Trial Part 1

1500 Words
Millie's Pov. After flying first class overnight, we all arrived at the Grand Council courthouse in Detroit, Michigan. To avoid raising suspicion, I shared a hotel room with Serena, away from Caspian. When the alarm went off, I dressed in a fitted black business dress and heels and styled my bronze-gold hair. Serena wore a blue business suit and flats, with her wild red hair braided down. We left the hotel together, ready for the day ahead. I looked for the boys, though I got a text instead from Caspian saying they had to meet with Caspian's Father urgently this morning and would be back by the middle of the trial. The imps were to keep me safe, yet I was unsure how to hide them in the courtroom. Vicky: "We can be jewelry. Well, turn it into it." Vance: "Ya, just let us be earrings." I let them shapeshift into a pair of earrings, but I told them to be quiet throughout the day so they would not cause issues when I put the demonic jewelry on. Serena and I felt sad as we exited our room. However, we were then greeted by Adda and Cenric, who were waiting for us in front of a limousine. As we climbed into the vehicle, we held each other's hands while the lawyers sat across from us, discussing the case. I inquired about the Imps and their role in the proceedings, and both lawyers assured me that their presence was acceptable as long as they didn't interfere with the court proceedings. This brought me a sense of relief as I had grown accustomed to their presence. We arrived at our scheduled time at the Grand Council courthouse at 10 a.m. I sat next to Serena and our lawyers, while Luis, his father, and their lawyers sat on the other side. I glanced around and noticed some strangers and a few people from the Colony in the audience, but I couldn't see Eddy or Priscilla anywhere. Despite my curiosity, I tried not to overthink it and focused as the Baliff announced. "All rise for the honorable Grand Council: Judge Ackerman, Judge Belafonte, Judge Salah, Judge Gracia, and Judge Ryder." The bailiff said in a deep baritone voice. I watched as the judges took their seats individually, dressed in black robes with a red symbol of Goddess Lilith monogrammed over their hearts. After nodding in unison, we were allowed to sit back down. "I have everything in order. Today, we are gathered here to hear the divorce petition and deportation notice of Lord Luis Ulfric Starlyn and Lady Millicent Jonquila Starlyn." spoke a woman with long black hair and deep olive skin. Her accent hinted at her Egyptian-Arabic roots. She sat at the center of a group of five other grand council members. I faintly remembered her as Judge Salah from her swearing-in ceremony six years ago. Adda stood up along with one of Luis's lawyers, a vampire I remembered was named Tanner. "Yes, your honor."They both said. "And are we ready to proceed ?" Judge Salah asked "Yes, your honor," Adda answered. "Counselor Olson?' Judge Salah asked. "Your Honor, may I approach the bench?" asked Tanner. "This is highly unusual, Counselor. What is this about?" Judge Salah "Your Honor, the defense has come into possession of new evidence crucial to this case. We request the court's permission to submit it for consideration." Tanner said "Objection! The prosecution was not notified of this and has not had time to prepare!" Adda yelled. Judge Salah raised her hands, and the other judges whispered to her. "We will allow it. However, the prosecution will be granted a recess to examine the evidence before we proceed. Counselor, please submit the evidence to the bailiff." The courtroom fills with whispers as the Grand Council examines the contents of the document handed to them by the Baliff. All the judges look intrigued. "Based on this evidence, we will allow an hour-long conference for both sides to review the evidence in separate chambers and reconvene court. Adda helped me back up as I left with him, Cenric, and Serena, running through the crowd of Papparizi outside the doors and going into our designated chambers. As we sat, soon the ballif came in, handing Adda the Manila envelope. "Thank you, John." Adda told the Baliff, who left. Adda opened the manila envelope and laid out stacks of papers. "What is this?" I asked. Cenric and Adda read it using their Faye speed reading skills, making the papers fly around them. "F*cking bas*ard." Adda said as he slowed down. "What is it, Adda?" I asked. "The worm is going for insanity, please, due to the medical records of the venom and sulfur, and they somehow have images of you with Prince Caspian together during the interrogation of Gracie," Adda said. "What does that mean for Lady Millicent?" Serena asked as she held my hand to comfort me. "This means he may either get a lesser sentence or be cleared of all charges. Though they may still approve the divorce due to the harm it caused the Starlyn heirs that we have kept secret, I may need to reveal it to show reckless endangerment for two heirs, not one. Though they may say Caspian and her were having an affair at the same time Luis was having his." Adda said. I bit my lip, unsure, yet looked to Serena, who nodded. "Fine, but do not reveal the genders even I do not know," I told Adda. "Okay, but we must call everybody on the witness docket we added, including Caspian." Adda said. However, I did not want to call Caspian after we sent Oskar to the hospital. Two days later, I called my lawyers, and they came over asking if Caspian could testify, and he agreed. "Maybe we could too?" I heard the imps ask. "It is too late to add you guys." I said. They rumbled as we all game-planned how to play this over the hour, as I wanted to see Caspian. As if The Goddess Lilith herself Answered as we returned, I saw Caspain and Maurice sitting behind us. We took our seats, and I tried desperately not to stare at him. Slowly, the Grand Council Returned, and the proceedings resumed after the Baliff made their introductions. "Right, now I trust both parties are ready to resume?" Judge Salah asked. "Yes, your honor." Both Lawyers said. "Alright, Prosecution, your opening statements statements for Birchwood Vs. Starlyn." Judge Salah said, leaning back in her chair. "Your Honor, my client is seeking a divorce due to emotional harm caused by the defendant, who has violated marriage laws in the state of Illinois and the vampiric mate laws of the Starlyn colony. Additionally, the defendant cheated on my client during their contracted years of marriage, breaking the contract and disregarding the peace treaty it brought between the Colony and my client's home in the Faye realm of the Moonstone Grove." "How does the Defense plead?" asked Judge Salah. "Not guilty because of insanity." replied Counselor Olson as gasps and whispers erupted from the crowd. The bang of the gavel rang out by Judge Belafonte, who I remembered from the infamous trial of Lady Sullivan from another colony who murdered her husband. "Order, now, Counselor Olson. Are you sure you wish to continue to change your plea?" Judge Belafonte asked, his eyebrow arching. "Yes, your honor. We are prepared to present expert testimony and compelling evidence to support this plea. Justice can only be served when the mental state of the accused is fully understood and considered at the time of the crime." Tanner said. The Grandcouncil murmurs as Judge Belafonte leans forward, narrowing his brown eyes. "We agree to this change and move forward to hear arguments. Defense making your opening statements." "Objection, your Honor!" Adda said. "What is the reason for this, Counselor Bramble?" Judge Belafonte asked. "Your Honor, I must vehemently oppose this change of plea. The evidence against the defendant is overwhelming. We have eyewitness accounts, a hospital record, broken contracts, and a clear motive. To suddenly claim insanity is a desperate tactic to evade justice for hurting Ms. Brichwood." Adda said. "Your Honor, the defense has consulted with psychiatric experts at the hospital who have evaluated the defendant's mental health. Their findings indicate a severe mental illness that impaired my client's ability to understand the consequences of their actions." Tanner said. The court will allow the defense to present its case. However, I caution that this plea change will be thoroughly scrutinized. We owe it to society to balance compassion with accountability." Judge Belafonte said, eyeing down the two lawyers. "Now, Denfense, please present your opening statement."Judge Belafonte said as he leaned back in his chair. I felt myself grow sick with the idea that I would not be allowed to get my divorce or even go home to my homelands, all thanks to Luis and the Starlyn family.
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