Trial Part 3

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Luis's Pov "The Defense calls Edwin Martins to the stand," Tanner said. I knew Millie had been caught up to all our witnesses, as we were even notified and prepared for the addition of the Demon Prince as a witness. Baliff John's baritone voice returned my attention as Eddy took the stand. "Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, Goddess?" Baliff John asked. "I swear." Eddy said as he sat down. Tanner moved to the middle of the courtroom. "Please state your name for the record and describe your relationship to the defendant." Tanner said. "Edwin Jacob Martins, and I am and have been the Beta and friend to Alpha Luis for 800 years." Eddy said. Tanner, the 5 foot 11 jet-black-haired vampire, stood smiling. His long hair fell over his shoulders as he leaned forward to Eddy. "Now, Mr. Martins, can you describe the Defendant's personality to the court?" Tanner asked, fixing the gold-colored cuff accent on his black suit. "Alpha Luis is a stern, kindhearted man who always puts the Colony first. Though he sometimes has a bit of ego and can be impulsive like most Alphas." Eddy answered. "No further questions, Your Honor." Tanner said, smirking as he sat down. "Prosecution moves to cross-examine the witness." Said Millie's lawyer, Adda, the tall 6-foot Faye man whose ivory-like skin beamed against his tailored gray suit. He pushed up his thin-framed glasses, showing his deep forest green eyes filled with mischief as he looked at me and then Eddy. "Granted." Judge Ryder said, his deep voice and heavy Canadian accent catching everyone's attention. He was sworn in just before Judge Salah after moving back from Canada to be near his mother's Colony after serving on Canada's Grand Council for 70 years. "Now, Mr. Martins, is it true that you always swore to protect and serve your Alpha?" Adda asked. I had always hated that man since I first met him when he wrote out my and Millie's marriage contracts. "Yes." Eddy answered. "So, is it fair to say you would lie to protect your Alphas' image, especially in a court of law?" Adda asked. "Objection!" Tanner's voice erupted. "Objection noted." Judge Ryder said, his voice calm yet carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom. "Counselor Olson, please clarify the grounds for your objection." "Your Honor." Tanner began. "The question posed by the prosecution calls for speculation. We request that the question be rephrased or stricken from the record." Tanner finished saying "Counselor Bramble, rephrase your question to align with the evidence presented and avoid speculation." Judge Ryder said, narrowing his amber eyes. "Of course, your Honor." Adda said. "Mr. Martins, please tell the court why you agreed to become Alpha Luis's Beta." Eddy fidgeted in his seat as he answered. "He saved my life by turning me when we fought side by side in the Revolutionary War." "Thank you, Mr. Martins." Adda acknowledged. "You mentioned being turned during the Revolutionary War in colonial America. That's fascinating. Could you elaborate on how your friendship with Alpha Luis developed during those tumultuous times?" Adda asked. Eddy shifted in his seat. The past we once buried resurfaced—a fragile thread connecting us to a distant era. "Objection! This does not correlate with the divorce trial of Alpha Luis and former Lady Millicent !" Tanner said. Judge Belafonte now leaned forward, his deep brown eyes flickering gold, showing irritation. "I move to allow it; I want to hear this connection." His voice rumbled. He leaned back and whispered to the five other Grand Council members, then leaned forward again to speak. "We will allow the question. Though, please be short, Counselor Bramble." "Thank you, your honors. Now, Mr. Martins, please describe the events of your turning." Adda said. Eddy's voice wavered slightly. "I was turned during the war amidst chaos and bloodshed. Alpha Luis found me wounded and on the brink. He offered me a choice: death or a new life as a vampire, as his Beta." Eddy Explained. Adda nodded, satisfied. "No further questions." "Your Honor, may I redirect?" Tanner asked. Judge Belafonte nodded. "Proceed." "In all your years with Alpha Luis, have you ever regretted your decision to stand by him?" Tanner asked. Eddy's response was immediate. "Not once. We've faced adversity, but our bond and purpose have never wavered. That's the essence of our Colony." The Judge's gavel struck, echoing through the chamber. "The witness is dismissed. We'll reconvene after a short recess." As the courtroom buzzed with whispered conversations, I felt pride for Eddy's unwavering loyalty and the life we've built together. "D*mn Faye." Tanner mumbled as we took a small 30-minute recess. I got a drink of water before hugging Eddy as we met in the hall. Soon, we were called back into the courtroom. Judge Belafonte's gavel struck sharply against the wood, demanding silence. "Court is now back in session. Please be seated." he announced. Our legal teams took their places, their expressions a blend of focus and subtle strategizing. The gallery settled, and the air was thick with expectation for the trial's next phase. "We call Lady Priscilla Starlyn to the stand," Adda called out, his voice clear and resonant. The courtroom turned to watch as the esteemed Lady made her way to the witness stand. My mother was sworn in as I glared at Adda, who began questioning her. "Please provide your full name and relationship to my client and the defendant." Adda said. "I am Priscilla Blaire Starlyn, and I was your client's mother-in-law and the defendant's mother." my mother said. I looked up to my mother's auburn beehive hairdo towered above her, framing her intense brown eyes and regretting getting her involved. My mother wore her favorite fit-and-flare dress that harked back to the iconic Christian Dior New Look of the late '40s and early '50s. "Did you like the idea of your son marrying someone who was not a vampire?" Adda asked. "It took time to come to terms with Luis's choice, as he was Alpha by then, and we wanted to retire at some point. Though Millie brought a light into our lives." my mother said, her voice carrying a warmth as she spoke. "And how did you feel about their separation?" Adda asked. "It's Heartbreaking. They were more than just a couple; they were a union of two worlds." my mother said. "Is that the reason, or were you more worried about the political ramifications, Lady Starlyn?" Adda asked. "Both. I trained Millie to be Luna when they were first married, and when my son made his choice, it caused ramifications for all of us." My mother said. "I see, Lady Starlyn. Did you ever participate in the Faye hunts before they were outlawed?" "Objection! This has nothing to do with the case." Tanner yelled. "Yes, it does; I am giving cause as to why my client feels unsafe in the Starlyn manor no longer being Luna or Lady of the Colony." Adda said. Judge Ackermanspoke. the oldest of the Grand Council, was known by all for his harsh judgments. His Deep-set blue eyes, which have witnessed the passage of centuries, landed my lawyer. "I wish to hear this." his soft-spoken voice said as he moved back a brown lock from his eyes. "So, Lady Starlyn, did you ever participate in the Faye Hunts?" Adda asked. "Yes, a few times.." Lady Priscilla's admission hung in the air. "But that was long ago, before the accords." My mother added quickly, her hands trembling. Adda paced slowly, allowing the weight of her words to settle over the courtroom. "And during these hunts, what was your role?" My mother hesitated before speaking. "I was young, following the customs of our kind at the time. I never led the hunts, but I was there, as were many of us." Tanner stood, his objection ready, but Judge Ackerman raised a hand. "Let her speak, Counselor. This context is relevant to Ms. Millie's safety concerns." My mother soon continued. "We have evolved now and learned to coexist. Millie's safety was never in question in the Colony." Adda nodded. "Thank you, Lady Starlyn, No further questions." Tanner stood up. "Your Honor, may I proceed with Lady Priscilla's cross-examination?" Judge Ackerman nodded, his deep-set blue eyes shifting to Tanner with an expectant look. "Lady Starlyn, you spoke of the past hunts. Would you say that the values and actions of our kind from those times reflect who you are today?" Tanner Asked "No." My mother said. "Has Millie ever been in danger with you or anyone in the Starlyn Family?" Tanner asked. "Never." My mother responded without hesitation. "She was, and always will be, considered family." My mother added. Tanner nodded, turning to face the jury. "Your Honor, jury members, Millie's safety and well-being were never fully at risk within the Starlyn Colony. Thank you, Lady Starlyn. No further questions." My mother stepped down as I saw the Judges discuss among themselves. Judge Gracia was the only Judge who had yet to speak. Judge Garcia, the last member of the Grand Council, was a Colombian-American. Her black hair, braided to one side, showing at the onset of distinguished gray at the temples, motioned for the defense to call the next witness after consulting the other judges. Tanner Stood up and sighed. "We call Dr. Manchester to the stand." he said as I saw the Vampire Doctor take the stand and be sworn in, sitting as Tanner questioned him. "Can you please state your full name to the court?" "Doctor, Simon Manchester." The Doctor said. "Dr. Manchester, were you the doctor who saw my client the day he was admitted by his family for forgetfulness?" Tanner asked "Yes. "Dr. Manchester said. "How would you describe his behavior?" Tanner asked. "Well, he came in fine but soon started throwing the furniture around, so he had to be sedated and transported to his room." Dr. Manchester said. "Have you ever seen Alpha Lewis behave this way before?" Tanner asked. "No, and I have known him for 300 years." Dr. Manchester said. "Your notes say your test found high dosages of venom and sulfur in his bloodstream. Is that correct?" Tanner asked. "Yes, causing him to do what the lab and visiting Doctor said to be Succubi Poisoning, matching to Gracie Lakely, his second-chance mate." Dr. Manchester said. "Thank you. Nothing further, your honor." Tanner said, moving to sit down as I awaited Adda to begin his cross-examination. "Dr. Manchester, given the rarity of Succubi Poisoning, can you elaborate on the symptoms that confirmed this diagnosis?" Adda Asked. "Well, we had to ask for help from a Doctor who is here on a work visa from the Infernal realms, Dr. Sawyers, who called in a favor to summon the Healer they knew, Healer Isla, from the Infernal realms to assist in making the test." Dr. Manchester said. "And the symptoms of the poison were?" Adda asked. "Hallucinations of carnal desire, false lustful dreams, visions or false memories placed, mate bonds intensified, paranoia, forgetfulness, among other things." Dr. Manchester said. "Would someone as old as Alpha Luis know the symptoms of this if he were to drink from, say, the blood of a Succubi?" Adda asked. "Yes, Succubis have been studied for a long time along with their male counterparts, Incubi." Dr. Manchester said. "And did Alpha Luis seem to regret drinking from Ms. Lakely to mark her?" Adda asked. "No, in fact, he demanded she be innocent. I had to bring in nurses from the hospital to inform him as such." Dr. Manchester said. "Thank you. No further questions." Adda said that as Dr. Manchester stepped down, the Judges called for another thirty-minute recess before going to our last three witnesses. I breathed raggedly, controlling my rage at being made a mockery by those who were supposed to serve me, including my colony hospital staff.
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