of the political and personal sacrifices entwined in Millie's decision. I had admired her bravery on that day myself, cursing that she might win over the jury. "Nothing Further, your honor." Adda said. It was Tanner's turn to cross-examine Millie. Tanner stood up and walked up to Millie. "Ms. Birchwood, you mentioned that the marriage to Alpha Luis was a strategic decision. Can you clarify what specific terms were outlined in the marriage contract regarding fidelity and the responsibilities of each party?" Tanner asked. "Yes, we had clauses in there that neither of us were to cheat on the other, as we had a blood bonding ceremony as tradition by Vampire laws. There was a clause that if we found our fated mates, we would tell each other and work it out, though Luis never informed me about Gracie." Millie said. "I see the incident with Ms. Lakely and Alpha Luis. Did you have any suspicions or evidence of infidelity before the divorce papers were presented to you?" Tanner asked. "Yes, as submitted, I set up cameras in the manor without Luis's knowledge and recorded video footage of them well together." Millie said. "Thank you, Ms. Birchwood." Tanner acknowledged. "Now, let's explore your reactions during that time. You mentioned feeling their connection through your chosen mate bond. Can you clarify why you sometimes felt it, and others did not?" Millie shifted in her seat, her gaze steady. "Certainly. Luis knew I was half Faye; he occasionally laid iron wards around our surroundings. Iron disrupts Faye's magical connections, including our mate bond. So, while I sensed their closeness at times, the iron acted as a barrier, shielding me from the full extent of their interactions." Millie said, rubbing her pregnant stomach. "To some extent, Alpha Luis still showed that he cared for you and his unborn heirs." Tanner said. "I suppose, in a twisted sense of the manner." Millie said. "Nothing further." Tanner said, smirking, walking back as Millie stepped down from the stand and returned to her seat. "The defense may move to call their first witness now." Judge Belafonte said. Tanner smirked and looked at me. "I call my client to the stand as well." Tanner said, making me take the stand myself. I was sworn in by Baliff John like Millie was as I sat down and saw Tanner walk up to me. "Can you please state your full name for the court?" "Alpha Luis Ulfric Starlyn." I said. "Now, Alpha Luis, can you please tell the court why you agreed to the contracted marriage of You and Ms. Birchwood, who you then cheated on with your second-chance mate Gracie?" Tanner asked. "As an Immortal Alpha, I no longer play the games of Love or desire; I play the strategic games of Politics." I said. "Ms. Birchwood," I continued,. "Was a pawn, as much as I was. Our union was not born of love or desire—it was a calculated move. The SilverFir sect held secrets, wealth, and ancient magics. Marrying into their bloodline was my ticket to power." The courtroom leaned in, eager for the truth. I reveled in their attention, showing my intelligence. "Did I desire Millie?" I asked, my gaze sweeping the room. "Certainly. She was beautiful, and her Faye heritage was a compelling mystery. But beauty alone does not sway the tides of realms." Tanner seemed to smirk as he asked his next question. "So, did you make it known to Ms. Birchwood that your marriage was a political one?" Tanner asked. "Yes, we even had lawyers write our marriage contract before I officially married her." I stated coldly, not regretting cheating on Millie, though I regretted hurting her feelings as she had become an ally and, in some form, my comfort as a wife. "I see. How long have you been around Alpha Luis?" Tanner asked. "I am 1,500 years old and some odd change." I said, slicking back my blonde hair. "I see. Did you care for Ms. Birchwood?" Tanner asked. Before I answered, I thought about Millie. She had been a colleague and esteemed Luna, who had become an unexpected beacon of hope for our Colony. "Yes, I did and still somewhat do." I answered. "Would you protect her if need be?" His words echoed, resonating through me. "Yes," I replied and continued." I would shield her, as I would any investment I hold dear. not out of sentiment, but because it aligns with my purpose—to preserve, defend, and ensure continuity of my Colony." "No further questions, your honor." Tanner said. Adda stood up and sauntered over as it was the prosecution's turn to cross-examine me. "Invest in? You make it sound like Ms. Birchwood is nothing more than an object." Adda said. "Objection! Leading the Jury!" Tanner Yelled "Withdrawn." Adda said. "Alpha Luis, why did you cheat on Ms. Birchwood since you described her as a wonderful Luna who was able to provide you with future heirs?" Adda asked. " Ms. Birchwood was not an object, but neither was she my heart's desire. Our marriage was a calculated move—a strategic alliance. Gracie, my second-chance mate, was different. Her blood sang to me, her scent intoxicating. I held back, even trying to avoid her at first." "Gracie." I confessed, "was a revelation. Her laughter echoed through my veins; her touch ignited sparks of longing. We were fire and ice, chaos and order. I cheated because I craved her—mind, body, and soul." Millie's jaw tightened, and I glimpsed the hurt in her eyes. She had been my contract, my duty. Gracie was my forbidden passion—the one who threatened the woven threads of my life. "Was it a bad deal?" I concluded, my voice low. "No. It was a collision of fate and desire—a gamble with consequences. And now, as I stand here, I wonder if love can coexist with ambition." Adda's thin-framed glasses caught the courtroom light. "As an Alpha, your loyalty to your Luna, a fated mate or chosen, is said in vampiric laws, and faith should be unwavering. Can you confirm that you prioritize her well-being above all else?" "Of course," I replied, my voice steady. "Her well-being is my foremost concern." Adda leaned forward, forest green eyes unyielding. "And yet, when tempted, you chose to betray her. Loyalty, it seems, has its limits." "No further questions." Adda declared before I could respond. I left the stand shaking, sitting down next to my lawyer. I was angry at Adda, knowing that if he and anyone else had been in my shoes, they may have done far worse than I had. I simmered as Judge Belafonte told us we could call our first witness for the defense.
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